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Balancing in KH3

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At first: happy KH3-Releaseyear-Announcement-Day :)


So after watching this amazing and stunning trailer, I'm getting a bit worried in terms of the balance of the combat system in KH3. It seems like we are going to be powerful af. And now that we can have up to 5 party members it seems like the games going to be much easier than the other ones.


So how do you think will SE balance the whole combat system?


In my opinion they need to nerf for example Buzz and Woody. Or in general if you are getting more than one new party member SE should nerf them. On the otherside I really hope to be confronted with much more and more powerful Heartless and Nobodies.


And please, don't let the boss fights be tooo easy. :(


So that's my point of view. What do you think? Are you also a bit worried?

Edited by NoWay

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In terms of boss battles i hope they go the same direction they went with Mirror Aqua in 0.2. That fight was designed really well and felt like fighting 2FM Terra in terms of difficulty; they brought back revenge value for that fight so there was actually a strategy you could use to defeat it instead of the randomness that were the BBS and DDD boss battles. Knowing its Osaka team though there will probably be moves/skills in the game that are easily spammable and broken (like Balloon from DDD)

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I haven't played 0.2, but Keyblade Transformations/Drives look like they act similarly to 0.2 Command Styles, right? If it's combo-based it seems like it'll be easy to spam, unless there's a major cooldown or something similar. (Same thing with Tier4 magic.) And the issue with Shotlocks is that they're kinda OP generally but against some bosses (at least in BBS) they're not viable to use, so hopefully they're not crazy but still usable in whatever situation.

And there's also Attraction Flow and Summons; we still aren't really sure how they're gonna work.



So yeah, heck if I know lol. Basically hoping that Osaka actually looks at KH2 and re-implement Revenge Value for bosses and damage scaling for low-level/LV1 play (since adding weird buffs to EXP Zero is kinda dumb tbh. Like in BBS destroying everything with Spellweaver is fun up to a certain point).

People are saying Phantom Aqua was good so hopefully they've learned something lol 

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