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FireStorm 162

Who wants another spin-off

Do you want another spin-off for the forgotten Org. 13 members?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Do you want another spin-off for the forgotten Org. 13 members?

    • Yes, i wanna get another spin-off :D
    • NO,ask again and you die :x

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I don't think anyone else has made this thread, but before the KH3 fans come to my house and stare creepily into my window, figuring out how to "remove" me without any trace, i want to ask if anyone else wants to have another spin-off, because i want to know about Larxene and the other 3, mainly Larxene.


So yeah, does anyone else want to see another spin-off. (to the KH3 fans, don't kill me :P)

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Why can't they just end the serie once and for all??

I mean, I love Kingdom Hearts (even if Im new on the games) and its one of the best games ever. But too do so many games (like Final Fantasy) can be kind of annoying (in my opinion).

So, No. No more spin-offs or whatever you call it.

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I mean another game about something other than just Sora, like how it was also mainly about Riku in CoM, or Ven, Terra and Aqua in BBS, i just can't think of another name for it except "spin-off"


They all play an important role in the series.

Without them Kingdom Hearts III Will make no sense.

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Wait, wasn't days mainly a spin-off about the organization, because all it eventually said was the story of xion, roxas and axel, and how xion dies and how roxas gets 2 keyblades, it didn't have much else to add to the overall storyline. Wouldn't that classify as spin-off? :s

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... Well, I don't think its up to you to decide what it is Sora, we should really discuss this, and lets expand on that


Every kingdom hearts game thus far are still within the SORA arc, they don't go any further in the future or past and they still have sora in some way and other reasons, such as the same basic all around plot every game contributes to in its own way, they have the same characters and still focus around the same factions. the only games that didn't focua truly around Sora was Birth by sleep, Days, and recoded since it wasn't the real sora. they can be considered spin offs


In genre fiction, the term parallels the usage in television; it is usually meant to indicate a substantial change in narrative viewpoint and activity from that (previous) storyline based around the activities of the series' principal protagonist(s) and so is a shift to that action and overall narrative thread of some other protagonist


and it apears that the three new games have met that Quota, Roxas was a secondary protagonist, Data sora was as well, and TAV didn't become so important until they got they're own game. So yes, they are all spin off titles, they may contribute to the same story, but it's at a different perspective.


and as for the topic of this thread Yes I like the new kingdom hearts games, and I think a real spin-off series (not a spin off game)would be intresting.

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I would like to see more spin off games, but only if they remain on the consoles I've bought just for KH, i.e the DS and PSP. I don't have unlimited money :(

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I think its more likely to have more games on PSP than PSPgo, because if they preferred PSPgo to the PSP then they would have made BBS exclusive to the PSPgo, but they didn't even bother putting BBS on the PSpgo, showing that they have no interest in the particular console.

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how would you know Sora, they never announced anything over the consoles except we can expect kh3 on the ps3, and 3d for the 3ds. and isn't there another game in the works, or is that something else I'm thinking of. And what are you talking about, they've made no comment over the pspgo, since its doinf horribly in sales, why would they publish a kh game on it? They didn't with BBS, and as far as I know they are not doing that with final mix either.

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If the PSP won't be around after KH3 then neither will the PSPgo, so u just proved yourself wrong


PSP Refers to the PSP 3000. When someone is talking about the PSP Go they say PSP Go.

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Says you, the ps2 went on for ten years then quietly died, the psp can do the same, and Sony has not annouced making a psp2, yet. this is all just speculation you're using, for all we know Sony might continue the psp for three to six more years or more. and we have no clue about the ds, just that the 3ds is coming out in like six months. and it would take a while to make KH3d, maybe three years or more like bbs. it took SE like a year and a half to make recoded, although, its probably cause they used the days assets. You know what, maybe we should discuss this in a chatroom, then on a thread.

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No for Re:coded they already had made coded, so its just a remake/port.

Psp2 what is that? lol


except it had all the assets from Days, it used the same engine, they could decide they might wanna port another kh game, or make a new one. and about the psp2, http://www.csmonitor.com/Innovation/Horizons/2010/0917/PSP2-is-on-the-way-developer-says

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There are not going to be anymore DS Games and probably no more PSP games.

Any and all future games would be released on the 3Ds and PSP Go.

Alongside the PS3.



If the PSP won't be around after KH3 then neither will the PSPgo, so u just proved yourself wrong


PSP Refers to the PSP 3000. When someone is talking about the PSP Go they say PSP Go.


Now, from the quotes above, you say that the following games will be on PSPgo, not PSP3000, but PSPgo has already been a fail and less popular than PSP3000, so it will go out of fashion first, meaning everything that you have just said is contradictary, and therefore irrelavent

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I didn't make a mistake, what I've said is mostly common sense.

There will not be anymore Kingdom Hearts games, for

DS, DS Lite, DSi DSi XL, PSP, PSP Slim, and PSP 3000.

Because they are all old models.

Despite games still currently being released for them. After KH III there will not be a single game being released for them nor will their console be selling.


3Ds and PSP Go Might have Kingdom Hearts games it depends on if there are any new next gen models at the time.

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but this is mearly speculation, the 3ds might make sense, but why would they release to the pspgo, if its doing poorly in sales, and disney doesn't like psn too much which is its only medium, which might of been one of the reasons bbs didn't get on the pspgo in the first place, if the psp3000 is no longer being sold what in the hell makes you think they'll still sell the pspgo, which was weaker to begin with, why would they release any kh game for it?

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I mean another game about something other than just Sora, like how it was also mainly about Riku in CoM, or Ven, Terra and Aqua in BBS, i just can't think of another name for it except "spin-off"


They all play an important role in the series.

Without them Kingdom Hearts III Will make no sense.


i agree. KH3 would make no sense without these "spin-offs" there fore they are not "spin-offs", they are main games.

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