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Good for me, bad for others

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Well, for those of you scientifical and atheistic, don't read this.






So it seems that 2 days ago or so we had a rainy day here in southern california, then the day after was just cloudy, then the day AFTER THAT it was rainy again, heh, well thats partly my fault, you see...


I enjoyed the rain, but this girl liked the rain too, for a strange reason I felt a depression in my heart, and wanted to help, therefore I looked upon what magical spells I had in my possession and found a rain conjuring spell from china, the spell summons Water Dragons ancient Chinese used to give rain for farming.


Since they were from China, it would take awhile to get here, but today they came, and according to a couple people on here, the weather was the cause of crappiness in their day. For those of you, my deepest apologies. The dragons give rain, but emotions fall as well with the water.

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You think you caused rain with some supposed Chinese dragon spell?



I think it was probably just meant to rain that day...


Methinks your taking a bit too much time on the imagination train


Choo choo


As I have stated, those of atheist and non-religious views, those scientifical shouldn't have read and commented. For you do not understand and will not care for the un-tangible.

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Actually, I am neither aethiest or very scientifical, considering my grade. xD


I meant that if a dragon came, wouldn't it be on the news or something? Like, how are you going to miss a giant dragon in the sky? xD




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sorage is a guy with good wisdom and from what he say's is true but soon anof to get somethign you most give somthign of the same price soo somthign bad or good will happen followeing this event and for thos who do not under stayd just dont answer to this

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sorage is a guy with good wisdom and from what he say's is true but soon anof to get somethign you most give somthign of the same price soo somthign bad or good will happen followeing this event and for thos who do not under stayd just dont answer to this


I don't know what you said. But I'm going to have to agree.

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You can say the water drops themselves, were part of the Water Dragons. But according to my observations of the sky and clouds, their power is weakening. I might as well cast them away and find a nice Sunlight Spell to brighten up the times now. Or perhaps the dragons would leave on their own account.

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