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Times like these are when I'm ashamed to be American.

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Alright, so there's apparently a girl from Denmark in my History class. Upon discovering this, a semi-friend of mine tries to find out where it is. I open up the History book I had, go to a map of Europe, and show her that it's north of Germany. Innocent enough. Denmark's not too big of a country.


However, then this one idiot says "oh, I thought it was the capital of Norway". I facepalmed for about 5 minutes at his stupidity.

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I'm proud to be an American... just not proud of that American nor the lady on that vid...



btw in my school half the kids cheated on our geography final... though ever inappropriate sounding capitols or countries... we all knew. hurray for mature 10th graders!!

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I was ashamed of being American ever since I was a born, so meh.

We have to realize that our country is chock full of those stereotypical blondes, those people who don't know shit, those drug addicts, and so on.


At least all of us aren't idiots though.

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This is just a quick in and out I'm in a hurry so I didn't read anything but the title. I often quote " ugh u don't want to be an American idiot!!" I really don't. I'd prefer being Japanese.anyway, just thought I'd bring that up bye!

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I'm proud of being American. I'm just not proud of the economy, the Big Brother-based government, and the jackasses who live here.


I'm just saying, it's not such a bad country when you get to experience everything that doesn't give us a bad name.

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I'm proud to be an American... just not proud of that American nor the lady on that vid...



btw in my school half the kids cheated on our geography final... though ever inappropriate sounding capitols or countries... we all knew. hurray for mature 10th graders!!



yeah, they had to make the city called bangkok...

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