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Shard the Gentleman

Share Animal Crossing stories!

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One thing everyone seems to have is stories about their relationships with villagers in Animal Crossing. Share them here!

I'll start with my pal Chuck.


Let it be known that I DETESTED this dude, he was always a huge jerk to me whenever I talked to him or gave him an item. Anyway, it was like 2008 and I was walking around my town at about 2am, and I see that his house is the only one with a light on this late, so I walk in.


At first I was expecting him to be a jerk and tell me to leave, but instead, he told me stories about his past, and things he liked. Eventually I really grew to like Chuck, and felt like I bonded with him more than I did with any other character... He then moved away.

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In my first town of Beatlevil, waaaay back in 2003, there was a bear named Poncho who lived next to my house. As one does, I was running errands for my neighbors, and Poncho asked me to get a tape for him from Olivia (a cat). After doing that, I asked to do him another favor, and he asked me to pick up a tape for him from Kiki (another cat). And then another tape from Tabby, yet another cat. Apparently, there's nothing Poncho loved more than cat videos.

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The most memorable moment I had in Animal Crossing was many years ago on the gamecube version. My room at the time was set up so that all of the power in the room could be turned off with my light switch (it was really annoying) and so my light was always on when I was gaming. I was deep in an Animal Crossing session and had done a lot of chores for the villagers and fishing. I got up to go to the bathroom and when I came back my game and TV were turned off. My mom had walked by my room when I was in the bathroom and, since it was daytime, turned my light off to save power. Unfortunately she didn't realize I my TV was on. I was pretty devastated and don't think I played AC for a while after that. It's a reminder to always save your game often I guess.

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