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Why i think Kingdom Hearts 3 will be at E3

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E3 2013: Kingdom Hearts 3 was announced


E3 2014: No Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer, but The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild was announced (Then it was named Zelda U)


E3 2015: New Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer, but no Breath of the Wild.


E3 2016: No Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer, but a new Breath of the Wild trailer.


E3 2017: New Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer(?) but no Breath of the Wild (Cause it's already out)


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Breath of the Wild DLC will be in the Nintendo showcase only, and Kingdom Hearts 3 will get a new trailer, but only during a surprise reveal when the actual E3 event happens and during the Square Enix Presents schedule, they just aren't telling us about it yet!

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