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Sora not Roxas

KH2 A new Review? {final mix}

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Ok I must of missed something back in 2007, because I don't remember seeing this review.


Do you guys know what G4TV is? Or X-play? X-play is a show on G4 that's mostly made up of reviews. The host Adam Sessler I think it is, is a huge kh fan, so he mostly does every review on the series. I don't know how he got a hold of final mix but its pretty cool to see a review about it. Considering it won't come to the states. Or will it?



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It will never be released outside of Japan. The PS2 is dead.


He would have had a Modded PS2 or Swap Magic.


Don't be such a sourpuss, they'll eventually make a collection for the ps3(hopefully), and the ps2 is not dead, sony is still selling it, and games are still being manufactured for the system, its just old.

As for using a modded system it could very well be that, or maybe he just has a japanesse ps2, game review companies usually get the first version of a console to compare it with the localized version, and I doubt they would just throw it away.

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It will never be released outside of Japan. The PS2 is dead.


He would have had a Modded PS2 or Swap Magic.


Don't be such a sourpuss, they'll eventually make a collection for the ps3(hopefully), and the ps2 is not dead, sony is still selling it, and games are still being manufactured for the system, its just old.

As for using a modded system it could very well be that, or maybe he just has a japanesse ps2, game review companies usually get the first version of a console to compare it with the localized version, and I doubt they would just throw it away.



No one said they will make a collection for it.

The PS2 pretty much is dead. Sure you can still find PS2 Consoles and games around, but really no more PS2 Games are being released. Its really just left overs. A lot of shops have already stop selling PS2 Stuff like consoles and games.

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This is old. I remember it being shown on tv during TGS or something. I know it was near October or November though, so it was probably during TGS. It will never be in the states, cause if it was, it would have came out long ago.

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This is old. I remember it being shown on tv during TGS or something. I know it was near October or November though, so it was probably during TGS. It will never be in the states, cause if it was, it would have came out long ago.


Thanks for confirming this, because you actually answered the question.

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