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Things that has been bothering me for years in KH1

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I know Nomura confirmed that the Mysterious Voice was Mickey and Felixx's explanation for why Mickey guided him is plausible, but I always thought it was Ventus from Birth by Sleep (This is spoilers if you didn't play BBS yet, so don't read this part if you don't want to get spoiled.) who was the disembodied voice.  It just always seemed to make more sense to me considering it was newborn Sora's heart that was talking to Ven when he was in his fractured Station of Awakening when Vanitas was extracted from his heart. Not to mention, Ven has been residing in Sora's heart for about ten years since Sora was like 4-5 years old. He would've known Sora had the power to control the Keyblade just by residing within him.  (Spoilers end)


As for Sora and Riku knowing about the outside worlds, the Keyblade War was considered to be a fairytale (which it's actually not) that was told to some people. While it's a bit farfetched for me to say this, there were probably people that lived to tell and pass down the tale to future generations, which explains why Kairi's grandma knows about the Keyblade War. If tales of the Keyblade War were passed down, why not stories about the outside worlds? Maybe Sora and Riku's relatives used to tell them stories about the outside worlds and Kairi only confirmed these stories when she washed up on the shores of Destiny Islands when Sora and Riku were young children. Not to mention, the islands they live on seem really tiny and the main island most likely doesn't have a very high population, so they probably know almost everyone on the islands. They've never seen Kairi before, so maybe their very much imaginative minds started to run wild and they instantly thought Kairi must have been from a different world. Which she is. As for why they absolutely had to leave, the answer is simple. Children, especially teenagers, are very adventurous. Sure, they love their home, but living on such a tiny, carefree island, I'm sure things would getting boring pretty fast. As for the reason why they knew to build rafts and sail through the sea to get to other worlds, Kairi did come to Destiny Islands via the sea (Kairi washing up on Destiny Islands is shown in the KH 1 Manga and not in the games. so I don't know if this is 100% true.)They probably just guessed that you could travel to other worlds through the sea. Those are my theories on the matter, so I could be very wrong.

Edited by ITzDarthLordRevan

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Let’s not forget that Aqua and Terra did visit Sora and Riku when they were little. You’d think Riku would remember some random guy coming out of nowhere and giving him a key to hold. They probably wonder where Aqua and Terra came from, and why they never saw them again. Add in Kairi and the tales about other worlds and there you go. As for why they decided to leave the world on a raft, I don’t know. What would you try if you lived on an island?

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Yeah, the whole Terra and Aqua meeting Sora and Riku kind of slipped my mind while I was writing my last comment. Thanks for pointing that out.


If Kairi washing up on Destiny Islands isn't canon, they definitely had to build a raft of some sort. Of course, at the time, they had never seen or heard of a Gummi ship, Keyblade Glider, or Corridors of Darkness.  

Edited by ITzDarthLordRevan

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Riku asked to Terra also if he was from another world and he asked to him because of the tale of a young man (Xehanort) who go outside from the destiny island so yeah, like also KH3D basically confirms Riku (he said to Ansem SoK that everytime Riku seen him he remember of a promise he did to a boy in his childhood) choose to go outside for the promise to Terra of meeting him again



P.s. I'm really sorry for my english but it's really late where I am so I'm almost sleeping

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Well, remember that dreams can be about familiar things or about totally trippy things that one wouldn't even think of dreaming, so believe me when I say that Sora probably didn't even think of dreaming about Heartless. He must have just happened to dream about that. But seeing as how Mickey's voice was guiding him through the dream, I'd like to believe this was more of a sort of vision/premonition thing.


As for Sora and Riku knowing about other worlds, it's like other members here have said. Kairi coming from another world and young Riku having heard about Xehanort leaving the islands, and Terra and Aqua's visits, confirmed to them that other worlds are indeed out there! As for the raft idea...well, they probably thought it was a good idea at the time. xD

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Let’s not forget that Aqua and Terra did visit Sora and Riku when they were little. You’d think Riku would remember some random guy coming out of nowhere and giving him a key to hold. They probably wonder where Aqua and Terra came from, and why they never saw them again. Add in Kairi and the tales about other worlds and there you go. As for why they decided to leave the world on a raft, I don’t know. What would you try if you lived on an island?

Well to be fair the part with Aqua and Terra technically didn’t exist when KH1 came out, so we can’t really include that. But I agree with the rest.

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Well to be fair the part with Aqua and Terra technically didn’t exist when KH1 came out, so we can’t really include that. But I agree with the rest.

That’s not exactly how that works.

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Lol it is. Riku, Sora and Kair already knew about other worlds in KH1, when BBS wasn't even in Nomura's head.

