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The Transcendent Key

A Theory Regarding Tidus And FFX Characters In Kingdom Hearts!

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Hey there everyone, how's it going!? So then, there's something that's been in my mind recently, and it's something that I thought I'd share with you all!


When it comes to Final Fantasy X characters in the Kingdom Hearts series, when I played KHII for the first time back in 2006, I hadn't played Final Fantasy X yet, so the characters themselves and references to their games were lost on me, ya know? But, fast forward to just earlier this year, or I believe it was late last year, and I finally got around to playing X and X-2! With the knowledge these games provided me, there's a neat little theory I wanted to throw in here!


Okay, so at the end of Final Fantasy X, Tidus basically dies, and he's nowhere to be found in X-2. What I believe is that Tidus as we see him in Kingdom Hearts is actually a reincarnation, reborn after the battle against Sin in FFX, which explains why he's a tyke and Auron is his adult self!


As for Auron, I believe that he was in the Underworld because his soul maybe wandered off while being sent to the Farplane, and Hades ended up claiming this soul for his own! When we get Auron's statue in our second visit to Olympus Coliseum, we hear glimpses of Auron's past, and having played through FFX, this is a direct reference to the pilgrimage he went on with Jecht and Brasca! So that's another neat little thing to add on there! During the credits in KHII, we see Auron finally going in peace as he fades away, probably finally being able to make it into the Farplane!


As for Yuna, Rikku and Paine, they remained adventuring throughout Spira and apparently, all the way to Radiant Garden as the Gullwings, but for some reason they shrunk in size! And also, might Yuna have come to peace with the fact that Tidus is gone? That's a mystery!


So basically, this is sort of my take on the FFX characters we see in KHII! The reason we probably haven't seen Jecht is because he's already dead, as he was Sin, after all! The only thing that throws this all off is the fact that Wakka is presented as a young boy as well, and we all know he didn't die in X-2, as he's married to Lulu and they have a baby boy! So that's the only thing that throws this all off! xD


ALSO, I KNOW THAT FF CHARACTERS IN KINGDOM HEARTS DO NOT FOLLOW THE EXACT SAME STORY ELEMENTS AS IN THE FF GAMES THEY APPEAR IN! I know that their stories are essentially changed in order to fit the Kingdom Hearts Universe, but I thought it would be interesting to find some connections with me having played X/X-2 and all!


Like I said, I know the FF characters in KH aren't the exact same as their original counterparts, but I found this fun! :3

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  On 8/16/2017 at 2:46 AM, The Transcendent Key said:

Hey there everyone, how's it going!? So then, there's something that's been in my mind recently, and it's something that I thought I'd share with you all!


When it comes to Final Fantasy X characters in the Kingdom Hearts series, when I played KHII for the first time back in 2006, I hadn't played Final Fantasy X yet, so the characters themselves and references to their games were lost on me, ya know? But, fast forward to just earlier this year, or I believe it was late last year, and I finally got around to playing X and X-2! With the knowledge these games provided me, there's a neat little theory I wanted to throw in here!


Okay, so at the end of Final Fantasy X, Tidus basically dies, and he's nowhere to be found in X-2. What I believe is that Tidus as we see him in Kingdom Hearts is actually a reincarnation, reborn after the battle against Sin in FFX, which explains why he's a tyke and Auron is his adult self!


As for Auron, I believe that he was in the Underworld because his soul maybe wandered off while being sent to the Farplane, and Hades ended up claiming this soul for his own! When we get Auron's statue in our second visit to Olympus Coliseum, we hear glimpses of Auron's past, and having played through FFX, this is a direct reference to the pilgrimage he went on with Jecht and Brasca! So that's another neat little thing to add on there! During the credits in KHII, we see Auron finally going in peace as he fades away, probably finally being able to make it into the Farplane!


As for Yuna, Rikku and Paine, they remained adventuring throughout Spira and apparently, all the way to Radiant Garden as the Gullwings, but for some reason they shrunk in size! And also, might Yuna have come to peace with the fact that Tidus is gone? That's a mystery!


So basically, this is sort of my take on the FFX characters we see in KHII! The reason we probably haven't seen Jecht is because he's already dead, as he was Sin, after all! The only thing that throws this all off is the fact that Wakka is presented as a young boy as well, and we all know he didn't die in X-2, as he's married to Lulu and they have a baby boy! So that's the only thing that throws this all off! xD


ALSO, I KNOW THAT FF CHARACTERS IN KINGDOM HEARTS DO NOT FOLLOW THE EXACT SAME STORY ELEMENTS AS IN THE FF GAMES THEY APPEAR IN! I know that their stories are essentially changed in order to fit the Kingdom Hearts Universe, but I thought it would be interesting to find some connections with me having played X/X-2 and all!


Like I said, I know the FF characters in KH aren't the exact same as their original counterparts, but I found this fun! :3


Tidus doesn't die at the end of FFX, he never existed in the first place, he was a dream of the faith based on Shuyin.


Auron is the only FF character that has hints of being the exact same character that he was on his original game, everyone else is like having the same actor in 2 different roles on 2 different movies.

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I always felt that Square Enix cameo characters were like multiverse characters.


Same Character but difference circumstances.

The only exception to that would be Auron as he quotes things from FFX plus that memory of him dissuading High Summoner Braska.


"It is not too late! Let us turn back! Yes, but I...I cannot accept it. Where is the sense in all this?
But... There must be another way! Your deaths will mean nothing! You must live!


The origins of FF characters in the KH universe is a mysterious topic. Did Squall/Cid/Aerith...etc REALLY originate from Hollow Bastion. Where does Zack come from xD

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  On 8/16/2017 at 8:59 AM, DevilSpooky said:

Tidus doesn't die at the end of FFX, he never existed in the first place, he was a dream of the faith based on Shuyin.


Auron is the only FF character that has hints of being the exact same character that he was on his original game, everyone else is like having the same actor in 2 different roles on 2 different movies.


Wait, what? Really? When was that established!? Cuz I played through X/X-2, and I never got that! Unless that little factoid is in the audio recordings and Last Mission, which I haven't touched upon yet, so that would make sense!


Yeah, Auron is the character that is most attuned to his FFX self! Having played through X, that moment with his statue was definitely a callback to his pilgrimage with Brasca and Jecht!


  On 8/16/2017 at 12:51 PM, catmaster0116 said:

I always felt that Square Enix cameo characters were like multiverse characters.


Same Character but difference circumstances.

The only exception to that would be Auron as he quotes things from FFX plus that memory of him dissuading High Summoner Braska.


"It is not too late! Let us turn back! Yes, but I...I cannot accept it. Where is the sense in all this?

But... There must be another way! Your deaths will mean nothing! You must live!"


The origins of FF characters in the KH universe is a mysterious topic. Did Squall/Cid/Aerith...etc REALLY originate from Hollow Bastion. Where does Zack come from xD


Ooh, multiverse versions are a nice way of putting it!


Yes, indeed, Auron is the one who's most faithfully portrayed from the source material!


Yeah, I wish that we got a little more insight as to how these FF characters came to be in the KH Universe, ya know?


  On 8/16/2017 at 5:50 PM, Headphone Jack said:

i always just saw the FF cameos in KH as nothing more than just cameos. whatever backstory they had in their respective FF game is usually dropped to fit the role they get in KH. at most, we usually get references to the FF game they came from but that's about it. 


Indeed, that's what I said in my post! Still, it's always fun to speculate and wonder how cool it'd be if these characters had actually gone through the events of their respective games before being thrust into the KH Universe! :3

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  On 8/17/2017 at 2:01 AM, The Transcendent Key said:

Wait, what? Really? When was that established!? Cuz I played through X/X-2, and I never got that! Unless that little factoid is in the audio recordings and Last Mission, which I haven't touched upon yet, so that would make sense!


Err, the very first game? The fayth of Bahamut (the little kid in purple you see several times during the game) tells you he's a dream of the fayth (as well as Jecht and their Zanarkand), that was brought to help defeat Sin for good, he tells Tidus that because of this once they defeat Sin the fayth will cease to be so they won't be able to dream him anymore, and because of this he would fade away.


Yuna then finds the sphere of Shuyin in X-2 and learns that he's the original person that the faith used as a template to dream up Tidus. At the end she makes a wish to the fayth and they bring Tidus back.

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  On 8/17/2017 at 7:57 AM, DevilSpooky said:

Err, the very first game? The fayth of Bahamut (the little kid in purple you see several times during the game) tells you he's a dream of the fayth (as well as Jecht and their Zanarkand), that was brought to help defeat Sin for good, he tells Tidus that because of this once they defeat Sin the fayth will cease to be so they won't be able to dream him anymore, and because of this he would fade away.


Yuna then finds the sphere of Shuyin in X-2 and learns that he's the original person that the faith used as a template to dream up Tidus. At the end she makes a wish to the fayth and they bring Tidus back.


Ohhhhh, okay, now I understand! It's been a while since I played the game, so some details I've forgotten. x3

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  On 8/18/2017 at 2:58 AM, The Transcendent Key said:

Ohhhhh, okay, now I understand! It's been a while since I played the game, so some details I've forgotten. x3


It's ok, huge games like FF tend to have so much info thrown at us that one is always at risk of forgetting somethings, usually a second run through said game should help you understand it much better.

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  On 8/18/2017 at 7:41 AM, DevilSpooky said:

It's ok, huge games like FF tend to have so much info thrown at us that one is always at risk of forgetting somethings, usually a second run through said game should help you understand it much better.


Haha, agreed! Like an anime, sometimes there are things that one needs a reminder of, so a second runthrough of the whole experience very much indeed helps! :)

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