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Text me + poetry = this thread

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3 weeks ago, poetry entered my soul, I started reading others's work on DA and even wrote two pieces on a certain moment, when there was too much emotion for my heart to handle, so the forst time in life I shared it with a the paper. Tell me what you think:



Heaven's Angel (this one received 3 favs's on DA)


I no longer carry weapons or poisons

I got no teeth and no claws

so why do I keep hurting others?

why my words still turn into saws?


there is something wrong with me

but I just can't see it

my eyes see only what's in front of me

they can't see me

mirrors show only the opposite

then how can I ever see

what is wrong in me?

if i'm blind

I can't see



Heaven's Angel, please be my guide

Heaven's Angel, plase guide me

Show me how and what to change in myself

once my eyes can't see me

I'm blind, I'm ignorant

That's not the way I want to be

trust now that I say the truth

forget the lies I always use

to hide how desperate I am right now

trying to change something in me

and don't knowing even what or how



I need to change

now or never

I want to change

defnetly, forever

so I won't hurt anymore

I don't want to hurt anymore

I don't want to hurt you

I don't want to desappoint you

Not again

Heaven's Angel

Whenever I hurt you

I feel double the pain

because you don't deserve it

So I want to change



So I will change

From now on

I'm someone else

I will become

pure love



I will

leave the past behind

And forget that once

I was lost and blind



I will


for you

Heaven's Angel






How could my hands betray me? (one person added it to the the fav on DA)


How could my hands betray me?

How could they escape from my control?

how could they hurt you with no mercy?

I just don't know


You hide most of your pain

but I can see your silent tears

the tears were not cried in vain

they attack the agressor when she gets near

I am the aggressor, sad truth

I've hurt you

that's true

but I didn't mean it

I swear

My words are unpredictable

turning into bullets when I don't expect

my hands betrayed me

I thought they would save you

they sculpted your suffering instead


I wanted to touch your shoulder

and cheer you up, you were sad

my hands - what have they done?

they've hurt you instead

my comforting words became

bullets, my lips shot them ahead


I've hurt you, I know

But I didn't mean it; although

that's not what the smile

on my face insists to show

My face is a mask

hiding that I've hurt us both

I'm crying as well

but I don't deserve to show it

I'm hurt as well

but I don't deserve to tell

I don't deserve to complain

about my own pain

Because I gave it to someone else

someone else is hurt as well

because of me

but I didn't mean it

I couldn't see

My hands betrayed me



Now I feel the pain from you

the pain from your tears

I am hurt too

and I don't even want to get near

to ask you for forgiveness

my hands may betray me again

hurting you

causing more pain

instead of showing you

how sorry I am


*author's coments abpout both poems: if your daugher ever dedicated such poems to you, would you forgive her?*


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Namine you are an amazing poet, I wish I had your grace and skill. To answer your question I believe he would because after my father left I dedicated alot of horrible poems, far worse than these and I sent them in an e mail to him. He was not mad but burdened by the realization he got from my words. I really enjoyed these and they spoke to me so I want to thank you for writing such beautiful pieces of work for all of us here who needed them.

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thanks antrium, I wish i had your creativity and unique way of writing, just answering: me and mum are ok now, i didn't even show her what I wrote, but never mind...Thanks for rading and if anyone could give some critics I'd be glad in hearing them :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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