selfKaiHarness 3 Posted July 9, 2017 Heya! I am pretty new in the forums, but not so new when i am a huge fan of Kingdom Hearts for 10 years! From 2007 all the way to 2017! So, how are you there, fellas? I'm pretty good, so are you! Now, i am in the House of Mouse (Forums, obviously lol!), i could get to meet other fans of Kingdom Hearts, and do some awesome role plays, participating in overall goofy things to do!So, uh anyways the reason i joined...whew it's a looong, long story on how i joined the Kingdom Hearts Train from 2007 to all the way to present day! So, be prepared for a novel like summary on the beginning to all the way to the end!Fasten your seat belts in your Gummi Ship, it's gonna be a history ride! Ah-huck! Since it contains spoilers, i am going to put it into a spoiler, so click show on that to read my journey all the way to the end! Ah-huck! SPOILERS: Click to reveal In the year 2007, i was 7 years old back in the day, i only have a Playstation 1, an big butt TV (That has a bullt-in DVD player which it broke after a few years.), and too much homework from my elementary school. But my old me wanted a Playstation 2, so i was begging for my mother to buy me a PS2. So, we went to walmart and bought me a PS2, went home and opened the box with my lovely mum, inside was a Holiday Demo Disc 2004 inside the sleeve. Lo and behold, a freshly new slim PS2 with a blue memory card for it. I was thinking i could get some games on it, so we went to our local rental video store, Hollywood Video. (R.I.P Hollywood Video, your heart is lost to time in the darkness...) While i browse in the PS2 section in the video games area, i spotted a video game cover that shows my favorite disney characters, along with other characters i didn't know about. (It was Sora, Riku and Kairi in the video game cover.) So, my mum rented 'Kingdom Hearts' for the PS2, along with several other games. This is where my love for Kingdom Hearts has started, when i loaded up the game from my PS2 after i inserted the disc. At the time, i was once a sucky gamer back in the day. After i pressed X on normal mode, the intro began. I was confused at the intro and what was going on, not even my big 7 year old mind could not comprehense it, it was weird to me. So then, after the intro has ended, i begun to run forward using the left stick of my PS2 controller. I begun to see three pillars with a wand, a sword, and a staff. So, naturally i went in to pick up the sword, but no. You know what i picked?I picked the power of the mystic, and gave up the power of the warrior. So, i pressed X since it sounded good to me. All of the sudden, my controller started to vibrate on what the cutscene portrays as i saw the 3 pillars disappear into the floor like pattern. I saw my character (Sora, for sure my favorite main character.) falls as i saw the floor shatter right in front of my eyes. I was baffled, yet so shocked and haunting. My 7 year old self is a bit scared, as i saw another floor like pattern, this time it was Cinderella. As i saw my character landed safely, my own staff weapon appears and i have the ability to fight. I pressed X to attack as the character i was controlling swung his dream staff. I saw the words that it told me, but i was so terrified on what's going to happen. It was my first time seeing an HP and MP bar, except i have 3 MP now, and what i don't get is what HP and MP means. Haha, i was a curious 7 year old me that was because i thought it was Hit Points and Magic points. Well, i got MP right, but not HP. Now, after that these enemies i first saw looked a bit dumb, so i pressed X a couple of times to hit them. Lo and behold, i just killed my first heartless. I saw them disappear, and what it dropped was the green orbs that recovers my HP slightly. (I thought it was goo orbs that heals you. Turns out it was the HP orbs.) After that, one of the shadow like creatures went up and behind my character. So, i pressed R1 on my controller to lock on to this creature. I fought a few heartless before the next section of the floor-like pattern appears next. After ending up on a pink floor like pattern, i begun to examine a locked door. I said to myself, "Why can't i open it?" until i let my character walk toward the colorful chest. Instead of opening with his bare hands, i saw my character tapping the chest with his staff, and what surprised me that it opened itself! As i saw the first puzzle piece of the door has shown no transparency, i seen a big crate to smash. So, then i went in and attack it until it breaks. It dropped a purple/gold capsule and i picked up almost immediately. I have now a potion, and after i went in to examine the door again, i saw what had left me having vivid dreams for life as i saw the door opens itself and there is light coming out. After that, i end up in a strange island in the middle of the ocean. The words told me that the door won't open just yet, as i was being very, very confused to what's going on. So then, i pressed X to talk to the girl and she asked me what's being the most important to me, so, i chose Friendship. Then i went to the taller boy, who asks me what do i want outta life, which i chose to be strong. Then i went to the younger boy, and told me what's so afraid of, so i chose getting old. After that, the