the15thwiseone 1 Posted October 10, 2010 So all of you might think that I am nuts, however i tend to lean toward there being a few very good possibilities but they can all be easily rooted out to one solid person. I will give the people in question: 1. The person in the cloak at the beginning of KH1 when that person opens the door (Ansem, Seeker of darkness) 2. Diz/ Ansem the wise 3. Xehanorts Nobody (actual Xehanort not Terranort) 4. Xemnas Nobody of Terra-nort Let's look at Ansem, the seeker of darkness first: he is the apparent heartless of master Xehanort. He was a heartless for 10 years before the occurances of Kingdom hearts I. Thus being said if thats the case then Ansem is in-fact existing right after, or close to it of the end of Birth By Sleep. Issues with this theory: not once did the nobody of Xehanort utilize any attack that is shown to be in the arsenel of the MF: These attacks could in-fact be simply challenge inducing abilities, or perhaps a heartless could in-fact be "indecisive" in who it connects to at its earlier existance. Another issue being where did he get the nobody-coat from? And the ability to spawn "Etherial blades." Allright, onto number two: Ansem the wise, or Diz. Diz is seen at the end of Kingdom hearts BBS wearing a nobody coat while chatting with Aqua for the secret(true) ending of kingdom hearts BBS. This being stated he was wondering the darkness shortly after the ending of BBS and thus met up with aqua at the dark shore. This meaning that he was allready wondering the darkness. If recalled at the end of terra's story Master xehanort sends the land of departure into total darkness (much like destiny islands in KH 1.) This being said it was eclipsed in darkness, or shrouded if you would so call it. Issues with this theory: Diz has control over most elements it seems so that is not an issue. The issue might be in the fact that the MF uses etherial blades which are utilized by Xemnas. The abilities being that of the nobodies abilities could closely be related to the fact that ansem the wise was not only a mentor to all of the "nobodies" however was the person that taught all of them their specific expertise. This being stated...could very well be an issue because it seems that the ability of only the select few that are in the show are shown. Another issue being that Caslte oblivion was created from aqua performing the "secret technique" the master taught here on the distraught land of departure: thus meaning that at the end of BBS the land of departure no longer existed (how do you travel to it at the end basically?) Allright: that was long winded but onto number three. The actual heartless of the real xehanort not terra-nort. This guy never really makes any appearances, and if he did it would lead to some minor confusion on many levels. A heartless is created when a being "loses" its heart: the same situation happened with kairi and Sora: sora lost his heart and gave it to kairi thus creating Sora's shade. This then leading to the heartless of Xehanort should be severily limited to being...either a heartless shade/other mob or...a being simiar to ansem, seeker of darkness retaining physical features (hight of MF explination) however have not much to deal with Xehanorts origional being. Issues with this theory: There seems to be very little to base this off of other than the fact that Kairi and sora went through a similar circumstance. Another issue is...who's heart leaves Terra-norts body at the end of the final episode? Could that very well be when the actual heartless of xehanort was created? Or is that when ansem, seeker of darkness was created? Many Issues with this theory; as neither terra or xehanort know much of anything to deal with weilding non-keyblade weapons. Even though this entitiy uses dark/earth/wind/fire and bends time: it seems to lack thunder and water as any ability: which xehanort used dark-blizzaga and thunder based attacks frequently in both forms. Whew: last thought for tonight: Xemnas: A nobody is formed when...a person with a strong heart loses a heart. The person in this situation that loses a heart is...Terra-nort and thus results in both the creation of Xemnas and Ansem, seeker of darkness. Xemnas has the ability to weild Etherial blades which could very well give him the closest link to the MF, as does the hight of xemnas with his hood up. However: many other models share the hight of the MF (terra, terra-nort, xehanort...axel ect). A nobody seems to be connected to the personality of the person that lost the heart.There is a almost "chummy" personality of the MF at the end: as if...the mf was seeming to say "good job" or ...."yes, i am leaving now" or..."yes, you just beat me." Xehanort in either form seems to lack this type of finess if you well it would be more closely related to an axel-like character. Issues with this theory: Where to begin: heartless and nobodies obviously existed prior to that of BBS's story. Nobodies could be less in number cause of hte lacking of strong hearted people. Heartless could be low in number because it seems that when hearts are lost...they seem to be collected according to the story of kh2 and kh 358/2 days. This breing said a nobody existing and having all those rediculous and leaves many many wholes in the story line. In my honest oppinion...I believe the winner of all of these would have to be Ansem, the wise: things seem to match up. The MF doesn't seem bad in-fact i'm allmost 100% sure that the MF would win out-right even in a fair fight if all the stakes were on the line (MF's life for instance.) I think that the MF was on a quest to conquer the darkness not destroy all those that trespass on a shaken world. thats just interesting to me, catcha-guys later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xifos 1 Posted October 10, 2010 listen to my theory first of all based on what you said too much words to begin with: Xemnas etherial Blades are orange and and MF blue plus Xemnas EB come from his hand and MF EB he actually wields them. i dont have to say about ansem the seecker of darkness since his a total doush i dont actully ge what you said about