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Character Sheets:




Name: Sky.


Age: 16.


History: A young man hailing from the World known, as "The Fate Archipelagos" or "The Archipelagos of Fate", as known otherwise, Sky is one of three chosen Keysword apprentices that has been foretold within a certain ancient prophecy that he would be one of the individuals that would lead an army into finally both defeating and destroying the Heartless Xehanort both once and for all time, despite being the youngest of the three, Sky is known to be a charming individual full of charisma, although he may seem both dull and full of stupidity at times, he in truth actually has a both keen and broad mind but at the very same time, he is willing to see others more for their positives rather then their negatives, it is because of his personality that he is chosen out of the three apprentices to lead the group of three including himself once they have united at the destined place and once there, they will fight the Heartless Xehanort and save the entire universe itself from it but before that, Sky, unlike the other two apprentices, is attempting to circumvent the prophecy that speaks of the Heartless Xehanort's inevitable return by trying to both seek out and stop the ones trying to revive the beast, the Cult of Nobodies, because of this, Sky albeit not on purpose intent causes the three apprentices including himself to split up apart and go their very own separate ways to other different Worlds with the other two apprentices believing that they can stop the Heartless Xehanort all by themselves respectively, now Sky believes that he must reunite the trio and together stop the Cult of Nobodies before they can succeed at their goal but will it be, as so easy, as Sky wonders to himself perhaps?


Personality: The alternate version of Sora, Sky is trained by Wind, the alternate version of Ventus and like both Land and Sea were trained by their masters both Earth and Water respectively, Sky is sent forth from his home-world to Lux Town to team up with both Land and Sea so that they can begin training with one another, in preparation for the upcoming battles with both the Cult of Nobodies and ultimately the Heartless Xehanort, Sky is a young and caring individual with a Heart of pure gold, he would never abandon his friends, family and/or comrades for any individual reason whatsoever, however, he also has a sense of incalculable courage and duty that causes him to go forth and protect those he cherishes, even if he does not want to leave them behind, he forms an intense rivalry with the apprentice of Earth, Land and has a keen interest in the apprentice of Water, Sea who is the same age, as Sky yet slightly older, as both Land and Sea tend to think more with their minds, Sky rather tends to think and especially act more on the instincts of his Heart, letting it be his guiding Key to wherever it takes him, Sky also has a curious streak, wishing to see more of what lies beyond the World of the Archipelagos, he can easily make new friends due to his kind and caring personality and even when there is danger in front of him, although he may be scared, he nevertheless steps up to the plate and fights for those who cannot defend themselves, he claims that his power comes from the bonds he has made with his loved ones and those all around him, their love, hopes and dreams for the future are what serve, as Sky's guiding Light and strength against the forces of evil, although this journey of his is a 1st step for him, he intends to take on this journey no matter what if it means helping save everyone in the entire cosmos, be they good or bad, such is the way of Sky's character and the personality trait of his inner Heart within.


Appearance: Resembles Sora from Kingdom Hearts III but has Vanitas' black hair and yellow eyes.


Weapon: Way to the Dawn.


Sub Weapon: Dream Shield.


Home-world: The Fate Archipelagos/The Archipelagos of Fate.


Species: Human.


Alignment: Good.


Japanese Voice Actor: Miyu Irino.


English Voice Actor: Haley Joel Osment.


Theme Song: https://youtu.be/kVFGC3j85ms.


"One Destiny, Different Sky.".

Character Sheets:




Name: Sea.


Age: 16.