words appear that what i chose. Guess what time my adventure starts? That's right, midday or the Noon times. Told me to keep a steady pace and you'll go through fine. So, it sounded good so i pressed X. After the words displayed right in front of my eyes, it fades to white in the big ol' TV screen and now my character is now an another floor-like pattern of sleeping beauty. I pressed on while i tilted my left stick to move the character toward the light, and i was scared at first when these shadow heartless started appearing around me, but i know what to do...sort of. I jumped out of the center and attacked these creatures with my staff while i hammer down the X button as soon as i can until they are all killed.After that, i saw a unknown light coming from near my character. As i take control of the character again as i went to the thingy, turns out it was a save point. So, i saved my progress for the first time in my save file. After that, i saw in the game a moving spotlight is going toward somewhere, as i was very, very curious and confused to what's going on. Then i saw a floor-like pattern in the distance and the light i just saw was creating a bridge out of them. So, after the cutscene ended, i press on from the one i was on, to another. After that, i pressed forward into the light, which the words told me, the greater the closer to get to light, the greater your shadow becomes. I was like 'Whaaaat?' at first, but then i became scared as the replica of my character turned into a giant shadow creature. This scarred me for life when i was forced to fight it. I begun to fight it as i saw it attack, i started to attack the big creature with my staff, hammering down the X button as i attack the arm. It took less than 10 minutes to beat the creature, and a little lost HP here and there. I was so baffled on what's going to happen next after this cutscene, after the words told me. After that, the screen went black, and this is how i got into Kingdom Hearts into the first place. Eventually, i suck a lot. I get KO'd by Leon, got my heart stolen by Guard Armor at least 15 times, Burnt into ash by the third boss, and so on, and so forth. Over time, i got better after i got Kingdom Hearts II (And leads to my disc being scratched, and the first time i saw a PS2 do a RSOD that scary, yes.), and gets deleted at the giant nobody 25 times because i don't know how to use reaction commands at the start, but after that i got better and got the hang of the reaction commands. After multiple fails in Kingdom Hearts II, the most one i got is that Active Grenades guy who keeps on trying to tire Sora out at 10 seconds with 10 water copies of that huge pain in the butt. I failed at this part more than 570 times, and what it drives me crazy is that the same cutscene ALWAYS plays (I was too dumb to realize i can skip this scene.) in my mind, No. Matter. WHAT. No matter what i do, i tried to speedrun, out of time. Then i tried everything, then out of motherducking time! Eventually, i just beat this sucker pain the butt who likes to tire me out so much that i want to choke him, stab him, and throw him into a pair of spikes. After that ordeal, the saddest moment i saw is that Goofy gets hit by a boulder on the head, and it tragically sad that i want to do like what they have just witnessed and avenge him. So, before i continued i felt empathy and having this weird feeling that i want to strike back even harder this time. Fought my way, and entered the area with the help of Final Fantasy characters killing heartless while i take down the stronger ones. After that, i thought Goofy was killed, turns out he came back alive. Went from saddest to happiest moment right in front of my eyes. In the year 2010, the same year i defeated sephiroth with my Ultima Weapon, i got a PSP for my birthday. In 2011, i got Birth by Sleep and finished all 3 characters (Terra, Ven, and Aqua) in beginner mode, and nearly completed them in Standard mode. The same year, i got my PS3 Slim to play all kinds of games. In the year 2013,2014 and onwards, i got the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix, and as i redo Kingdom Hearts I, i was insanely better than 6 years years ago! I blasted through every boss, without ever giving up! After that, i played Re:Chain of Memories and dang, i was SO much better at this game than in the year 2009!It was a huge improvement, and it all because i got more skilled at gaming, practicing myself on how to be patient by doing a time consuming grinding task, how to time my attacks correctly, and spend magic on enemies that are weak to. I did everything and i was SO much better, not even near-death situations in gaming can never slow me down! Even my reaction times have improved in gaming too! The game taught me how to fight my own darkness, make nice friends, and ensure me there is always light in the end of the road. That game also made me a role player too! The best part is in 2016, i got my last PS3 game, Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMix. And man! I am so relieved to play Kingdom Hearts II again, only this time it got better with Final Mix! Now, i have never failed, and yet the pain in the butt guy is back, but this time i have 5 extra seconds in the 10 second time limit, making this less frustrating, but