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Games you played with your parents:)

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I have some interesting games I have played with my parents xD.


I played this game with my mother... Never ever I expected my mother be a bad ass police officer screaming out ''I AM THE LAW HERE!''.... So many good memories:)


My mother and I played only though EP2 and EP3 I believe she isn't a fan of zombie games and well me neither but I sure love this game... Except it's sequels.


I don't know which game but eh whatver there are so many dragon ball games yeah my mother and I fought a few times with each other in it.


I played a bit of Uncharted series with my father he likes it:)


Played it with my father well my father and I have the same tastes and we both like the open world, settings, characters, gameplay and story in each game (Except unity... And we haven't tried every title in the franchise).


My father went through this game with me he liked it:)


Perhaps more


There was this flying game with my father I don't know the name so I can't look it up

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I used to watch my Dad play Medal of Honor for the Gamecube, and played a few Donkey Kong and Mario games on the Gamecube and GBA... it was a lot of fun until he stopped after a while...

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My parents were never really interested too much in my interest of video games, but there are a few we've played together. 


I remember my mom playing Frogger on Gameboy Color with my brother and I, and then also a dinosaur hunting game called Carnivores, good times. xD


I also remember my dad really enjoying the bowling in Wii Sports with us, it's actually what convinced him to buy a Nintendo Wii for us. It was cool to see him so entertained by a video game, even though it's not something any of us play nowadays. :D

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My mom and I played practically my entire Nintendo collection together. :) So many great times and wonderful memories. I think most notably we played Kirby, Mario Kart 64, and Ocarina of Time. We also had a huge blast playing Gauntlet Legends for the N64 with my uncle.

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The first title I played way back then was Super Mario Bros for the NES with my mother.

It makes me laugh that, even to this day, when I feel nostalgic and plug my old NES and I ask my mother if she would like to play, she always moves the control when she is going to jump. I always have a blast when I can play Mario Bros with my mother.

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