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@Fredfredbug4, Dude we'll all be dead by then.


Anyway my entire town hates America. I live in a small border town in BC and for some reason Americans think it's okay to fly jets over us at 6 in the morning. The jets fly around us for a bit then head back South I mean, what's the point of that? A jet once crashed into our mountin which caused a forest fire that lasted about 2 weeks.


We have a saw mill here that's how we get our money most of the lumber we cut went to the States until they decided they didn't need us anymore. Half the people here lost their jobs including my dad and we still haven't recovered. Many have moved and the people that can't afford to move are having a hard time.


We'll all be dead by 2030? I'll be 45 around 2030 which is the minimum age you must be to be a good dictator. Unless you are one of those people who think the world is going to end in 2012 then we will all still be around provided nothing happens to us.


Aircraft fly over my house at 30,000 feet all day long, unless you live around 20,000 feet in elevation you shouldn't really be hearing aircraft. Of course they could military fighters in which case they shouldn't really be in Canadian airspace. And why are you condemning an entire country for the actions of one person? Especially if what happened was an accident. It's one thing if he did it on purpose. It's another thing if it was a mistake. Apparently all Americans fly jets into mountains for fun.




Sorry about what happened in your town. But America has over 1 trillion dollars worth of debt. We have to cut back on a lot of things or we're bankrupt. Everyone in the world is having a rough time with money including my family. Don't point fingers because EVERYONE in a civilized country is responsible for this.


It's starting to get repetitive trying to get people to stop hating America for no good reason. It's actually kinda funny because Americans usually don't go off whining about other countries unless someone started it.

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@Fredfredbug4, Dude we'll all be dead by then.


Anyway my entire town hates America. I live in a small border town in BC and for some reason Americans think it's okay to fly jets over us at 6 in the morning. The jets fly around us for a bit then head back South I mean, what's the point of that? A jet once crashed into our mountin which caused a forest fire that lasted about 2 weeks.


We have a saw mill here that's how we get our money most of the lumber we cut went to the States until they decided they didn't need us anymore. Half the people here lost their jobs including my dad and we still haven't recovered. Many have moved and the people that can't afford to move are having a hard time.


We'll all be dead by 2030? I'll be 45 around 2030 which is the minimum age you must be to be a good dictator. Unless you are one of those people who think the world is going to end in 2012 then we will all still be around provided nothing happens to us.


Aircraft fly over my house at 30,000 feet all day long, unless you live around 20,000 feet in elevation you shouldn't really be hearing aircraft. Of course they could military fighters in which case they shouldn't really be in Canadian airspace. And why are you condemning an entire country for the actions of one person? Especially if what happened was an accident. It's one thing if he did it on purpose. It's another thing if it was a mistake. Apparently all Americans fly jets into mountains for fun.




Sorry about what happened in your town. But America has over 1 trillion dollars worth of debt. We have to cut back on a lot of things or we're bankrupt. Everyone in the world is having a rough time with money including my family. Don't point fingers because EVERYONE in a civilized country is responsible for this.


It's starting to get repetitive trying to get people to stop hating America for no good reason. It's actually kinda funny because Americans usually don't go off whining about other countries unless someone started it.


Oh okay sorry you make a good point never thought of it like that

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you should admit, fred, that the society of america is not flawless lol. that's the way you're making it sound. i.e.; i have heard americans blatantly insult other countries without anyone else starting it. i wont point out everything because that would be pointless, but you should get what im saying

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you should admit, fred, that the society of america is not flawless lol. that's the way you're making it sound. i.e.; i have heard americans blatantly insult other countries without anyone else starting it. i wont point out everything because that would be pointless, but you should get what im saying


I get what your saying. It's just that most of the time people blame their problems on America for some reason or the other. I know some people insult other countries for no reason but most of them are rednecks in a trailerpark who never heard of school.


Because America contains people from multiple cultures (we are a nation of immigrants and ancestors of immigrants after all) most of us don't try to make rude remarks about another nation unless we are at war with them or something. I rarely see my fellow Americans intentionally try to talk trash about other countries. Usually it happens because someone said offensive things about America but your right, there are quite a few assholes.

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actually ill frequently hear insults in northern areas such as michigan as well as other northern states. dont get me wrong, ilmichigan, but a lot of people are very biased/uneducated on other countries. in all honesty, the american school system generally isnt that great, not like EVERY school is bad, but generally the school systems/boards are pretty shitty.


canada is as well, and we try not to make those comments, even if we are at war with other countries.

plus i hear frequent remarks from americans regarding germans, japanese, chinese, and mexicans. in fact, i was hanging out with a german exchange student in troy, mi last year and a group of kids called him a nazi.

so your society needs to grow up a bit. its not that we blame problems on you or make fun of you, americans tend to do these things themselves. i refuse to say the whole nation is like this, but a great many are and thats what bothers me.

...this really isnt a debatable topic here tho lol, and no way you can 'compromise' it, seeing as its actions of americans, not my thoughts on them lol.

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actually ill frequently hear insults in northern areas such as michigan as well as other northern states. dont get me wrong, ilmichigan, but a lot of people are very biased/uneducated on other countries. in all honesty, the american school system generally isnt that great, not like EVERY school is bad, but generally the school systems/boards are pretty shitty.


canada is as well, and we try not to make those comments, even if we are at war with other countries.

plus i hear frequent remarks from americans regarding germans, japanese, chinese, and mexicans. in fact, i was hanging out with a german exchange student in troy, mi last year and a group of kids called him a nazi.

so your society needs to grow up a bit. its not that we blame problems on you or make fun of you, americans tend to do these things themselves. i refuse to say the whole nation is like this, but a great many are and thats what bothers me.

...this really isnt a debatable topic here tho lol, and no way you can 'compromise' it, seeing as its actions of americans, not my thoughts on them lol.


Meh, most American kids are morons. I'll give you that. You can't really make a point saying that teenagers are doing these things.


Most of our problems with youth are because parents and teachers have turned into giant pussies. Back in my dads days, a good old fashion smack in the rear with a paddle was the preferred method of discipline. And it worked. I'm not a fan of corporal punishment, but sadly it's the only way to knock some sense into people.


American teens are also infamous for magically pulling facts out of their asses. Actually the majority of teenagers are. Thankfully I believe I am not part of that majority since I actually know where my information is coming from.


Plus Americans aren't the only ones who may share biased opinions against other countries. One example is other countries biased towards us.


Also here's some evidence to back up my point that usually Americans don't start up.


Look in the comments of these videos.



With some quick browsing you can see that there are completely random insults against America that seem to come out of no where.


Now look at the comments of the USSR national anthem.



The USSR was a major competitor of America, as you can see, many Americans are praising the anthem and some even praise the USSR itself. While there are still a few Americans being idiots it's mostly positive feedback.


As you can see there is a difference. On the comments of the US anthem, a large portion of the comments are basically illogical hatred against america that came out of no where.


While on the USSR national anthem everyone is loving it including Americans despite the major rivalry between the two nations.

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im not talking about other nations insulting america, im talking about america insulting other nations. two wrongs dont make a right thus that's invalid? im not going to watch the vid cuz i dont have sound tho lol. i have heard a great many a insult to americans, but ive heard worse from americans. and you have no prove that it wasnt started by americans lmao.


i dont just hear it from teens, i hear it from adults. i don't entirely base my facts on teenagers , though at some points i do because a.; they're your future, wake up call. they're not going to mature if everyone passes it off as a teenage thing and b.; a lot of times teenagers are more mature on modern views than adults are.

i have heard most of these insults from adults, only the nazi one from teenagers. i have had adults insult me to my face because im from canada, and they are so ignorant they think that canada is a useless country that hasn't been in any wars. since you act so intelligent on foreign views, i wont bother explaining the stupidity and offensiveness of that statement.

and i havent just heard american adults insult canada, but places like, well... japan, mexico, etc. pretty much everything i said before and more rofl.

americans like the anthem of the ussr, great! songs dont really have relevance to this discussion lol.


again, there is no way for you to 'compromise' yourself out of this, so i suggest we end this here ... ?

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I'm not very happy with America.

Mostly with our politics. Why do we have to get in every country's business?

If it has nothing to do with us, then why bother?

And we're also somewhat of an international bully, based on what I've learned in AP US History.

Also, we've been battling racism of all sorts (i.e. gay marriage rights, Muslims' community center near Ground Zero).


Someone mentioned that Americans were too proud, I believe?

Only the stupid ones are, and unfortunately, there are quite a few of them.

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America think they are the world's police force. Bit silly.


However i like that a lot of American's (or what i see on TV as American's) love their country. I wish more people were patriotic in Australia.



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America think they are the world's police force. Bit silly.


However i like that a lot of American's (or what i see on TV as American's) love their country. I wish more people were patriotic in Australia.




No country is even close to the medals we have.

