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Vanitas VS Roxas

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Found this on Gamefaqs and thought it was pretty interesting. Figured I'd repost it here seeing as how this is apparently pretty popular to do, pitting characters against each other at their fullest potential ^^


But as always, I apologize if this has already been done. Anyways, let's review:



- Pure darkness

- several years of training under Master Xehanort

- ?-blade (remember, this is fullest potential)

- Endless army of Unversed



- Light

- Dual wielding Oblivion and Oathkeeper

- Being Sora's Nobody gives him plot hax to a certain extent

- Legions of Samurai Nobodies and other lesser Nobodies (Dusk, Creepers)

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There's no doubt in my mind Vanitas would win. Even with Roxas' dual wield and Nobodies, Vanitas has the 10+ years of experience and complete power over the Unversed working for him...and hello, x-Blade! The Keyblade of all Keyblade is in his hands! ;D

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There's no doubt in my mind Vanitas would win. Even with Roxas' dual wield and Nobodies, Vanitas has the 10+ years of experience and complete power over the Unversed working for him...and hello, x-Blade! The Keyblade of all Keyblade is in his hands! ;D


Um, I believe Vanitas has been nonexistent for those ten years between BBS and KH1 my good sir/ma'am, but I do believe Vanitas would have a upper hand, after all, he has an array of powerful spells, some powerful Unversed which he can just respawn once they have been killed, as well as the X-Blade! Roxas might be able to keep it up for a while but it wouldn't last in my opinion.


I remember when Darklunatic and I used to work together to come up with these, good times, good times.

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I'm not sure who would win since it could go either way. Sure Vantias has more experience but he would have some trouble with Roxas' ability to wield two keyblades plus he would have to deal with the Nobodies that Roxas could summon if he needs them to get out of a sticky situtation. But Roxas would have trouble too since there has to be a limit on how many Nobodies he can use because I think there's limit on the number of Nobodies there are in the worlds unlike the Unversed which return back to Vanitas after they've been defeated.

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i think roxas would win. I mean if VEN can beat vanitas with one keyblade, no darkness, and no nobodies, i think roxas with two keyblades, and alot of nobodies would win. And roxas doesnt need training. After he remembers his past, he remembers all his abilities he learned in Days. Thats why when he fights axel, he has a bunch of new moves in KH2.

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If it was like the Sora vs Terra then i think that Vanitas would mistaken Roxas for Ventus. A better thing would be Vanitas vs Sora bacause they look idantical except for clothes, hair coulor, eyes and voice.

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nice finding ^^


Vanitas would beat roxas


"endless army"


yeah, he would xD


but Ventus didn't hafta use two keyblades or an x-blade to defeat Vanitas. so if Ventus can beat Vanitas so can Roxas

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If it was like the Sora vs Terra then i think that Vanitas would mistaken Roxas for Ventus. A better thing would be Vanitas vs Sora bacause they look idantical except for clothes, hair coulor, eyes and voice.


Um i didn't understand that first part. What does Sora vs Terra have to do with anything?

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I personally think Roxas would whoop Ven's ass.

Come on. Did you see Deep Dive? And his fight vs axel in KH2?He pwns.

If Ven could beat Vanitas,Duel Wield Roxas would make light work of him.

Roxas seems more blunt than Ven,despite having the same heart, and Ven seemed easygoing like Sora.

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Roxas for the win:D seriously :

1.Roxas is the Main character (well in this fight;))

2.EVERYONE HATES VANITAS(well everyone from kh bbs)

yet Xion "loves" Roxas like family (part of each other duh),Namine loves Roxas due to SoraXKairi,Axel really loves Roxas and power of love conquers all (yu yu hakusho ref:D)

3.Roxas "is" Ven and Ven won so victory by default guys!

4.If it were a KH3,then we'd be playing as Roxas and we guys rock at video games! enough to beat some X blade Vanitas!

5.It would occur during "awakening" and so...Roxas would win....


I know Vanitas is stronger but Roxas is 1/2 Sora and Vanitas is only Ven's darkness.

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Vanitas because of speed clones and 4 years experience with Keyblades (this is his actual training time) then there is also the fact Roxas lost because he underestimates his opponents and how would Roxas reacts when an army of Vanitas Remnats pop out of his own body.

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Vanitas is ok.


Roxas is ok.


Ventus was ok.


So if Ventus defeated Vanitas, then Roxas would. But for me it will take like a million tries to defeat Vanitas xD. He so dang powerful. Maybe Vanitas will win!

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Vanitas is the embodiment of evil, and the Unversed he commands are his negative emotions, so yeah, he has the edge over Roxas.  Plus, with epic powers of darkness, not to mention an amazing Lingering Sentiment, yeah, I doubt Roxas could stand a chance.  (Or maybe it's just my fanboyism for Vanitas, but seriously, Vanitas would win!)

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Vanitas would win. he has actual training from a keyblade master. roxas has minimal training from his first few day in existence.


Ventus victory over vanitas was a Pyrrhic victory at best and aqua and mickey were helping him from the outside the entire time so using that as a base for roxas winning is negligible.

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