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How did you find KH13.com?

How did you find KH13.com?  

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  1. 1. How did you find KH13.com?

    • YouTube.
    • Another Kingdom Hearts forum.
    • Friends.
    • Other.

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I found it by Google. I was searching for a Forum, because I'd always seen them and I wanted to try one out. I found KH Planet first, but I really didn't like it much :/ Too confusing--I barely understood Forums xD I found this next, played around for a few minutes, and found out I could get around pretty easily, and it wasn't confusing to me at all, so I signed up ^^

((Wow, this thread is old xD))

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well. I myself have been viewing a lot of kh sites and stumbled on this one through youtube and such. kh2.co.uk, kh-vids, kingdomhearts3.net, kh13, khinsider. so yeah i check with all three actually for news but, this site seems to be the best at getting the news out pretty quick.

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I found out about this from surfing the web on the laptop at home but that was the best 30 min search of the year next up what happens when you eat a sonic figurine.

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i was doing my research (which i did every day to see the new updates) about kh on the wikia and found this site, but wasnt really interested so i just came here to see some articles every now and then. but when i was searching on youtube for re:com cutscenes i found this site again so after i saw every cutscene i started stalking this site everyday, until i found out it had a forum then i joined in and now its my favorite site of all time. :D

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After awhile 4chan becomes old and boring.


So I looked for a new site to tromp around in, I liked kingdom hearts so I decided to find a forum about it.

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I think it was because I was looking for Re:CoM clips on YT. Either that or someone on KH-Vids recommended it to me...I honestly can't remember. xD

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