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omg we is all going crazy!!!!

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i need to stop playing kh bbs for a few days because i had a dream that i was inside the darkness in terras heart and fighting xehanort to free him and i was like wow this is what kh 3 is going to be. wow its sad what a few hours of playing kh can do to you. xD!!!!!! and im sure plenty of you have had crazy kh dreams to?

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When I was waiting for KH2 to come out (I was probs about 13-14) I used to have dreams I was Sora all the time, haha kinda stupid now I think about it

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When I was waiting for KH2 to come out (I was probs about 13-14) I used to have dreams I was Sora all the time, haha kinda stupid now I think about it


its not stupid.... i have KH dreams all the time ^^;

maybe i am crazed >.<

my parents are always telling me that Kingdom Hearts is an un-healthy obsession of mine haha xDDD


oh well, its kinda true <3




i had this dream once where Sora went all anti-form and killed all his friends O^O

muahaha >83

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I've had so many KH dreams in so many ways in the last year I feel like I'm going nuts.xD But it's OK.Those kind of dreams are the ones that can make you smuile at times.Once I dreamnt that I was in a Gummi Ship along with Zack from FF:Crisis Core and Ventus from BBS.Best.Dream.Ever. xD

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If I have any KH dreams, I usually don't remember them, I usually only remember something if it has a lasting impression.


Actually, I think I do remember one KH dream I had, but it was just me playing BBS, I don't have the game yet :(

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When I was waiting for KH2 to come out (I was probs about 13-14) I used to have dreams I was Sora all the time, haha kinda stupid now I think about it


Roxas? Lol

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I have had so many weird kh dreams, they are always very strange too. they hardly ever make any sense at all. i think the funniest one i had is when my mom had to drive me and a bunch of kh characters to the gummi ship, and then we took the gummi ship somewhere, and i had to play this weird sport thing (it was sort of like soccer i think), and i remember i played against namine and she was wearing a headband, then i won, and then i forget.

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Weird for me, but I only had one Kingdom Hearts dream, and i play KH more than any other video game. In my dream I was the main charater and I was in Hollow Bastion(KH2), but some how I ended up in Terverse Town and went into the outside of Merlin's house and had to defeat Ansem the Heartless. Then, I went outside and went through the door in the Third Des. that leads to the 1st Des. But instead of going to the 1st des., I was at the keyblade graveyard at the place where the old keyblades are. Then I woke up. This dream happened a little after KH2 Final Mix came out.:|

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i had one where my heart was stolen and i some how became a nobody and xehnort came back cause he was the that stole my heart and i became the superior of the organizaton then every one called me a mini demmy andi was with axel roxas xion and axel eating ice cream together then sora found me and beat the living crap out of me then he found out i was his long lost sister and i was able to use the keyblade but mine was a black kingdom key... weirdest dream ever

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After finishing Kingdom Hearts; i had a VERY ODD dream (YES THIS DREAM IS TRUEEE) where there's two doors, one where Kairi was and one where a girl with teal hair


I had to help Sora choose which door to go through

(of course i chose the door with Kairi)

well......Kairi turned into this horrifying monster and ripped my head off with her teeth.......


then there was a GAME OVER screen and then someone (whoever was playing the game that Sora and I were in) selected CONTINUE

and then i chose the blue haired girl's door and then it opened and it had odd swirly things all in it that I flew through.....




I was an odd child......

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i had one where demyx mistook me for an organization member,( i was turned around. and i have a black coat that looks similar to organization coat) i turned around saw him he ran,i fallowed, then he disappeared. then i fell through the dark portal he used to escape and i fell right into the where nothing gathers room (the one with the thrones) and demyx was in his throne and when i looked up i saw xemnas looking right at me. then just as he was about to say something....,my stupid alarm went off!!!!!!!!!


i never had that dream again. i want to know what he was gonna say!!!

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when kh bbs wasn't realesed yet i had a dream it was in my hands! it felt so good! but then i woke up and there was no kh bbs :(


Same here when kh2fm wasn't released yet I had a dream that the game cover in the garden when I went there I open it and I saw the game !!! then I woke up and there was no kh2fm I felt sad that day

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I once had a dream where I teamed up with sora and riku and we began exploring my church until we found the ancient mew from one of my old pokemon cards come to life... Thinking back, I don't remember why we were searching for it...

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