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Space Cowboy


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Had to be one of the worse days of my life.


First of all, it is a rainy day today. Rain happens to be my favorite thing. But today, rain hated me. As soon I as walked out of my house, I slipped on my porch and busted my ass. Playing this off, I get up, and walk to my car (Yes, I can drive.) I try to start up my car, and it takes me five minutes to do so. When I finally get to school, the bell rings as soon as I walk in, so I get a detention for being late.



Then, at lunch time, I'm in the cafeteria talking to my friends, and some Sophmore girl randomly approaches me and kicks me in the "huevos" twice. Some football player paid her $5 dollars to do this (If she's getting paid to do things like that, I can't imagine what she would do when she gets paid when she is older -cough-). So then, I walk out of the cafeteria, and I slip on a puddle AND BUST MY ASS AGAIN! Man am I in pain right now.


So after I make it to 6th period, I'm already in a sour mood. I have my head down in class, and then my teacher starts trolling me and calls me 15 times to answer some math problems, knowing damn well I don't know how to answer them. So, the 15th time she calls me, I just yell, "F*CK!", and I get kicked out. Now I have to go to a 4 hour detention camp on Saturday. Today was great -_-

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Oooooooo mate, not very good at all. The weather's just random these days huh?


(Didn't think the spell would reach that far from Escondido....)

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Sorry, SK3 ;; That really sounds bad. Though I'll admit I wish I had the nerve to yell that out in class. xD Meh, I'm not that brave though, haha. Don't think I could stand the screaming and hitting I'd get from my dad. I hope things look up from here.

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When I finally get to school, the bell rings as soon as I walk in, so I get a detention for being late.

The hell is this? A few seconds late and you get detention? You need to oppose this with a principal or whoever would be in charge of such stuff.



Then, at lunch time, I'm in the cafeteria talking to my friends, and some Sophmore girl randomly approaches me and kicks me in the "huevos" twice. Some football player paid her $5 dollars to do this (If she's getting paid to do things like that, I can't imagine what she would do when she gets paid when she is older -cough-).

Screw the sexist "lol u cant hit gurlz" stuff - she attacked you, you attack back.

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When I finally get to school, the bell rings as soon as I walk in, so I get a detention for being late.

The hell is this? A few seconds late and you get detention? You need to oppose this with a principal or whoever would be in charge of such stuff.



Then, at lunch time, I'm in the cafeteria talking to my friends, and some Sophmore girl randomly approaches me and kicks me in the "huevos" twice. Some football player paid her $5 dollars to do this (If she's getting paid to do things like that, I can't imagine what she would do when she gets paid when she is older -cough-).

Screw the sexist "lol u cant hit gurlz" stuff - she attacked you, you attack back.


This has been another "Life With Rho"

Tune in next week when Rho gives us his thoughts on animal abuse.

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Yeah I probably should talk to the principal about it. He won't listen, but I'll still talk to him.


Even though yes, she did physically attack me for monetary gain, I can't find in my heart to hit a girl.

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