more easier to deal with! I fricking insulted him after i destroyed that nobody's butt! In the year's recent months, i bought Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD Final Chapter Prologue and played 0.2 in a single sitting all the way to the end and finished it. I also played Dream Drop Distance which i am about to finish, and was willing to watch Back Cover x movie. Now, this is today, i have a long, long journey from the beginnings as a sucky gamer all the way to a Master Form styled expert gamer. All of because of Kingdom Hearts. And yet, i have enjoyed that ride from the beginning, all the way to the very end. Thanks for reading my reason that i joined this forums. I appreciate any feedback, any welcome arms out there, and hopefully i'll fit in nicely and add some friends along the way! P.S: Can you tell King Mickey that it's been quite a while after 10 years of my experience with the game Kingdom Hearts? Thanks. ~ selfKaiHarness Whew! took me for at least the amount of time to kill a tough heartless, guys! Again, if you missed my story i wrote on how i got into Kingdom Hearts 10 years ago, click show because again, there are spoilers! 1 Movies798 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Movies798 1,360 Posted July 9, 2017 Welcome fellow Keyblade Wielder! Awesome story bruh and it's great having you here! 1 selfKaiHarness reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
selfKaiHarness 3 Posted July 9, 2017 Aww you're welcome! And you too! 1 Movies798 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dustin Lübbers 933 Posted July 9, 2017 (edited) I wonder why there hasnt been a dvd box of the house of mouse out yet PS: nice story Edited July 9, 2017 by Dustin Lübbers 2 selfKaiHarness and Movies798 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingdomHearts3 2,591 Posted July 9, 2017 Wow, what a story. A decade eh? What a fan you are. Welcome aboard. 1 selfKaiHarness reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
khouji123 4 Posted July 13, 2017 On 7/9/2017 at 5:48 AM, selfKaiHarness said: Heya! I am pretty new in the forums, but not so new when i am a huge fan of Kingdom Hearts for 10 years! From 2007 all the way to 2017! So, how are you there, fellas? I'm pretty good, so are you! Now, i am in the House of Mouse (Forums, obviously lol!), i could get to meet other fans of Kingdom Hearts, and do some awesome role plays, participating in overall goofy things to do! So, uh anyways the reason i joined...whew it's a looong, long story on how i joined the Kingdom Hearts Train from 2007 to all the way to present day! So, be prepared for a novel like summary on the beginning to all the way to the end! Fasten your seat belts in your Gummi Ship, it's gonna be a history ride! Ah-huck! Since it contains spoilers, i am going to put it into a spoiler, so click show on that to read my journey all the way to the end! Ah-huck! SPOILERS: Click to reveal In the year 2007, i was 7 years old back in the day, i only have a Playstation 1, an big butt TV (That has a bullt-in DVD player which it broke after a few years.), and too much homework from my elementary school. But my old me wanted a Playstation 2, so i was begging for my mother to buy me a PS2. So, we went to walmart and bought me a PS2, went home and opened the box with my lovely mum, inside was a Holiday Demo Disc 2004 inside the sleeve. Lo and behold, a freshly new slim PS2 with a blue memory card for it. I was thinking i could get some games on it, so we went to our local rental video store, Hollywood Video. (R.I.P Hollywood Video, your heart is lost to time in the darkness...) While i browse in the PS2 section in the video games area, i spotted a video game cover that shows my favorite disney characters, along with other characters i didn't know about. (It was Sora, Riku and Kairi in the video game cover.) So, my mum rented 'Kingdom Hearts' for the PS2, along with several other games. This is where my love for Kingdom Hearts has started, when i loaded up the game from my PS2 after i inserted the disc. At the time, i was once a sucky gamer back in the day. After i pressed X on normal mode, the intro began. I was confused at the intro and what was going on, not even my big 7 year old mind could not comprehense it, it was weird to me. So then, after the intro has ended, i begun to run forward using the left stick of my PS2 controller. I begun to see three pillars with a wand, a sword, and a staff. So, naturally i went in to pick up the sword, but no. You know what i picked? I picked the power of the mystic, and gave up the power of the warrior. So, i pressed X since it sounded good to me. All of the sudden, my controller started to vibrate on what the cutscene portrays as i saw the 3 pillars disappear into the floor like pattern. I saw my character (Sora, for sure my favorite main character.) falls as i saw the floor shatter right in front of my eyes. I was baffled, yet so shocked and haunting. My 7 year old self is a bit scared, as i saw another floor like pattern, this time it was Cinderella. As i saw my character landed safely, my own staff weapon appears and i have the ability to fight. I pressed X to attack as the character i was controlling swung his dream staff. I saw the words that it told me, but i was so terrified on what's going to happen. It was my first time seeing an HP and MP bar, except i have 3 MP now, and what i don't get is what HP and MP means. Haha, i was a curious 7 year old me that was because i thought it was Hit Points and Magic points. Well, i got MP right, but not HP. Now, after that these enemies i first saw looked a bit dumb, so i pressed X a couple of times to hit them. Lo and behold, i just killed my first heartless. I saw them disappear, and what it dropped was the green orbs that recovers my HP slightly. (I thought it was goo orbs that heals you. Turns out it was the HP orbs.) After that, one of the shadow like creatures went up and behind my character. So, i pressed R1 on my controller to lock on to this creature. I fought a few heartless before the next section of the floor-like pattern appears next. After ending up on a pink floor like pattern, i begun to examine a locked door. I said to myself, "Why can't i open it?" until i let my character walk toward the colorful chest. Instead of opening with his bare hands, i saw my character tapping the chest with his staff, and what surprised me that it opened itself! As i saw the first puzzle piece of the door has shown no transparency, i seen a big crate to smash. So, then i went in and attack it until it breaks. It dropped a purple/gold capsule and i picked up almost immediately. I have now a potion, and after i went in to examine the door again, i saw what had left me having vivid dreams for life as i saw the door opens itself and there is light coming out. After that, i end up in a strange island in the middle of the ocean. The words told me that the door won't open just yet, as i was being very, very confused to what's going on. So then, i pressed X to talk to the girl and she asked me what's being the most important to me, so, i chose Friendship. Then i went to the taller boy, who asks me what do i want outta life, which i chose to be strong. Then i went to the younger boy, and told me what's so afraid of, so i chose getting old. After that, the words appear that what i chose. Guess what time my adventure starts? That's right, midday or the Noon times. Told me to keep a steady pace and you'll go through fine. So, it sounded good so i pressed X. After the words displayed right in front of my eyes, it fades to white in the big ol' TV screen and now my character is now an another floor-like pattern of sleeping beauty. I pressed on while i tilted my left stick to move the character toward the light, and i was scared at first when these shadow heartless started appearing around me, but i know what to do...sort of. I jumped out of the center and attacked these creatures with my staff while i hammer down the X button as soon as i can until they are all killed. After that, i saw a unknown light coming from near my character. As i take control of the character again as i went to the thingy, turns out it was a save point. So, i saved my progress for the first time in my save file. After that, i saw in the game a moving spotlight is going toward somewhere, as i was very, very curious and confused to what's going on. Then i saw a floor-like pattern in the distance and the light i just saw was creating a bridge out of them. So, after the cutscene ended, i press on from the one i was on, to another. After that, i pressed forward into the light, which the words told me, the greater the closer to get to light, the greater your shadow becomes. I was like 'Whaaaat?' at first, but then i became scared as the replica of my character turned into a giant shadow creature. This scarred me for life when i was forced to fight it. I begun to fight it as i saw it attack, i started to attack the big creature with my staff, hammering down the X button as i attack the arm. It took less than 10 minutes to beat the creature, and a little lost HP here and there. I was so baffled on what's going to happen next after this cutscene, after the words told me. After that, the screen went black, and this is how i got into Kingdom Hearts into the first place. Eventually, i suck a lot. I get KO'd by Leon, got my heart stolen by Guard Armor at least 15 times, Burnt into ash by the third boss, and so on, and so forth. Over time, i got better after i got Kingdom Hearts II (And leads to my disc being scratched, and the first time i saw a PS2 do a RSOD that scary, yes.), and gets deleted at the giant nobody 25 times because i don't know how to use reaction commands at the start, but after that i got better and got the hang of the reaction commands. After multiple fails in Kingdom Hearts II, the most one i got is that Active Grenades guy who keeps on trying to tire Sora out at 10 seconds with 10 water copies of that huge pain in the butt. I failed at this part more than 570 times, and what it drives me crazy is that the same cutscene ALWAYS plays (I was too dumb to realize i can skip this scene.) in my mind, No. Matter. WHAT. No matter what i do, i tried to speedrun, out of time. Then i tried everything, then out of motherducking time! Eventually, i just beat this sucker pain the butt who likes to tire me out so much that i want to choke him, stab him, and throw him into a pair of spikes. After that ordeal, the saddest moment i saw is that Goofy gets hit by a boulder on the head, and it tragically sad that i want to do like what they have just witnessed and avenge him. So, before i continued i felt empathy and having this weird feeling that i want to strike back even harder this time. Fought my way, and entered the area with the help of Final Fantasy characters killing heartless while i take down the stronger ones. After that, i thought Goofy was killed, turns out he came back alive. Went from saddest to happiest moment right in front of my eyes. In the year 2010, the same year i defeated sephiroth with my Ultima Weapon, i got a PSP for my birthday. In 2011, i got Birth by Sleep and finished all 3 characters (Terra, Ven, and Aqua) in beginner mode, and nearly completed them in Standard mode. The same year, i got my PS3 Slim to play all kinds of games. In the year 2013,2014 and onwards, i got the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix, and as i redo Kingdom Hearts I, i was insanely better than 6 years years ago! I blasted through every boss, without ever giving up! After that, i played Re:Chain of Memories and dang, i was SO much better at this game than in the year 2009! It was a huge improvement, and it all because i got more skilled at gaming, practicing myself on how to be patient by doing a time consuming grinding task, how to time my attacks correctly, and spend magic on enemies that are weak to. I did everything and i was SO much better, not even near-death situations in gaming can never slow me down! Even my reaction times have improved in gaming too! The game taught me how to fight my own darkness, make nice friends, and ensure me there is always light in the end of the road. That game also made me a role player too! The best part is in 2016, i got my last PS3 game, Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMix. And man! I am so relieved to play Kingdom Hearts II again, only this time it got better with Final Mix! Now, i have never failed, and yet the pain in the butt guy is back, but this time i have 5 extra seconds in the 10 second time limit, making this less frustrating, but more easier to deal with! I fricking insulted him after i destroyed that nobody's butt! In the year's recent months, i bought Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD Final Chapter Prologue and played 0.2 in a single sitting all the way to the end and finished it. I also played Dream Drop Distance which i am about to finish, and was willing to watch Back Cover x movie. Now, this is today, i have a long, long journey from the beginnings as a sucky gamer all the way to a Master Form styled expert gamer. All of because of Kingdom Hearts. And yet, i have enjoyed that ride from the beginning, all the way to the very end. Thanks for reading my reason that i joined this forums. I appreciate any feedback, any welcome arms out there, and hopefully i'll fit in nicely and add some friends along the way! P.S: Can you tell King Mickey that it's been quite a while after 10 years of my experience with the game Kingdom Hearts? Thanks. ~ selfKaiHarness Whew! took me for at least the amount of time to kill a tough heartless, guys! Again, if you missed my story i wrote on how i got into Kingdom Hearts 10 years ago, click show because again, there are spoilers! I know how you feel. I've been also a fan of Kingdom Hearts when I was 14, that was 2002 until now. :ph34r: "Kingdom Hearts" is like your mother, it watches you grow hahaha :tongue: 1 selfKaiHarness reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
selfKaiHarness 3 Posted July 14, 2017 Yeah. I agree. Kingdom Hearts is our mother from a decade ago, haha. Plus, thanks for enjoying my life story on how i got into Kingdom Hearts in the first place. I really feel that the game Kingdom Hearts had taught me a lot when i was young, and i appreciate what its doing. Besides, it taught you too, right? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
khouji123 4 Posted July 14, 2017 On 7/14/2017 at 12:34 AM, selfKaiHarness said: Yeah. I agree. Kingdom Hearts is our mother from a decade ago, haha. Plus, thanks for enjoying my life story on how i got into Kingdom Hearts in the first place. I really feel that the game Kingdom Hearts had taught me a lot when i was young, and i appreciate what its doing. Besides, it taught you too, right? It taught me a lot of things.. just not enough for my studies during college days. :cool: 1 selfKaiHarness reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
selfKaiHarness 3 Posted July 14, 2017 I am very glad that it taught you a lot too. Kingdom Hearts will be in our hearts, forever. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
khouji123 4 Posted July 14, 2017 (edited) On 7/14/2017 at 2:03 AM, selfKaiHarness said: I am very glad that it taught you a lot too. Kingdom Hearts will be in our hearts, forever. Definitely right! :cool: ----------------------------------------------------- Web Designer at Petstreetmall "Pet Supplies for pet lovers everywhere! Petstreetmall is the only place you need for your pet supply needs. Edited October 12, 2017 by khouji123 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
selfKaiHarness 3 Posted July 14, 2017 On 7/14/2017 at 3:59 AM, khouji123 said: Definitely right! :cool: You know what's more right? Our key to the hearts. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites