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Which Summons would you like to see in future Kingdom Hearts titles?

Which Summons would you like to see in future Kingdom Hearts titles?  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Summons would you like to see in future Kingdom Hearts titles?

    • Timon & Pumba combo (Lion King)
    • Maui Hawk-mode (Moana)
    • Bahamut (Final Fantasy)
    • Baloo (Jungle Book)
    • Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story)
    • Spiderman (Spiderman, duh)
    • Pain & Panic (Hercules)
    • Red XIII (Final Fantasy 7)
    • Olaf (Frozen)
    • Yoda (Star Wars)
    • Maximus (Tangled)
    • Sulley (Monsters Inc)
    • I don't want any Summons
    • I just want the old ones
    • Another character? Share below!

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Some old ones. For example: Peter Pan, Stitch (best one in KH2! :D), maybe Genie since there are going to be Drive Forms in KH3 so it could be the same as in KH2. As of new ones... I don't know. Maybe Buzz Lightyear.

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Maui could be cool just because he might not be limited to his hawk form; with the magic hook, he could do a bunch of things. I'd like a mix of old and new though, personally; a few Disney and a few FF.

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I decided to go for Spider-Man, because he's my favorite Marvel superhero, and since I'm more open to the idea of Marvel appearing in Kingdom Hearts, I'd like to see how Spidey would work as a summon!


Just imagine, Sora stops and summons Spidey, and he webs up nearby Heartless! Then he swings in with one of his classic one liners, and then having him summoned consists of him pulling faraway enemies close so you can get the jump on them, and web up nearby foes so they can't attack! And if you're focused on damaging one foe, Spidey can get you out of harm's way with his Spidey sense! He'd also do wicked combos which you could join in on to make a multiple hit combo!


You know what? I like this idea! Spidey for a KH summon for the win! :D

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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Baymax would be interesting, kind of be like Tinkerbell but one that fights back a bit.

If we're getting a Frozen summon, it better be Elsa because everyone else is useless.

The Cyborg from Treasure Planet (Haven't seen in awhile so I can't remember his name.)

Kida from Atlantis to be bada** af


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Spider-Man or Yoda. Hey, if the popular opinion is that apparently we're not "allowed" to have Star Wars and Marvel worlds mingle with KH and all it's complicated KHness, the least we can get is having them in the form of summons. Would a Spider-Man summon seriously kill this series for anyone? (rhetorical question, that would just be overdramatic.)

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I have several that is like to see, actually:


-Lambert the Sheepish Lion


-Mr. Toad

-Elliot (Old-School Pete's Dragon)


-Genie, again

-Frankenweenie (if he can't have a world, according to KingdomHearts3, then he might as well be a summon, right?)

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