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Info | Sign ups Meta: The Beginning

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The year is 2020 and the world is discovering a new gene in its genetic code. Every Homo-Sapien has a specific gene that allows them to obtain superhuman powers. Due to recent newly developed drugs and research to cure diseases, the gene has started awakening due to the body response to survive and not change. Now, fast forward 10 years later.


Several events have occurred due to Meta-humans and the governments of the world have passed the Meta-resignation act of 2023. It required every known Meta to register their powers and identity. However, several Meta-humans opposed the act. After another major incident in the year of 2026, the governments of the worlds have developed Anti-Meta task forces to begin arrest and eliminate Meta-humans. Now in 2030, the world is now ruled by the worst of mankind as not only did the task forces eliminate Meta-humans, but also people who helped them, and people who had a high percentage to become one.


Now, go back to 2020, who were the Meta-humans? What incidents occurred? This role-play and hopefully role-plays can help bridge the 10 year gap. Are you a Meta-human? Are you a normal human becoming a superhero due to Meta's? Are you part of the government who has discover them? Or are you a mastermind who will use this as an advantage to start your evil plans? It is up you to create the story of how this future came to be.


-Side Note- This is officially my return to the role-play section as I put a lot of thought into this. Let us enjoy this.



1. No God-Molding. Pretty simple

2. No overpowered abilities. Yes it is possible to have more then one power, but we are also human. We have weaknesses. 

3. Romance is allowed. Just keep it to a PG-13 rating. 

4. No taking control of characters unless given permission by the creator.

5. If you read all these rules, when signing up, go ahead and put the power you want irl

6. At last, let us have fun with this and create an interesting story-line.


-Sign Ups-






Power(if Meta):



Yes, you can have one then more character. I even encourage it. It'll be great to see how many stories we can tell and have them come together. Also, your character can be a normal human and also have them develop powers down the road, that is something that would be very interesting.


Now that wraps it up, this topic will be used to discuss ideas and also the general questions would be allowed. There are a couple of things that will happen in the shadows of the story, but that will come up in time when it is ready to arrive. Now, I hope you readers made it to the end of this(boring) introduction~. Lets have fun with this and I'll see you in 2020~~

Edited by terraxaqua34

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