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KHCoM Re CoM controls help

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So this is gunna sound dumb but i was wondering how to switch between decks 1,2 ,3 while playing re com, i cant find the button ur suppose to press... haha, im sure this is very easy. also i was wondering, after i use a cure spell, does it automatically go away? because when i use them they are always gone and i thought they reloaded. get back to me soon i want to beat this game (haven't played it since 2004 with the original).

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You can't actually switch between the three decks during game play, it's just the same as with days, its just so you can have multiple versions readily available to you.


Also here is the thing about cards, there are some cases where they won't come back. These cases are:


If you use a sleight, the first card in that sleight will go away and you can't reload it unless you use a item card that will bring it back, like a high potion or Mega Ether.


Premium cards don't come back by reloading your deck after you use them, but I do believe they can be restored the same way that cards at the beginning of sleights come back, with specific items.

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no thats what i mean, how do u switch between the three in your menu, i cant find it out, like i.e. start button ?


Hm, I don't quite remember, I'll go take a look.

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haha i feel like an idiot but i cant figure it out and my game is used so theres no control guide.


Don't worry about it, here is how you do it.


Ok, you first press the start button to go to the main menu, then you go to review decks, then if you want to construct a deck other than the one you have, go to edit deck, then to go to one of the other deck areas, just press the R2 or L2 button, and it will take you to one of the other ones. To make that deck the one you use in battle, there should be an option somewhere under Edit Decks that will allow you to change which deck is equipped, I didn't take the time to check.


Hey, a little extra thing in the game that the manual doesn't tell you about for some reason, but when Riku is in Dark Mode, if you press the O button after jumping, it will do some sort of aerial dodge thing that brings you closer to the enemy in a good way, I found out about it on accident lol.

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