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What's your favorite Kingdom Hearts manga/novel?

What's your favorite Kingdom Hearts manga/novel?  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your favorite Kingdom Hearts manga/novel?

    • KH1 manga
    • KH1 novels
    • Chain of Memories manga
    • Chain of Memories novels
    • KH2 manga
    • KH2 novels
    • 358/2 Days manga
    • 358/2 Days novels
    • Birth By Sleep novels
    • I haven't read any of them
    • Something else to say? Share below!

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I've never read the manga throughly, but as others know, based on some face value impressions I took with it, I don't rate it very highly... still, that could change if I actually do start reading it. Who knows?


I've never read the novels either but I've always been interesting in what kind of writing style the authors use to illustrate the games in that kind of format.

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honestly it's been a while since i sat down and read the manga. i'm planning on picking up the last volume of KH2 when it comes out though so maybe that's when i'll give the series a read through. from what i remember when i read them as a kid i enjoyed them simply because it was KH but like a comic and that was cool. the first KH2 manga from TokyoPop or whatever was my first manga and i remember that's how i got back into the series.


i tried reading the novels once. went to a bookstore and read the first few pages of the KH1 novel and put it down pretty fast. it read like a fan had written it and it's odd because i'm not sure what criteria a piece of work has to meet to feel like fan fiction. i assume it's just because i'm so familiar with the games as games and so i've got some kind of bias when it comes to reading a novelization of the same work. it'd probably be different if it were a spin off story set in the KH series.


then again that would just feel even more like fan fiction so what do i know lol

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358/2 manga hands down. The way it developed all the characters [especially Xion] was beyond amazing. BUT SERIOUSLY THO XION WAS SO CUTE IN THE MANGA YA JUST WANNA GIVE HER HEADPATS AND SEA SALT ICE CREAM I MEAN LOOK AT HER  <3






Edited by Javelin434

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Manga? Pssh. Nerds.


No..that's not a shelf filled with em...

where? behind that giant Kingdom hearts poster or next to that organasation 13 uniform?


days was best it had the best character development and comedy Plus it gave you a deeper look at each personality of the organasation members.

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