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Yessie Maltese

I'm Not Okay...

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Looking forward is a lot more difficult than looking back. Life unfortunately has it's ups and downs but you'll come to a point where you'll look back on all the shit that's going on in your life now and will appreciate what you have then so much more. Things might look bleak now but it'll get better :) 


Good luck and keep fighting!

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Now now, first of all don't ever think of yourself as a mistake, every person on this planet is special and so are you, it doesn't matter what others say or think!


And I see it like the others, your mom probably didn't mean it like that. Of course, she should never have said that, but she is probably just really stressed right now, and people can get really angry when they're stressed... so please don't think bad about your mom now, and neither about you as well :)

And, though it might be a tough situation right now, it's going to be better after some time! Rough times don't last forever! xD

If you should feel sad sometime again, then please try to talk to anyone. I'll gladly be there to listen to you, and many other people on this site as well, so you're not alone. Talking about problems can help a lot!


Please get well soon! :3

Edited by DoDo4869

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I'm really sorry to hear of your problems. I have my share of family issues in the past. (Stepmother related... Too much drama...)


But, don't ever think you are a mistake. You aren't a mistake. You may can't drive and get a job. But with time, you'll be able to do those things. So, don't get discourage just because you're not doing much right now. There will be a time you'll experience things like that. Like me, I'm not doing so much right now, other than studying Med Billing Encoding. I don't have a job, I'm not a mother, I'm not married. But yet, I always get nagged at because of those things.  


And don't take hard and personal because your mom got mad and said those things to you. She's just frustrated over what got her upset. 

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Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.  Trust me, I know how you feel; I can't drive either, nor find a job, and I'm 23, so I feel like a massive failure.  My mother has also threatened to get rid of our dog when she gets really upset, but when she calms down, she says that she could never get rid of him, so I'm sure your mother is the same.  You even said she apologized for upsetting you, so that's good.  Like you said, she's probably just stressed, so once the situation that's causing it disappears, she should be okay.


But please don't think that you're a mistake, okay?  You have a lot of friends here, and we'd be very sad if something happened to you, so just remember that, okay? :)

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Wow Yessie, I'm sorry that you're going through this! I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you, but hey, keep a strong heart and be there for your Mom, and I'm sure the two of you will pull through this situation together, and you'll be able to make the move successfully! I just hope everything with your cousin clears up, and I hope that there's no more fights, because arguments and fights, especially in families, is sad! :(


Stay strong, Yessie! Remember that you're KH13's dog loving girl, so you gotta keep your spirits up! Stay strong, no matter the darkness!


Also, you aren't a mistake. Never assume or even have that go through your mind! God loves you, your Mom loves you, and you should love yourself for your existence! Everyone is special, and you are no exception!

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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