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GameStop website lists Kingdom Hearts III as available for pre-order, with placeholder release date

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GameStop have posted two Kingdom Hearts III pre-order listings on their website. According to their listings, Kingdom Hearts III is being sold for the PlayStation 4 as well as the Xbox One for $59.99 USD. The game has no description available and has a placeholder date of 12/31/2019 (please note that this date is merely a placeholder at this point in time). As the game gets more concrete information, GameStop will update these listings to match.


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Will you be pre-ordering Kingdom Hearts III from GameStop? Let us know in the comments below!


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I'm honestly not gonna take this seriously. This is GameStop we're talking about. They make place holder dates all the time. If we get a release year from the new KH3 trailer than that would be nice. Otherwise, not gonna take GameStop seriously.

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They probably just took SE's schedule that stated a release until 2020 and thus put the last day of 2019 as the release day. This way, if KH3 doesn't get an actual release day before the end of 2018, they won't have to change anything. It means nothing at all and I doubt Game Stop would have any information whatsoever.

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This doesn't really mean much in my opinion. A number of games get put on a placeholder date by publishers/merchants with pre-orders made available. There are games that have been sitting on pre-order for years.

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That's not early 2019. That's the day before 2020.

I know, I am just saying that I'm okay with an early 2019 release. Everything after this would be too late in my opinion.

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Ah ship! I sure hope that's not the release year :( I know it doesn't mean much since it's a placeholder but it's awfully weird that they chose 2019...they usually just put december 31st of the year were in...

You're right, it's usually different but if I were them, I would have chosen 2019 as well. A lot of people don't realize it's a placeholder date and when it comes to games like KH3 with no real tentative schedule disclosed to the public, it's probably better to choose a later date to avoid unnecessary changes until something official rolls around. It's not like 2018 is completely out of the question but for a game we know so little about, it's not unlikely it may become 2019.


Either way, I won't pre-order anything until we get more information on a potential Collector's/Limited Edition since I do think we will get one. I don't want to cancel orders, and the regular version of the game will be available for pre-order at any point in time, I assume. There's no need to rush this for something that doesn't have limited quantities.

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...did they not have this already? Amazon's had a listing up for years now.

Amazon did, but with "TBA" instead of a tentative release date. I don't know about Game Stop, but if they had the listing, it must've been TBA as well.

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Thank you for showing this to us, Raxaimus!


So, another placeholder, eh? Interesting that they put 2019 as the placeholder year...but then again, it is just a placeholder! Nothing is confirmed until big man Nomura himself says so! So we have the release window/date still up in the air! I wanna know!!! X_X

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Probably about right with what the signs from interviews lately are pointing to.
Just embarassing, announced it before the PS4 launched and it's looking like it'll be released leading up to the PS5, if not after it being launched.

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