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KHBbS If you could change one thing...

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Aside from making it a console release, what one thing would you most want to change, like things in the story, character personalities or costumes, music, etc.


For me, it'd have to be the world choices. I'm just not a big fan of Neverland, and didn't really feel like Deep Space was really a "world" since it was on the space-ship. They should have put Stitch in Hawaii (could have named it Exotic Beach), and should maybe have used whatever the town was before Pinochio (forgive me if I spelled it wrong) ended up in Monstro instead of Neverland.

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One thing I'd like, is to have Sora with normal shoes. I mean, really!

And don't even get me STARTED on the Man-Skirts. I mean, whoever uses darkness and has a darksuit has a skirt. WTF!

I'd like there to be more worlds, but Im not sure which. I wanted there to be more female carecters, even tough Im a boy, I feel like the ladies need theyre fighting time >:D

And I wanted staries to be sadder, like 358/2 days.

Oh and btw, The Yaoi speeches, like my signature, or

"Sora and Riku are togheter" or "No one would mss me""I would!"

and etc....

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I would like to make finish commands optional. I use Zero gravity, and I want to jump and enemies, but I have to go onto the ground, take time to do the command, miss everyone, and have zero gravity ware off before I hit anyone.

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^ whaa? o.o


i would have made the story alot longer : S

like, more worlds, revisiting, it would have been 10x better if you revisited.

but other then that, when your using a command like raging storm or mega flare, if some one hits you, you shouldnt stop attaking >.>

i would have also made Aqua's dodge roll a dodge slide, like Terra, cus im tryin to kill VLS, and with Terra, its way easier to avoid the attacks, but with Aqua, the cartweel gets no where

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I do agree on changing Deep Space with a Hawaii world (Only for Ven's Story), but the main thing I would do is to switch Neverland out and put the Port Royal world. I mean imagine it. Atleast with that we would get a real backround story (How Jack was stranded on an island by Barbossa and made it Port Royal). I can imagine it and it would be awesome.

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I would make the level designs more like the ones in the original. From KH2 onwards, they just got too easy and hollow. Also, more characters in the worlds. It always feels empty :O

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I would want DI to be playable, the story a bit longer (but it is long if you try to complete entirely everything like geting all the commands, beating the arena missions and stuff like that), and i would also like to change deep space to exotic beach or something like you.


But i do like the game alot.

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I would make the level designs more like the ones in the original. From KH2 onwards, they just got too easy and hollow. Also, more characters in the worlds. It always feels empty :O


The empty worlds is more or less due to the PSP's hardware limitations, but I do agree that the worlds need to be less linear. Well, at least it's not as bad as KH2 or Days.

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