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New enemy Theory/ Discussion

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I believe there will be a new enemy type present within Kingdom Hearts 3. Multiple heaps of evidence have led me to speculate this. I believe the new enemy type will be a manifest of the characters and ideas in the specific world you are present in. A darkness taking over a familiar attribute in the world. Take a look at the concept art for Big Hero 6 and notice there is a baymax taken over by darkness. Recall from Union X the nightmare Chirithy from wielders that fell to darkness. In the toy story trailer there are mechs that attack you, most of which carry a purple/ reddish pink colorway. Within the most recent Toy Story trailer Young Xehanort also specifically says "One heart's shadows fill the emptiness of another. See how they bring them to life?" and then goes on to say "Like Heartless and Nobodies, they fit together." Its almost as if he is gathering information on this. This could relate to something else but remember that this is the next numbered title entry in the series and big changes/ surprise elements are bound to happen. Basically this new type would always be dependent on the world and whatever is susceptible to falling to darkness within that world. You can even go farther and say the 2.8 secret boss did in fact have significant meaning and and the phantom aqua you fight is compromised of a darkness specific to that world and aqua. My next point could branch off but it could also be going somewhere. I know Unversed are only present due to Vanitas but take a look back at what they are based off of. Unversed were centered around emotion, in the series thus far there has always been a counterpart to an already existing enemy type (heartless:nobody/ dream eater:nightmare). The opposite of being emotionally based would be materially based. Material meaning physically and existing within the confines of the respective world. I'm not saying this enemy has to be an opposite of a previously existing enemy but it could be its own category. The new enemy type would be a dark manifest of a familiar being in a world, not a reoccurring enemy that appears in the same form across worlds. If Square Enix has chosen this route for a new enemy type I would imagine it would be fairly easy to incorporate lore wise. Let me know what you think



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