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Santa Claus is an ALIEN!

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Let me tell you the story of Santa's Origin remember this is all accurate because I was there:)

Along time ago one alien landed on earth and tried to destroy hole of humanity cause it was bored but it failed horribly because the alien had a chocolate cookie addiction!

After we humans killed the alien we brought the aliens corpse to the Spanish Research Facility near a village (Cause why the hell not over sea's) and we thought about making super soldiers and because the alien was so strong we used the aliens blood on children... And so Santa came into existence!

He killed terrorists left and right with his almighty Christmas presents of MIGHT! but one day he discovered his mothers name was miss SuksCoss and that was the alien! he stayd up for 72 hours and started killing everyone in the Spain village.

(Remember I was there I am one of the last survivors of the village).


I mean it he burned EVERYTHING



Santa is totally evil you see!


He died in the fire himself... I am writing this as I go along I am really tired... I might not even rremember what I just wrote down next hour... Hoped you enjoyed atleast:)

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