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im not talking about other nations insulting america, im talking about america insulting other nations. two wrongs dont make a right thus that's invalid? im not going to watch the vid cuz i dont have sound tho lol. i have heard a great many a insult to americans, but ive heard worse from americans. and you have no prove that it wasnt started by americans lmao.


i dont just hear it from teens, i hear it from adults. i don't entirely base my facts on teenagers , though at some points i do because a.; they're your future, wake up call. they're not going to mature if everyone passes it off as a teenage thing and b.; a lot of times teenagers are more mature on modern views than adults are.

i have heard most of these insults from adults, only the nazi one from teenagers. i have had adults insult me to my face because im from canada, and they are so ignorant they think that canada is a useless country that hasn't been in any wars. since you act so intelligent on foreign views, i wont bother explaining the stupidity and offensiveness of that statement.

and i havent just heard american adults insult canada, but places like, well... japan, mexico, etc. pretty much everything i said before and more rofl.

americans like the anthem of the ussr, great! songs dont really have relevance to this discussion lol.


again, there is no way for you to 'compromise' yourself out of this, so i suggest we end this here ... ?


I didn't ask you to watch the video, I asked you to read the comments. Like I said the American anthem comments page is full of biased hatred that comes out of no where. Where as the USSR's and other countries have hardly any insults.


Many American adults are stupid too. They think that if they see it on TV it must be true. They also think that economic practices that failed epically in other countries would be a good idea to try in America.


Like I said, most of the time, those insults against other countries were because of the fact people from those countries like to hate us for no reason. An example would be how people from France and England like to say things about us. Despite we saved their butts from being trampled by Germany...twice...


I'm not very happy with America.

Mostly with our politics. Why do we have to get in every country's business?

If it has nothing to do with us, then why bother?

And we're also somewhat of an international bully, based on what I've learned in AP US History.

Also, we've been battling racism of all sorts (i.e. gay marriage rights, Muslims' community center near Ground Zero).


Someone mentioned that Americans were too proud, I believe?

Only the stupid ones are, and unfortunately, there are quite a few of them.


We get in other countries business because it does in fact have something to do with us. Like I said before if something happens in almost any civilized country it will usually effect America in some way.


Since when was liberating countries from oppression bullying?


Plus every country has discrimination in it. If you want an honest statement America is the fastest country to get rid of it. An example would be gay rights. Like I said to Eterna, civilizations that have been around for thousands of years such as China and Egypt still oppress gays and show no interest in gay rights. Where as America has only been around for about 250 years and we are beginning to realize things such as Gay marriage really isn't bad at all. The UK isn't even that focused on it. I could name more examples about how discrimination can't even be compared to what happens in America but I have some work to do and I already made my point.

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I didn't ask you to watch the video, I asked you to read the comments. Like I said the American anthem comments page is full of biased hatred that comes out of no where. Where as the USSR's and other countries have hardly any insults.


You think America's anthem is the only one with biased hatred comments?


Take a look at Canada's:


"firetruck Canada.?"


"Canada has nothing important they just a piece of dirt? in north America.And they got no important people either.they should all die. firetruck Canada.!"


"lmao that leaf is from central park in new york. Canada? sucks"


"This is pretty terrible. "


"America has a waaaaaay better national? anthem and frances sucks lol"


"Canada? sucks"


Starting to get the gist?



Most Americans I've met, sadly, are incredibly rude, not only to other countries, but to other Americans too. My cousins, aunt, uncle, mom, and brother had a great time making fun of a gay couple at the beach last summer. And the same uncle likes talking to my dad about how awful black people are. I see this on the news, internet, and practically everywhere else too. It's kinda sad that we try and call ourselves "the land of the free" when we can't even accept our own citizens.

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I didn't ask you to watch the video, I asked you to read the comments. Like I said the American anthem comments page is full of biased hatred that comes out of no where. Where as the USSR's and other countries have hardly any insults.


You think America's anthem is the only one with biased hatred comments?


Take a look at Canada's:


"firetruck Canada.?"


"Canada has nothing important they just a piece of dirt? in north America.And they got no important people either.they should all die. firetruck Canada.!"


"lmao that leaf is from central park in new york. Canada? sucks"


"This is pretty terrible. "


"America has a waaaaaay better national? anthem and frances sucks lol"


"Canada? sucks"


Starting to get the gist?