in theory number three but i find it logical thus we put it aside but i dont agree with ansem the wise being MF because i am certain that Tetsuya Nomura is going to add pretty amazing and since you see him at Blanck points he certainly would have mentioned that he fought with Aqua Even if his memory is kind of blury now this is my theory: you see the keablades are vey well known to too many people around the world so i believe that there is a much more secret organization actually keeping the light and the dark safe maybe they are the true Chasers behind the scene as we used to call Aqua Terra Ven in the secret Ending a theory that i dont remember why was it vanished over time. i believe that Xehanort Encounterd him during his travels around the world thus some kind of fuzzy memory left in the far corner of his mind after becoming Terranort and so he adopted the cloth style. ireally loved the topic actully and i am happy that someone has a really cool theorry about it=D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the15thwiseone 1 Posted October 10, 2010 I notice that they are blue as ooposed to red: and weilded as opossed to "held from hands" however...your theory seems a bit far fetched, but it could be possible. I think if we are to connect MF to Kingdom hearts 3...i highly doubt he will be given such a massive move-base in Kingdom hearts 3...however i think he will be a fun character to fight/be. I mean...he has a stack load of moves almost as if he is D-linked with a certain someone...and then when in critical condition he has...four or so moves added to his plethura not to mention "vanish" like ability and allowing the combination of moves. I think the MF shown here is to be more of a challenge than a ...sup-power in the game to come. Or: if he is allready in existance in this game i highly believe that he is Ansem the wise, or diz. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xifos 1 Posted October 10, 2010 i agree totally with your theory about him being diz/ansem them the wise in game this if his not going to be a character in kh3 or 3ds but his identity surely implies his plus the cool theme musik so next KH hahahahaha Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zeno247naruto12 5 Posted October 10, 2010 we might see MF in some later kh game cause in the other kh games for example xemnas he was a secret boss in kh1fm and we saw him in kh2 and terra was a secret boss in kh2fm and we saw him in bbs and we will see him in the future because he needs to be brought back or has already been brought back Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xenes 0 Posted October 10, 2010 Quote Allright, onto number two: Ansem the wise, or Diz. Diz is seen at the end of Kingdom hearts BBS wearing a nobody coat while chatting with Aqua for the secret(true) ending of kingdom hearts BBS. This being stated he was wondering the darkness shortly after the ending of BBS and thus met up with aqua at the dark shore. This meaning that he was allready wondering the darkness. . The only problem with this statement is that they were talking about Sora as well during that time. So in saying that, it was like 11 or 12 years later that Aqua and Ansem talked in the shores of the dark realm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted October 10, 2010 I think its Xemnas because I've used those same blades in 358/2 days but I mean I could be wrong Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yoyorastio 0 Posted October 10, 2010 Quote I think its Xemnas because I've used those same blades in 358/2 days but I mean I could be wrong yea but MF holds the blades differently than Xemnas so i think it could be Diz/Ansem the Wise too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FireStorm 162 23 Posted October 18, 2010 It's not Xemnas, Xemnas has nobody symbols on his weapon, MF doesn't, so it isn't him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrkChckn 0 Posted October 18, 2010 Quote Quote Allright, onto number two: Ansem the wise, or Diz. Diz is seen at the end of Kingdom hearts BBS wearing a nobody coat while chatting with Aqua for the secret(true) ending of kingdom hearts BBS. This being stated he was wondering the darkness shortly after the ending of BBS and thus met up with aqua at the dark shore. This meaning that he was allready wondering the darkness. . The only problem with this statement is that they were talking about Sora as well during that time. So in saying that, it was like 11 or 12 years later that Aqua and Ansem talked in the shores of the dark realm. As well as how would he even know where to go and what he was up against? Ansem the wise never met Terra, Ventus, or Aqua, only Terranort at the very end of the game. The only wielder he had met before Sora and Riku was Mickey, and we don't even know for sure when exactly that was, as there was a ten year window for that to happen (between BBS and KH1). Also, there was no proof in any of the cutscenes showing that Ansem had ever even left Radiant Garden, or even knew of the existence of other worlds (I'm not saying he doesn't, because by the end of KH2 he obviously knows about them, just that we don't know for sure if he knows yet). So, as far as we know, Ansem the wise was unaware that Keyblades, or even other worlds, existed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the15thwiseone 1 Posted October 19, 2010 I thought ansem the wise knew of Yen-sid (as a close friend) and thus from yen-sid knew of key-blade wielders? Well: whoever he/she/it is: One thing is certain that its not Xemnas, or Xehanort: However it has to be connected to the main characters in some sort of way...and not being a Super-nobody that existed only because nobodies were going to exist soon. Whoever he is: is powerful and is hiding his power with a nobody cloak. Concealing it from the darkness, and what else? I don't think he/it is evil but i do think that he/it is allready in the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaiso 2,764 Posted November 22, 2010 Discussion is there in the link above over the topic of "who MF is" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites