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What 3DS games you getting?

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Alright, so we now know that the 3DS is coming February 2011 for Japan, and March 2011 for the other countries. So what 3DS games are you planning on buying? These are the games I'm buying:

-MGS 3 3DS


-Kid Icarus:Uprising


-Ocaria of Time 3DS remake


-Star Fox 64 remake


-Mario Kart 3DS


-Animal crossing 3DS


-Kingdom Hearts 3D


What about you?

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I don't even know if I'll get it yet. 300 dollars is a lot of money, money that I have been saving for a lot of Xbox and PC games.


lol, i'll repeat, the 3DS will not be $300, just the japanese price is the equivilent of $300.


the american price is predicted at $200 and english at

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1-KH 3D-must i tell?


2-Megaman Legends 3-I loved Megaman Legends 1, it was fun for a PS1 game. Megaman Legends 3 better have more Dungeons.


3-That Mario Kart game-I love Mariokart, but the last DS one was a complete Failure.


4-Kid Icarus:Uprising-Kid Icarus deserves this. It was one of Nintendo's best games back then, but was forgotten, Nintendo was smart to make this.

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Assuming I can afford them:


Kingdom Hearts 3D

The Legend of Zelda: OoT

StarFox64 3D

Mario Kart 3DS

Paper Mario 3DS

Kid Icarus Uprising

Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D - The Naked Sample

Megaman Legends 3 (when it eventually releases)

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition (I'm 50 50 on this title, but I might buy it)


There's a bunch of great titles hitting the 3DS. It's great to see so many developers supporting the system, especially so early in its lifespan.

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-Resident Evil Revelations

-Ocarina of Time

-Kingdom Hearts 3D


Having a 3DS isn't exactly a major thing for me, but this is for if I get a 3DS for some odd reason.

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Dragon Ball 3D

Final Fantasy 3D

Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters 3D

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Ehh thats all that Look intresting to me so far that I want

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Dragon Ball 3D

Final Fantasy 3D

Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters 3D

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Ehh thats all that Look intresting to me so far that I want


There's a Final Fantasy 3D?

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