Yeah but the story within the KH games exists in a completely different plain of exstance. There Nomura doesn’t exist, and the events of BBS would have happened regardless of what was going on in his head.

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Yeah but the story within the KH games exists in a completely different plain of exstance. There Nomura doesn’t exist, and the events of BBS would have happened regardless of what was going on in his head.

Back in 2002 BBS didn't exist. But Sora, Riku and Kairi already knew about other worlds. Meaning the producers, game developers, must have had a logical reason in mind, that had nothing to do with Aqua and Terra.


Of course you can say now they just added that as reason, but it wasn't the original one. That was my point.

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So why is Sora dreaming about the Heartless? what is the point of it it doesn't really ad anything to the story of the game I could just skip it and nothing would change story wise why not let the game start on the beach and learning the basics there?

There's no answer for this, but the series is all about destiny. Sora dreaming about Heartless just simply shows that he's destined to do what he does.


And who is that voice and why is it speaking to Sora like he need to open the door, I heard someone say it was Mickey's voice but if Mickey knew who Sora was before he got the keyblade why not send his slaves- I mean Donaldo and Goby:)

It's Mickey. Not really sure what question you're asking with the Donald and Goofy thing. Mickey did send Donald and Goofy to find the "Key" AKA Sora.



Than we have a scene with Sora and Riku talking about other worlds... Oke I know there a few people that still know about the worlds or just think it's a fable or something like that but how did Sora, Riku and Kairi get this information? who told them this? where did this information come from? Why did they think they could leave their world on a raft?

Riku totally seems on board for this because of Kairi but what equels WE NEED TO GET OF THIS WORLD?

They're just kids. By "worlds," they don't mean other planets in a massive space known as the Ocean Between. They're just kids who have the simple and vague dream of visiting other "worlds." Anything other than their islands would be a new "world" to them. It's like when adventurers back in the day would go out looking for new "worlds."


Another interesting thing to note though, is that way back in the Age of Fairy Tales when there was only one massive World/planet, all of the separate towns/regions/countries were called "worlds." It was a "World" comprised of many smaller "worlds." So, Sora, Riku, and Kairi wanting to visit other "worlds" ties in with that in a way. By "worlds," they meant other faraway pieces of land, just like how the term was used back in the Age of Fairy Tales.



But how did Riku get this information and ideas: Did Xehanort tell him and if so why does Riku buy it? Is it because Xehanort showed dark magic? Did Riku read a book? Did Riku HOW DID HE KNOW? how did he convince everyone into this?

He didn't get the idea of other worlds from anybody. As explained above, you're taking a small child's idea of another "world" too literally lol. But, Riku was inspired by Terra to visit other worlds.

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There's no answer for this, but the series is all about destiny. Sora dreaming about Heartless just simply shows that he's destined to do what he does.


It's Mickey. Not really sure what question you're asking with the Donald and Goofy thing. Mickey did send Donald and Goofy to find the "Key" AKA Sora.



They're just kids. By "worlds," they don't mean other planets in a massive space known as the Ocean Between. They're just kids who have the simple and vague dream of visiting other "worlds." Anything other than their islands would be a new "world" to them. It's like when adventurers back in the day would go out looking for new "worlds."


Another interesting thing to note though, is that way back in the Age of Fairy Tales when there was only one massive World/planet, all of the separate towns/regions/countries were called "worlds." It was a "World" comprised of many smaller "worlds." So, Sora, Riku, and Kairi wanting to visit other "worlds" ties in with that in a way. By "worlds," they meant other faraway pieces of land, just like how the term was used back in the Age of Fairy Tales.



He didn't get the idea of other worlds from anybody. As explained above, you're taking a small child's idea of another "world" too literally lol. But, Riku was inspired by Terra to visit other worlds.

But we never really got this dreams again and it doesn't change anything really, yes but it was never stated so far my knowledge goes that it was Mickey who was speaking to Sora and to be honest what 14 year old talks like that about ''Worlds'' I'm sorry but the hole logic when they called a new town a new World sounds really stupid.

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But we never really got this dreams again and it doesn't change anything really, yes but it was never stated so far my knowledge goes that it was Mickey who was speaking to Sora and to be honest what 14 year old talks like that about ''Worlds'' I'm sorry but the hole logic when they called a new town a new World sounds really stupid.

Nah bro it was Mickey. KH1  was a planned standalone game at the time. So other characters like Ventus, MX, Terra, etc... obviously didn't exist in that point of time for the dev team. They were only added on much later.


Heck even the Final Mix version later came out and had Mickey talk to Riku in the Realm of Darkness in the exact same manner in how the voice talked to Sora in the prologue.

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