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Is Anyone Worried That Kingdom Hearts III Won't Release Simultaneously Worldwide?

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Hey everyone, how's it going!? So then, as the title of this topic suggests, is anyone here worried that Kingdom Hearts III's release might not be simultaneous worldwide? What I mean by this is, what if it releases in Japan in September, but then we'd have to wait until November or December to play it? Honestly, that would worry me a great deal, as spoilers for the game would run rampant everywhere, and as much as I'd try to avoid spoiling myself, which I'm actually good at, my biggest fear would be getting spoiled on everything regarding the game, which is something I truly do not want happening!


For the good grace of all that is good in this world, I hope that KHIII gets a simultaneous worldwide release. Or at the very least, Square can do what they did with 2.8, seeing as how they released the game 12 days after the Japanese release! But even with that approach, there's still the risk of being spoiled! I just hope that they can do a simultaneous worldwide release, like what was done with Final Fantasy XV!


What are your thoughts on this, everyone?

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I'm not too worried, Nomura had said that he anticipates Kingdom Hearts III may hit Japan slightly earlier than the rest of the world, but the releases would be nearly simultaneous. http://kh13.com/news/famitsu-interviews-series-director-tetsuya-nomura-about-kingdom-hearts-hd-28-final-chapter-prologue-discusses-progress-on-english-recording


I know of course things can change over time, but they've been pretty good about keeping the gap between release dates across different regions smaller with recent entries, so if that's anything to go by I won't be too worried if the gap between KH3's release is just a matter of a few days or even one to two weeks. 

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I'm not to worried I can see them doing with what they did with 2.8 and have it be like two weeks apart from Japan and the rest of the world.  Although I don't see why they wouldn't be able to do a same day release date like they did with Final Fantasy XV.  I'm scared about the spoilers as well but hopefully we don't have to wait to much between Japan and rest of the world release if they do decide to do that, but I think we are done with the whole waiting for around 4-6 months between the different releases.

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Wasnt 2.8 originally supposed to be released worldwide before it got delayed due to FFXV being delayed?


Because this makes me think KHIII will have a worldwide release, even if it is delayed, because it's the biggest SE Game being released this year. Like if you compared it to FFXV and 2.8, it'll be in the place of FFXV this year. So all in all I think it'll be worldwide.


However I'm still worried it won't be because I DO NOT want to see any spoilers before I get it y'know?

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I am not to worried it's like WakelessDream said the Japanese and world wide release would be really close... My only problem is the spoilers on the internet and people who got the game early before the release date. When Telltale was working on the Walking Dead S2, Episode 4 was leaked somehow online 5 dars earlier and everyone was freaking out and yelling... Kinda miss the chaos xD.

Some stores sold the Witcher 3 two weeks earlier than the release date and the internet was full with it.

Me and a friend of my got Assassin's Creed Blag Flag 2 weeks before release.

Some people got FF15 earlier than expected to so I guess you have to clean your browser 1 month before launch.

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I will buy it from the japanese PSN store. The only time I did the same is Nier: Automata where the japanese version already had the English voices in the game.


If they are unable to release it worldwide the same time without a gap inbetween, I will simply buy the japanese version.

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Well, thank you all for your insight. Seeing all your comments gives me hope that we won't have to worry too much about spoilers, and hopefully we get the game simultaneously, or at the very least, a few days after Japan! But if it can be at the same time as Japan, it'll be even better! :)

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The game will release worldwide because unlike Kingdom Hearts 2.8, Kingdom Hearts 3 has been a game that has been anticipated by millions of people for about ten years now. To add to this, I think one of Square Enix’s CEO said that the worldwide release of Final Fantasy XV was so successful that they are planning to also do this to the newer games that is about to be released which they can expect to be extremely successful.

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The game will release worldwide because unlike Kingdom Hearts 2.8, Kingdom Hearts 3 has been a game that has been anticipated by millions of people for about ten years now. To add to this, I think one of Square Enix’s CEO said that the worldwide release of Final Fantasy XV was so successful that they are planning to also do this to the newer games that is about to be released which they can expect to be extremely successful.


That is a great relief to hear, and it only adds to the excitement and hype that awaits for Kingdom Hearts III, and I bet that when it releases, it's gonna sell like hot cakes! :D

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