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Kingdom Hearts 3 - Graphics update comparison

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Mickey looks better, can someone make an image from his 0.2 model to the KH3 model because he looks like an actual person now, in 0.2 he looked like a toy but in the new trailer he looks way better! he only needs some facial animation in that scene but this is a giant improvement KEEP IT GOING SE!

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Mickey looks better, can someone make an image from his 0.2 model to the KH3 model because he looks like an actual person now, in 0.2 he looked like a toy but in the new trailer he looks way better! he only needs some facial animation in that scene but this is a giant improvement KEEP IT GOING SE!

I have a feeling that the models in 0.2 are/were somewhat beta KHIII models, because yes, these models are very much improved.


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