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your favorite kh logo..

Favorite Logo?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Favorite Logo?

    • KH
    • KH:COM
    • KH2
    • KH Days
    • KH BBS
    • KH CODED
    • KH 3D

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The original KH1 logo is my favorite. I don't know why, I just like it better than the others.


Also, I would say that the KH1 logo looks more blue-ish than the BBS one...

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idk, both BBS, Days and Re:Coded are... beautyful


but I guess I'll vote on Coded


My favorite is the Days logo; I love the color red and it also goes along with what Axel said, how "the red color travels the furthest" in a sunset or whatever.


He said That's the collor that travels the fastest.

idk about that, after all, all the light travels in a speed about 300000000 m/s, but Red is the warmest collor of the visible ones, and purple the coldest (or something like that)



according to wikipedia, red IS the fastest collor xD

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