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Is Treasure Planet the right choice for KH3?

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GOOD EVENING!!! Or whenever you are reading this. Please no talking until the lecture has finished so sit down and shurrup, I'm kidding. So I would like to raise a bit of discussion regarding whether Treasure Planet is the right and best choice for KH3? I know many people are assuming it's going to be in due to the two other Roy Conli produced movies and it probably will be but is it really the right choice?


My reason for questioning this is because we know that there is going to be less worlds than KH2 so in my opinion I think the maximum we are going to get is 7-8 Disney worlds. This does not include mini-game worlds like Atlantica in KH2, y'know the lesser Disney worlds. I'm talking the gigantic ones like Olympus and that Amazing Toy Story reveal, what a time to be alive. My reason is because it's taken us 4 and a half years to get just 4 Disney world reveals so revealing another 3-4 In it's final year seems about right. Personally I think we're going to get 7 max, with them being revealed at D23, E3 and TGS. I don't think we will get more than one revealed at once based on what Yasue said during E3 2016:


Yasue: Like I said about not showing much of Kingdom Hearts III at this time, there’s always a right time for everything. We want each announcement to be special.


So in my opinion if they want each world reveal to be special the idea of revealing two worlds at once would be cancelling each other out and would split the fanbase on which they we're more excited for. It would make it feel less special from my perspective.


Now moving on to the world's list let's assume that the Monsters Inc screenshots are real and y'know, for arguments sake let's just say that Frozen is in too because it's popular, then that puts the Disney worlds at a total of 6. Which means there will only be room for 1-2 more Disney worlds left.


People may believe there will be more than that and I don't mean to sound rude, but I think you are over-estimating the power of the Osaka team if you are expecting anything above 7-8 distinct Disney worlds to be quite honest. Considering the scale of them and then your getting original worlds, Radiant Garden, Land of Departure, Castle Oblivion, Twilight Town, maybe Daybreak Town from Chi, The Keyblade Graveyard and then potentially going into Kingdom Hearts itself, I think we're getting a lot there at 13 worlds. So I'll be glad if we can get 7 Disney worlds on top of all that with the scale of them.


So with all that said, I could be wrong, there is potentially only 2 spots left for grabs after Frozen and Monsters Inc. My question to you is:


"Can you honestly say that you want Treasure Planet taking up a slot when the spaces are now so limited based on what we know?" In my opinion, I know this isn't going to make me popular haha but if there is only two spaces left then I don't want it. Sorry but I would much rather have Wreck-it-Ralph, Emperor's New Groove and The Incredibles as those films we're so much better in my opinion but I agree that a space pirate theme would be cool!


But this is a discussion so I want to know what you guys think of all this. Sound off in the comments let's have a good time!


Thanks for reading.

Edited by SnowPint7Fourths

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Well look, we don’t know how many worlds will be in the title. Nothing has been confirmed. Although there won’t be as many as KH2, how many less could be anyone’s guess. Now as for Treasure Planet, I would say it should be given a chance to make it in and here’s why. It’s a new world. We all know that Nomura has basically said out with the old and in with the new in regards to most of the worlds. Now Treasure Planet I have never watched to be fully honest, but if it has a good story, it’s worth the chance. I still say put Atlantis in there because everything about it is perfect for KH3.

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Even if there will be more spots left, Treasure Planet shouldn't get one of them. Star Wars makes more sense.


Nevertheless it is unlikely that Star Wars will be in KH3 in my opinion, so Treasure Planet will be the chosen one. They aim to have a large diversity of worlds and Treasure Planet is really unique due to its space theme.

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Mind you he said a little less than KH2. 7-8 worlds is far more than a little less it's lower than KH1, which would also mean we know all the Disney worlds already...which is just disappointing.


As for Treasure planet, with lesser worlds can't say i would particular want it now. Ralph and Atlantis are my personal hopes for the last few worlds. I look at Treasure plant and i can't say i would particular find the world enjoyable to explore.


The shading and aesthetic of the movie is pretty unique but at the same time the areas themselves doesn't really look fun to roam around in.

Edited by GroovingOnUp

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Well, I believe that Treasure Planet would be a perfect film to integrate into the Kingdom Hearts series for the fact that it's a film we have yet to see debut in the franchise, and because it's an underrated film that not many people know about! By having this world appear, it would expose more people to this amazing, critically overlooked film! That, and the film has a very good story with strong characters and elements that would fit quite well within the Kingdom Hearts Universe! Just think of the crazy battles in space with Keyblade Transformations and everything! That'd be so badass! Atlantis is another world, that for the same reasons as Treasure Planet, deserves a spot in the KH Universe! KHIII would be a perfect way to debut these films as worlds!


I agree that Emperor's New Groove and The Incredibles would make for amazing additions, too! :D

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