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Heavens Fang

3 more weeks till end of 2017: Anybody thinks 2017’s the worst for Youtube

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In 3 more weeks 2017 is going to end.... Serious discussion here, does anybody here genuinely hate YouTube’s guts as a whole to the point they can’t support it anymore? Don’t be afraid to give out your reasons in great detail. And don’t leave anything out.

Edited by Heavens Fang

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How do you mean? Can't support it anymore?

Where do I begin? Youtube's notification bell not working a lot of the time and not getting all videos upload from the subscriptions, Youtube's restricted mode censoring LBGT content despite Youtube's claim of being very supportive to LBGT content. Youtube's advertiser-policy being inconsistent (can't run ads on violent video game content but apparently real-life tragedies such as natural disasters and shootings are okay), the ElsaGate fiasco, random claims of copyright violation popping up; taking away people's channels and ruining other people's hard work, Youtube censoring content Youtube is not okay with politically, Youtube heroes, the ad-pocalypse,  you know pretty much Youtube being incompetent as usual. Seriously, it would have been a bigger challenge to list the things Youtube has actually done right and has really improved Youtube to being a website worth spending valuable time on. Youtube's idiotic and arguably corrupt nature is so bad people are actually going out of their way to make the Youtube Rewind 2017 video the most disliked video on Youtube and encouraging other people to do it via hashtag just to show how people very frustrated and legitimately angry about the current state of the site. I don't know if the movement will actually work but personally I would rather not even go to the site anymore. Too many problems are happening with Youtube and lots of people especially the big youtubers who are part of the rewind are not doing anything about it; like it feels like the Rewind is trying to distract us from all the problems Youtube is having and sweeping it under rug. It almost feels Youtube does not care what other people say and brushing any form of legitimate criticism aside just so they can live in their own little world and not taking the issues seriously. I don't want to lose faith in a website which has given fun content such as Kingdom Hearts iii trailers and analyses videos created by fans over the years but now I feel I have no choice but to lose faith and just move on from it. 




I can't trust Youtube anymore. 

Edited by Heavens Fang

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Would people stop demonizing Youtube for once...

I’m not doing this to demonize YouTube. I’m just frustrated when the website and the higher ups running can’t deliver promises which help to actually improve it. I don’t want to dislike YouTube. I want to support it, but after learning about the Elsagate debacle and people getting their content takened down unfairly via thoughtless copyright violation constantly I just can’t support it anymore. I feel I have no choice but to dislike it now. Lots of people keep bringing up the problems for a good reason, they keep on happening and the audience/consumers have every right to express their frustration over how nothing is getting/getting worse. If events like the ad-pocalypse and YouTube heroes keep happening and criticisms are not heard and not taken into consideration of course people are going to stay mad and lose trust in YouTube. The #tanktherewind movement proves that to be true. The participants on twitter involve with the hashtag are doing their own thing, but for me I am just not to pay for it. I just don’t want to have these thoughts bottled up.

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Would you care to explain why YouTube has kept you going?

It’s pretty much the only thing I have in my life right now. I seriously hate my life right now, and nothing has happened for except for working on YouTube projects.

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