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I literally ROFLed

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There is this Nazi kid in my school. And when I say Nazi I don't mean he is German, but I mean he is an actual person who believes in Nazism. Neo-Nazi's as they are sometimes called.


Basically he goes around and harasses the Jewish kids and swears at them in German. I came up with an ingenious plan to stop this or at least piss him off.


We don't have any classes together, however, on our way to our next classes, our paths almost always cross in front of the German class.


So I saw him today and stood in his path and told him.


"I recently learned that Hitler was Jewish and also had one testicle."


Lets, just say he went apeshit and started screaming multiple obscenities in German. It was almost like watching a Hitler speech. He was just screaming non-stop never stopping for a breath and his face was red. And he was right in front of the German room.


So the German teacher heard all of this and escorted him forcefully to the assistant principals office. They searched his locker afterward but didn't find anything. Which is a shame because I thought I saw a copy of Mien Kampf in there once.


Now he has lunch and afterschool detention for two weeks and I laughed so hard that I couldn't breath.


So I must say,


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I also managed to get that other kid I was talking about a few weeks ago to stop being a dick, well he still is a dick, but not as much as he used to. He is actually being nice to people for a change.

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Gah... I can't believe people still exist like that.. I mean how can you hate a person for their race, religion etc these days. I thought we've all evolved from things like that. But then I hear about stuff like that. Good job. Get him again if you can. But I'd watch your back, those guys seriously creep me the hell out. If theyre able to hate a person for being a jew, who knows what theyre capable of doing just because you said something demeaning about their... hero?? leader??

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You troll'd that kid hard, nice work Fred. I hate people that harass people just because of the way they look, their religion, or the way they act. It's a horrible thing to do, but unfortunately it happens quite alot still.

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HAHA Why don't I ever think of stuff like that?

Sucessfull troll is sucessfull rofl

Except, if I ever got in an arguement with anyone, I'd get my ass kicked like a pillow. you know, Im the wimpy kid -_-

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