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Any Japanese speaker here willing to help?

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Hey everyone, so i've been trying to teach myself Japanese for the past few months and I'm kinda stuck at one point. I was hoping someone who understands Japanese could help explain to me what's going on in these conversations.

Along side the actual conversations I've put my own translations of what I think is happening in the conversation so please correct me where I'm wrong ^^





Okay so this one I actually sort of understand, but i put it here so you guys could have some context to go by



My translation:

"Last night Tanaka-san called Jill late at night (via phone) and next the day she met Jill and said she wanted to talk about various things. After that they decided to have lunch together at a cafe` called Merci"

(At the cafe`)

Tanaka: I'm really sorry for calling you so suddenly late at night

Jill       : No, No, It's alright/it's nothing? How do you do?/ What happened (I'm a bit unsure about what "Doo shimashita ka?" means)

Tanaka: (face becomes a bit red) It has been decided that I'm getting married, to/with Sugiura. You've probably met him before.

Jill       : Yes! Sugiura-san! Congratulations!




Okay so this second one is where I'm getting a bit confused



My translation:

"The waiter comes and Jill and Tanaka order spaghetti and tuna salad, respectively. After that they resume talking"


Tanaka: That's why, after getting married, I was thinking of quitting my current job....

Jill       : You're quitting it for real?/Really, you're going to quit(your job)?

Tanaka: That is so...He told me to quit my job and do cooking and cleaning work at home. But/However, I already want to work a bit( or is it "I want to keep working a bit more"?)

Jill       : That indeed is troubling/worrisome. Have you told Sugiura-san you want to keep working a bit more?

Tanaka: I told him, but......

Jill       : Was it no good?

Tanaka: He said "You're joking right? so I didn't ask him. Because of that, instead of my job, I'm thinking of quitting the marriage. What do you think, Jill?

Jill       : Ah! That IS pretty troublesome.




And for this one I have absolutely no idea wtf is going on





My translation:

" After two weeks pass, Tanaka again says she would like to consult Jill about the marriage and calls/summons her to a restaurant"

Jill        : In the meantime, what has become/what has been decided about the marriage proposal?

Tanaka:  I finally refused Sugiura-san.

Jill        : Huh? After/Because he told you to leave your job?

Tanaka: Yes, a man who says it is alright (for me) to work [this was a small translation written in the book and it has me confused]

Jill        : I understand. You said there was something to discuss about the marriage, what sort of thing did you wanna talk about?

                From this point I have no idea what's going on, more than anything I really need the dialogue below explained clearly

Tanaka:  Actually, the go-between persons for the proposal...3 are coming, for that (?)

Jill        : Huh? As many as 3 came/are coming?(kita is past for kuru right?)

Tanaka: That is so....all of you are good at work, he(Sugiura-san) is a good person, although not being very handsome he is a fly in the ointment/diamond in the rough

Jill       : wow you really attach importance to good looks, don't you?

Tanaka: firetruck off jill





Okay guys, i hope you've enjoyed watching me butcher the japanese language. Now I would really love you guys if you helped me figure some of this out.
Along with that can someone elaborate on the meanings of:
sono koto de

donna koto



Thanks a bunch

Edited by Col.Random

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Donna koto means: what kind of...

Mittsu kita: here comes three ( this one I’m not sure but it definitely mentions three)

Sono koto: that thing


Of the second picture it says: I want keep working a bit more


Sorry I’m not sure about the rest

Edited by supermegaroxas

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