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Does anyone find Re Chain also unplayable?

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Have you tried using the Jafar card? It's like the Thunder Surges in BBS or the Balloon spells in DDD.


Now I try:)

I also see now people getting PTSD attacks on the Riku boss fights xD

Chain of Memories is a fine wine that only cultured people can truly enjoy

Where are yiu going with this exactly? that I and others are not cultured? can you go a bit more into depth here please?

Edited by AwesomeKHfan

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to be honest i found the repetitive structure of the worlds redundant (i had to Earn those cutscenes!) but in terms of the card mechanics? it isn't too difficult once you get the hang of it! boss fights are actually really fun bc you feel like some kinda yugioh kid building your deck and whipping out your cards and sleights, even though it isnt a very complicated system it made me feel like i was a pro hehe. just take some time to practice! i believe in you!

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I wouldn't say that the game's unplayable, but it gets boring really quickly. The story, on the other hand, is almost unforgivable. At least in how it's told. I have a thing that I said in my own thread about the side games in this series. Most of them feel like they were written without Tetsuya Nomura's input because of how inconsequential or lacking they are. In fact, Chain of Memories was only written by one writer of the first game; Daisuke Watanabe, with only 1 of the other writers, Kazushige Nojima, was a supervisor on the script for the game. This lead to some bad things like character inconsistencies or other writing inconsistencies, but it's also in-line with the first game. Nojima went on to write KHII, with Watanabe & newcomer Harunori Sakemi helping him. He'd also be credited as a writer for FFXV years later. Watanabe would also write or be a supervisor for later games, but hasn't been involved with the franchise since 2010. We'll see if he's involved with KHIII, but that's months away.

Anyways, Nomura only most likely had not a lot of involvement with the game. He just laid out what he wanted in the game, like the main story & gameplay, then let his writer & programmers have at it while he mostly focused on KHII's development. This resulted in the game being half-assed with both the writing & combat. All of the other games seem to follow this trend except Birth By Sleep & Dream Drop Distance, where BBS is at least able to tell a story close to the level of the other games, since it's a prequel with not a lot of direct ties with the earlier games, while DDD is overly cooked in an attempt to finally have the side games feel like the main installments, as well as match the quality of BBS, if not outdo it.

Yeah, I think there's problems with these games, but "unplayable" isn't one of them. "Boring," "confusing," "don't need to exist," "half-assed" is what I'd say before unplayable.

Edited by Scsigs

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