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Missing COTM Chest in 3DS DDD

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Having started DDD in 2.8, I've been getting the urge to return to my 3DS version as well and would like to once again inquire about an issue I had. 


My stats show that I am missing one treasure chest in Sora's Country of the Musketeers. 


I'd gone through every inch, every nook and cranny of his map at least have a dozen times including at one point while consulting a treasure chest map provided here: http://www.kh13.com/forum/topic/38526-treasure-chests-maps/ 


and had accounted for all which are jestabockies in disguise but nothing turned up. 


At that point, having exhausted every angle, particularly after consulting the map in the thread here linked above, I realized that it appeared an awful lot like I shouldn't be missing a treasure chest. 


I understand that treasure chest glitches are not exactly uncommon in this game, is that what this is? Did my stats glitch? 


UPDATE 12/26/17:

I'm now missing that same treasure chest again in 2.8. How uncanny. 

Edited by Ventus_

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Having started DDD in 2.8, I've been getting the urge to return to my 3DS version as well and would like to once again inquire about an issue I had. 


My stats show that I am missing one treasure chest in Sora's Country of the Musketeers. 


I'd gone through every inch, every nook and cranny of his map at least have a dozen times including at one point while consulting a treasure chest map provided here: http://www.kh13.com/forum/topic/38526-treasure-chests-maps/ 


and had accounted for all which are jestabockies in disguise but nothing turned up. 


At that point, having exhausted every angle, particularly after consulting the map in the thread here linked above, I realized that it appeared an awful lot like I shouldn't be missing a treasure chest. 


I understand that treasure chest glitches are not exactly uncommon in this game, is that what this is? Did my stats glitch? 


UPDATE 12/26/17:

I'm now missing that same treasure chest again in 2.8. How uncanny. 

There are 32 treasures distributed all over Country of Musketeers, have you checked that all of the 32 are open? If not, then I would suggest that you pass through each one of them and count if all of the 32 treasures are already open. Only then we would know if it was a glitch 

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