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KHRecoded Re:Coded US Site

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Are Re:Coded gonna realese the same day as Europe??? :O


I think they typed wrong...

Games are usually released on Fridays in Europe and in the US they are usually released on Tuesdays.

And since 14th January is on a Friday that means this is the release date for EU. And most likely the release for Us will be on 11 January.

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Kingdom Hearts Re:coded will be officially released in US on January 14 2010 awesome !!!!! nice find !!!!


*laughs* you mean 2011. Is it just me or are they using other rpg games to make it as their very own? There's the old FF games, Fire Emblem, Mario, etc.

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weird i clicked the follow us on facebook and it said it was the european site but i assumethat the game cums out on january 11th for U.S. WOOOOOOOHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait

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