History: The highly intelligent apprentice of her master Water, Sea, although possessing a fountain of knowledge for an IQ has trouble understanding emotionally wise both what a Heart is and what it means to have a Heart, she ponders to herself about the mysteries of the Heart and its makeup, especially about its strong power of having the ability to instantly connect one person's Heart to another's in multiple forms, a primary example that Sea has trouble with for example being the connection, the bond known, as love, she wonders how the term one's true love came to be and despite being tasked to work alongside the apprentices of Wind and Earth, Sky and Land respectively, she still wonders about the many multiple questions she wishes to answer for herself, she notices the rivalry between both Sky and Land and immediately calls it pointless, however, she is nevertheless intrigued by her fellow apprentices' unique characteristics, namely Sky's charisma and Land's determination, as Sea compares herself towards the two, she feels that for all her intellect that her IQ offers her, Sea feels doubtful about her abilities and that she could never succeed at the mission having been given to her by both Water and the other masters, nevertheless, she is determined to hold her own both with and against Sky and Land, wanting to prove her very own worth by planning to show her skills can aide everyone either on or outside the battlefield and that she wishes to help, as many people, as she possibly can without ever giving up on them, her comrades and especially herself.


Personality: The alternate version of Kairi, Sea is trained by her master Water of whom has sent Sea to work alongside both Sky and Land in trying to prevent the oncoming revival of the Heartless Xehanort, unlike Sky and Land who tend to lean more to using physical prowess during fights, Sea uses her keen knowledge to demonstrate mastery of magic that can be used to either fight with or heal others when they are injured during battle, like Sky, Sea is welcomed to having others join in battle alongside her and she has no problems improvising whereas Sky is slow on the uptake and Land prefers to work alone, Sea is a mature yet caring young individual who despite being emotionally distant from others, after a while of communication, she can form friendships and help to provide others whenever they are down and out, upon noticing Sky's interest towards her, she merely shrugs it off but overtime becomes curious about Sky himself, as he wonders about her, she in turn starts to wonder about him, Sea sides with Sky when Land tries to go off on his own and prove that he can take the Heartless Xehanort down all by himself, believing it to be sheer folly and that Land is walking into an early grave with a mindset like that, she acts like a concerned younger sister towards Land, as both she and him grew up together, as childhood friends on the very same World known, as "The Distant Outskirts", although trained separately under different masters, the two more or less kept in touch and Sea starts to worry about Land starting to veer off on the wrong course, getting into arguments with his own master, despite all this, Sea still tends to focus on the mission at hand and intends to fulfill it no matter what, despite what she may lose in the process.


Appearance: Resembles Kairi from Kingdom Hearts II but has Xion's black hair.


Weapon: Kingdom Key D.


Sub Weapon: Dream Rod.


Home-world: The Distant Outskirts.


Species: Human.


Alignment: Good.


Japanese Voice Actress: Risa Uchida.


English Voice Actress: Alyson Stoner.


Theme Song: https://youtu.be/kVFGC3j85ms.


"One Destiny, Different Sky.".

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Ever since I made my character and read the characters that others have made, I've been wondering on who will be accompanying who on their journeys, especially with the info that Land trying to go solo amd the three of them are going their own courses throughout the worlds. It would be interesting to see what would happen when everybody meets up

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Character Sheets:




Name: Land.


Age: 17.


History: A young man and the oldest out of the three Keysword apprentices chosen for a great task that is right in front of them, Land is a very hot headed youth with a very strong burning competitive streak, he deems and considers those "beneath" him to not be in the same league, as him whatsoever and that he can do just fine all by himself, he instantly causes a fight with Sky upon meeting him, believing that Sky will just slow Land and Sea down, however, Land holds Sea in some form of regard due to being childhood friends, having grown up together in the same World despite being taught under different masters, because of Land's rash personality, he has lately been getting into arguments with his master Earth and that Earth had chosen Land to represent Earth, as his apprentice in an attempt to hopefully redeem Land and make him see the error of his ways, despite knowing his master's intentions, Land nevertheless goes out into the Worlds, wanting to explore new horizons beyond that of The Distant Outskirts, Land's strength when compared to both Sky and Sea is by far unrivaled and wields his Keysword with exceptional skill, even when he has no talent or mastery in the mystical arts, instead he makes up for this with brute force and strength and applies his unique sword abilities onto all his sword based weapons, namely his primary weapons both the Kingdom Key and the Dream Sword, also, Land has been showing a more Darker side of himself, as of late, causing the masters, especially master Earth to worry in fear of what this could mean, the masters implore Sky and Sea to work together with Land and that by uniting, as one, will the three achieve their united objective of seeing an ancient prophecy fulfilled and the Heartless Xehanort finally destroyed forever from the faces of all of the Worlds.


Personality: The alternate version of Riku, Land is brash, arrogant, thinks highly of himself at times, volatile and speaks out of place sometimes too, even when upsetting others, however, despite all of his negative traits, he possesses at the core of his Heart a wish to do good for the entire universe itself, Land alongside Sea grew up hearing stories about an ancient prophecy called "The Door to All" that speaks of three Keysword wielding apprentices leading others into battle against the dreaded beast, the Heartless Xehanort and finally bringing an end to the demon both once and for all time once all Hearts have been united, as one and the doorway to the heavens will supposedly open, hearing this story time and again upon growing up, Land was both inspired by and sick of the prophecy, instead, he wants to fulfill his own version of the prophecy, that there need be only one Keysword apprentice that can destroy the Heartless Xehanort and bring peace throughout the universe everlasting, Land has always dreamed of fulling this goal, making it his life's one and only dream, to him, it was the only way of ultimately proving himself to everyone else and that he will stop at nothing until he has achieved this personal objective of his he has made for himself, however, as Land divulges deeper and deeper into this personal mission alone, he has started to awaken something buried deep within him, something...sinister, as he travels by himself to other Worlds once he, Sky and Sea have separated from one another at Lux Town, Land takes different actions to both Sky and Sea and starts interacting with those more against the idea of balance rather then the idea of keeping it and unifying it, Land wonders to himself if balance in one's Heart is really necessary to keep the peace of the Worlds in check and why would no one ever want to bend the rules, even if that meant circumventing the ordinary rules themselves and keeping balance either way, these are life lessons that Land would learn on his journey, being the bearer of the Keysword of Light, whereas Sea is the bearer of the Keysword of Darkness and lastly Sky is the bearer of the Keysword of Twilight, not to mention being the leader of the "Trio of Fate", Land, Sea and Sky's destinies...are tied.


Appearance: Resembles Riku from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance but without the Spirit Dream Eater Emblem on his back and having Riku's long hair instead, lastly having a black X across the back where the Dream Eater Sigil should be.


Weapon: Kingdom Key.


Sub Weapon: Dream Sword.


Home-world: The Distant Outskirts.


Species: Human.


Alignment: Good.


Japanese Voice Actor: Mamoru Miyano.


English Voice Actor: David Gallagher.


Theme Song: https://youtu.be/kVFGC3j85ms.


"One Destiny, Different Sky.".

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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"...Worlds are more connected then we think, such, as are Hearts...we tend to declare what we know about the Heart itself is everything...but, we couldn't be anymore wrong and further from the truth, now watch, as we bring about a story that will truly make us understand, just exactly what a Heart is..."


Lux Town-The Town of Sovereignty.


"...WOOOW!!! a new World! a whole brand new World!! i can't believe it! i actually can't believe master Wind has let me come here to a new World! gosh, i sure am excited for this! i can't wait to meet the other two apprentices! i wonder what they are like..."


said a young man holding a backpack over his shoulder, as he jumps off without warning from an air carrier and finds himself looking around at new sights and scenes going on right in front of him with full of tons of people of all kinds, shapes and sizes...this young man is named Sky and he is the Keysword apprentice of master Wind from the World of the Fate Archipelagos or the Archipelagos of Fate, as otherwise known, it is here that the young Sky is destined to meet up with two others and thus, will their story finally begin.




Tutorial Chapter: Three Youths and Connected Hearts.

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Here in this topic is fine by me.  I think that might save a lot of trouble with going from one place to another, especially since it freaks my computer out a little bit.  Bon chance, everyone, however the pieces lay!

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Well, if that's the case, then let me have a crack at it then




Lux Town - Apartment Complex


Raven suppressed a groan when he heard his alarm ringing before slamming his hand on the snooze button. He yawned as he got ready for the day by heading straight to the bath before eating breakfast. After cleaning the dishes he grabbed his leather jacket from the coat rack and did a last minute check on his equipment. His dual handguns were hidden inside his jacket while the kukri was strapped across his hip. Nodding in satisfaction, Raven left the building and went straight towards the landing pads, where he was stationed for the week.


Lux Town - Landing Pads


For the most part, it was a beautiful day. The sky was blue, the sun wasn't that hot, and the cool breeze was lapping against his skin. Though that didn't change how the fact that he was bored as hell. At least when he's patrolling the alleyways he could fight some thugs or the occasional monster, but being in the landing pads made it difficult to have fun with all of its strict rules and regulations. Raven couldn't even talk to any of his co-workers since they were as stiff as boards. Sighing, Raven surveyed the area one more time before seeing a boy, probably a year or two younger than him, just... jump out an air ship with no disregard for his safety! It was utterly dumb and dangerously! Something he wished he could do


Seeing the guards walk up to the boy, Raven decided to cut the lad some slack and placed a hand on his co worker "Hey man, why don't you get yourself some coffee and let me handle this, alright?" He gave the guard a wink and walked towards the black haired youth with golden eyes "Hey there, I'm guessin' ya new around these parts? Now I know I would enjoy as much as the next guy that jumpin' out one of em air carriers would be fun, but there are rules around these parts. You can't just do stuff like that."


He smirked before offering his hand "Name's Raven, what's yours?"

Edited by LordAxel20

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"Oh, really? sorry about that, this is my 1st new World and well, i'm kind of just getting started to get use to the rules around here, heh, anyways, my name's Sky, nice to meet you, Raven." said Sky, offering his hand towards Raven's and shaking it, having found his first new friend in a whole brand new World.

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- Nallan Asad - Landing Pads -
The morning started out similarly to most others for Nallah, starting really early and by hitting the ground running.  Her sooty eyes perused the crowd as she walked through the busy terminals of Lux Town, attempting to be one with the crowd for the majority of the time until she asked questions of the local populace.  Unfortunately for her, there was little relevant information of use, though the population did show some prowess when it came to acrobatics.  A boy jumped adroitly from an air carrier to the ground and softly landed in the end.  Her hand relaxed from the hilt of a particular Dagger of Time on her hip and she sighed in relief.  She did not have to rewind time in order to rush to his aid.  Furthermore, she did not have to use up a slot of living sand out of the precious three she had left.
She watched the two as they conversed for a time before moving on, reintegrating herself in the flow of people and heading to her next stop.  They seemed younger than she was and likely did not carry much information.  If they ever were destined to meet, it would have to be later.  For now, she had a cult to tuft and find.
Edited by Vaude

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{Malcolm Callik: Lux Town; Apartment Complex}

Malcolm walked quietly down the hall of the apartment complex, eyeing apartment numbers. He stopped in front of one and knocked on it after a brief pause.

"Lux Town Police Department!" He said in a clear loud voice. "I have some questions."

He listened carefully for any sounds coming from the apartment of his current lead, a young man only known as Raven. He expected some sort of escape attempt, but was prepared for it. After a few moments of silence, he raised his sleeve to his lips.

"Murphy?" he said softly.

"No one jumping out of windows, sir." Rookie Officer Kyle Murphy answered through the older detective's ear piece.

"Copy." Malcolm said, once again softly.

He knocked on the door again, once again declaring that he was with the LTPD and he had questions. Still no answer. He did hear a door creak behind him. He turned quickly to see a pair of suspicious eyes peering at him from behind thick rimmed glasses. From what little he could see, he guessed the person he was looking at was an elderly woman.

"Can you keep it down, young man!" she asked, sounding irritable. "Some respectable people like peace and quite."

"Sorry to disturb you, ma'am." Malcolm replied, pulling out his badge. "I'm Detective Malcolm Callik of the LTPD and I'm looking for the man who rents the apartment across he looks like-"

"I know what he looks like!" the elderly woman snapped. "He's out, so stop your banging and yelling."

She slammed the door, leaving Malcolm alone. Well, that was pleasant. At least she had given out some valuable information.

"Suspect not at home." the police detective said into his cuff as he walked down the hall to an exit. "You keep an eye on the apartment while i follow up some other leads. Do not approach on your own. Call me when you see him and then hang tight."

"Yes sir." Officer Murphy said, sounding a little crest fallen.

Now, to figure out where this Raven character was.

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"Sky eh? Nice to meet ya bud! Don't worry 'bout breaking the rules, well, at least for now. I should know just how thrilling it could be to travel to a different planets from your original one. Lot's of new areas to explore and what not." Raven tilted his head slightly, the ever present smirk still on his face "Nice grip you got there." He took a good look of the boy in front of him, and took note of the fact that they both had identical black hair and golden eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a loud shout of anger and humiliation


"RAVEN!" An obese man in a business suit came out and pointed a finger at him, his face was red from anger and embarrassment. Which is understandable since he was I completely drenched with soiled milk, an empty bucket lying nearby. "I SWEAR TO THE HEARTS THAT WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU" he made a choking gesture with his hands and ordered the guards to arrest him.


"HAHAHAHAHA! You should see the look on your face boss Man! You look hilarious." Raven's eyes shined with mischief and amusement before turning to Sky and clapping his shoulder "Hey! What'd you say about ditching this joint and lose these nerds, after that I can show you around! My treat even!" He didn't give Sky time to reply before back flipping to dodge two of the guards that tried tackling him to the ground. He stuck out his tongue before high failing it out of there, passing a rather peculiar woman in the process.

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"Ah! wait up!" said Sky, chasing after Raven whilst narrowly trying to dodge the guards, Sky saw a nearby skateboard and had proceeded to pick it up and then use it to grind on nearby railway posts in order to catch up to Raven who had a head start before Sky, Sky proceeded to showoff his talents using a skateboard by doing a back-flip and other neat tricks.

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(2nd character)


  SPOILERS: Click to reveal


Edited by rikunobodyxiii

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  On 2/14/2018 at 8:56 PM, rikunobodyxiii said:

(2nd character)


  SPOILERS: Click to reveal



Please edit Rikunobodyxiii, the Heartless Xehanort isn't a man or even a conscious being, it is a monster filled with only instinct to cause chaos, mayhem and destruction, all in all your character is Accepted but please change the backstory a little since the Heartless Xehanort doesn't command anyone, it is only a monster that is driven filled with pure and utter rage incarnate.

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-Nallan Asad-


Nallan glanced backward one more time to witness the goings-on of those boys yet again -- brothers, she assumed, if judging from their remarkably similar hair and eye colours.   It seemed that either one of them was in trouble, if judging from the red-faced businessman that quickly attempted to call guards to the scene, and it was then that she quickly realised that another word held considerable promise for the two:  fast.  One skidaddled from the premises on foot and swept past the hem of her red tunic, and the other following him with a marvelous, if not showy, display of skateboarding.


Interestingly enough, they were heading in the same direction as she was, and as she had little qualms with running into them again while she searched for answers she continued on her way, eyes forward and always looking for someone that looked like they harboured information.


((I wanted to let you all know that I am rather slow when it comes to RPs and it takes me days to post for my characters, so feel free to bypass me when it comes to taking turns.))

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  On 2/16/2018 at 2:18 AM, Vaude said:


-Nallan Asad-
Nallan glanced backward one more time to witness the goings-on of those boys yet again -- brothers, she assumed, if judging from their remarkably similar hair and eye colours.   It seemed that either one of them was in trouble, if judging from the red-faced businessman that quickly attempted to call guards to the scene, and it was then that she quickly realised that another word held considerable promise for the two:  fast.  One skidaddled from the premises on foot and swept past the hem of her red tunic, and the other following him with a marvelous, if not showy, display of skateboarding.
Interestingly enough, they were heading in the same direction as she was, and as she had little qualms with running into them again while she searched for answers she continued on her way, eyes forward and always looking for someone that looked like they harboured information.
((I wanted to let you all know that I am rather slow when it comes to RPs and it takes me days to post for my characters, so feel free to bypass me when it comes to taking turns.))



(Its fine, take your time when your ready :].).

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((It's alright, everyone has their own pace. Btw, I think I'm accidentally leading the story rn so after this post we should be able to do what Iamnobody was planning on doing))


Lux Town - Street


"Show off!" Raven called out with a laugh before taking out his guns "Like hell I'm lettin you steal my thunder!" He switched out his magazines for ones filled with a special bullet he likes to call 'The whoopies'. Using a food cart that he saw in front of him as a jumping platform, he twirled in mid air before shooting two guards that were chasing them. The bullets themselves are non lethal in nature but still hurts nonetheless, not only that when the bullets found their marks they would squick out a fart sound before releasing a foul odor.


The guards started coughing before waving their hands in front of their face to ward off the smell. Raven just smirked as he jumped down a pair of stairs and into an alley way that led him to the market district.


Lux Town - Market


Raven sighed blissfully as he sat down on one of the benches. He stretched and felt his joints pop and leaned back in an relaxed manner. Staring at the sky he sighed "I'm so getting fired aren't I..." The teen turned to Sky and grinned "Well, that's no reason to stay gloomy." He stood up and bowed in an exaggerated manner "Tour guide Raven at your service! Is there a place you would like to see young master?""

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"Alley oop!" just then, Sky kneel downed on his skateboard before unleashing a huge gust of wind from down below the board that propelled him up towards the sky itself, it was though he was flying up above in motion all over Lux Town, of which he caught a good look of the whole city before saying to himself, as he started to fall back down towards the ground the words "Wooow! so this is Lux Town, huh? ...hmm? hey, what's that giant Heart shaped stone statue in the center?" said Sky, after successfully escaping the guards and catching up to Raven, he said to Raven "...Hey, Raven, i saw this giant Heart shaped stone statue in what looked like the town's central plaza, do you know what's that about?" said Sky, asking Raven.


(Have Raven say to Sky that they should go and explore the stone statue to find out what it is.).

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  On 2/14/2018 at 11:24 PM, Iamkingdomhearts1000 said:

Please edit Rikunobodyxiii, the Heartless Xehanort isn't a man or even a conscious being, it is a monster filled with only instinct to cause chaos, mayhem and destruction, all in all your character is Accepted but please change the backstory a little since the Heartless Xehanort doesn't command anyone, it is only a monster that is driven filled with pure and utter rage incarnate.

(Ah, my bad. With Calamity Ganon referenced, I assumed there was once an intelligence behind Xehanort. Hmm, that throws a bit of a monkey wrench in what I had in mind for Fiona and Nyx's story. I'll PM you and maybe we could come up with a substitute.)


  On 2/16/2018 at 2:18 AM, Vaude said:

((I wanted to let you all know that I am rather slow when it comes to RPs and it takes me days to post for my characters, so feel free to bypass me when it comes to taking turns.))

(No problem. Heh, as a slow poster myself, I can't really fault someone else for it.)


{Malcolm Callik: Lux City; in transit}

Malcolm walked the Lux City streets as he considered where to search for his lead next. The first place to check was the Landing Pads, where Raven had been spotted before. This search would have been easier if Malcolm was working a regular case, but he wasn't. He knew better than to try to get resources to investigate a boogieman organization who he suspected to want revive an ancient evil some considered to merely be a fable. No, he had to do this alone, relying on his own pocket and what was volunteered. That's how he got Murphy working for him. Young officer looking to be a detective someday and had wanted tips from a pro. Well, he was certainly going to learn the virtue of patience doing tedious tasks Malcolm himself didn't like.

After a while and more contemplating, Malcolm arrived at the Landing Pads. At first, everything looked in order, but he began to notice a few signs of a tussle. Including some gentlemen coughing and covered in a fowl smell.

"Excuse me, boys." Malcolm said pleasantly, pulling out his badge and showing it off.

"Detective Callik of the TCPD. I have a few questions."

He made sure the guards could see his hand was within easy reach of his sidearm, just in case.

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((Sorry for the delay, been busy lately. Also might not reply in the next three days. Just sayin.))


"That old thing?" Raven cupped his chin with his right hand before shrugging "I don't really know much about that. Just that the large thing's been here for quite some time." He turned around and towards the plaza before turning to Sky with a smile on his face "Sounds good! Maybe we can investigate it a bit, y'know, ask questions and stuff about it. Come on." Raven walked towards the center with his newfound friend


Lux Town - Central Plaza


Just as they arrived, the bells could be heard all across town, basically telling everyone that it's already noon. As such, it wasn't strange to find so many people milling about, and minding their own business. There were couples eating lunch in the restaurants nearby, and people merrily singing in a nearby bar. The central plaza was as lively as Raven remembers.


"Here we are. To the central plaza, a common hotspot in Lux town." Raven said before pointing at a large heart shaped statue "And that, my friend, is the heart you mentioned before. Pretty big huh?"

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"Yeah, whoaaaa! look at the size of that thing!" said Sky before just then, someone interrupted him, saying "...Hmph, took you long enough, shorty." said a voice not too far away, it was a person approaching Sky and the latter merely replied with a "Huh?" before just then, the someone approaching both him and Raven suddenly brandished a uniquely styled weapon and had attacked them both, Sky saw this attack approaching and had managed to push Raven out of the way whilst saying to him the words "Look out! gah!" said Sky, taking the brunt of the person's attack, the person lastly said towards Sky "...What? is that all you got? funny, i was expecting something a bit more out of you." said the person standing over Sky, acting all high and mighty whilst placing his unique sword like weapon across his shoulder.


(Battle Theme time! :], here it is in the following, ahem: 



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Raven allowed himself to fall down as he watched some random boy attack his new friends with that weird weapon. While it does look cool, it didn't seem practical at all. A key as a weapon of all things? Is that a joke? He sighed as he shot some whoopie rounds at the guy, not really bothering with aiming as the bullets seems to just land at his feet, staining his clothes with the putrid gas it released.


"That's some hello there bud, pretty unique. But I'd much prefer if you didn't just try to attack someone you didn't even know." He pointed at himself before standing back up with a raised eyebrow. "And what type of weapon is that? Cuz I don't think a key will be all that useful unless your bashin people's skulls with that thing or just shovin it into their sacred spots." Raven's right hand made a loop and his left hand inserted a finger inside in an act of demonstration.


"Now these are real weapons." He showed the boy his guns "Packed with enough firepower to send enemies flying to kingdom come," Raven grinned and pointed a gun at him "and annoying others as well." He emptied his gun on the boy until it ran out of ammo. Not really caring if it was dodges or deflected since it would still release a horrible smell either way. "What can your key do?"

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"...Okay, YOUR going to pay for that, punk!" said the tall young man, as he then answered Raven's question, saying the words "...You want to know what this "Key" is good for? simple, I'LL SHOW YOU!" said the young man, he pointed his Key shaped sword towards Raven and shot a beam from its tip right towards him, Sky saw this and proceeded to save Raven again by standing in the beam's way, lastly saying the words "RAVEN! GAH!!" shouted out Sky, the beam had hit his Heart of all places and Sky had then laid down on the ground, seemingly comatose, the tall young man laughed at this and said to Raven about Sky the words "HA HA HA! what-a-weakling! seriously, i don't know WHAT the masters were thinking, sending in THIS little punk to become one of the chosen three, seriously, if he is going to lose his Heart here and now, we have no need for him, now then, YOUR next, chump." said the young man, brandishing his Key shaped sword towards Raven, seeming that he was going to Raven until suddenly changing course, aiming for Sky instead, wondering what Raven would do next upon seeing Sky in danger.



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