Most Americans I've met, sadly, are incredibly rude, not only to other countries, but to other Americans too. My cousins, aunt, uncle, mom, and brother had a great time making fun of a gay couple at the beach last summer. And the same uncle likes talking to my dad about how awful black people are. I see this on the news, internet, and practically everywhere else too. It's kinda sad that we try and call ourselves "the land of the free" when we can't even accept our own citizens.


I've seen things much worse then that. I visted that page a few times in previous discussions and I've seen about 5 really long rants about how America should be destroyed as well as all the people who live there... all from different people, of different countries...


The things you showed me are annoying and stupid, but is easy to get over, some of the things I've read made me feel extremely insulted.




Posted Image


My reaction to this thread


Yes, it is rather amusing and sometimes hilarious to see what is said here...


This is mine

Posted Image


Yes, I literally face-palmed to some of the things said... I even face keyboard once which is saying something.

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My over all opinion about America:


We try to help other countries. Good. We have racism. Bad. Most of the presidents we get spend a lot of our money. Bad.

You can get shot for wearing red in a certain part of town. Bad. Even though unemployment is up, a lot of jobs are still available. Good. Stimulus checks. AWESOME. The mixing pot of cultures we have here. AWESOME.

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My over all opinion about America:


We try to help other countries. Good. We have racism. Bad. Most of the presidents we get spend a lot of our money. Bad.

You can get shot for wearing red in a certain part of town. Bad. Even though unemployment is up, a lot of jobs are still available. Good. Stimulus checks. AWESOME. The mixing pot of cultures we have here. AWESOME.



I think you could be exaggerating a bit with getting shot but this has to be one of the only logical post so far...

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i believe america is going to go to hell one day.


yes, i live in america.


and that day, is this thanksgiving, when the TSA starts forcing people through strip searches or body scanners. yes, i know this crap has been around for a few months but come this thanksgiving, if you deny the search or scan, you don't get to leave, you get fined 11,000 dollars and possibly even sent to prison. Obama and everyone in washington can go firetruck themselves.

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America only has one thing that I like about it, and that is my love. If she wasn't there right now, America kiss my butt and s**k my d**k(sorry for cursing)

But all in all, if America is still there (and not a mountain of nuclear waste), when I finish university, I want to pick up my passport, round up my money, and move into the U.S.

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America only has one thing that I like about it, and that is my love. If she wasn't there right now, America kiss my butt and s**k my d**k(sorry for cursing)

But all in all, if America is still there (and not a mountain of nuclear waste), when I finish university, I want to pick up my passport, round up my money, and move into the U.S.


NOOEEZ!!! STAY THERE!!! your love is as good as molestedbytheTSA by now. there is no hope.

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Me being the silly Canadian that I am, I...... really don't have a problem with America.


They are often stereotyped as overweight, violent, and arrogant, and I know that is not true mostly. I have met several American people, and most of them were very nice to me.


What annoys me are the Americans that believe that their country is the pinicle of living, and everyone else can rot in the dirt. I have encountered people that say stuff like 'america is the best country ever. we have given the world everything important that it has, like the internet and the telephone! what has canada done'


So apparantly, the telephone is an American invention. The more you know.


Anyway, I know this goes to both sides, with people in my country stereotyping and hating Americans, and that's equally wrong. It's just something that annoys me.


And there's my opinion.

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Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early lighhhhht--




I was always under the impression that everyone hated Americans 'cause we're fat and lazy and we stick our noses were they're not welcomed lol. We always try to be the peace makers, but it's hypocritical of us because we're quick to load our guns at the first sign of a threat. America has it's faults, I just think we don't hide them as well as other countries, or at least, we don't want/try to.


But yeah, I agree that about 99.9% of Americans are ... poor at prioritizing, I guess? We're oblivious to what's happening elsewhere in the world. And we jump too quickly into things we don't fully understand.


I remember me and Jen once had a substitute from Britain and he... was so offending, lol xD. He kept going on about how our illusion of living and achieving the 'American Dream' was all utter crap yadayadayada.


Still, I'm very grateful to live here, even if the majority of us are idiots. It IS the land of the free, and all that jazz. C'mon, can't blame me for having a smidgen of patriotism xD.


I'm still tailing it out of here when I turn eighteen, though. United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland here I come, baby 8D !!!

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Me being the silly Canadian that I am, I...... really don't have a problem with America.


They are often stereotyped as overweight, violent, and arrogant, and I know that is not true mostly. I have met several American people, and most of them were very nice to me.


What annoys me are the Americans that believe that their country is the pinicle of living, and everyone else can rot in the dirt. I have encountered people that say stuff like 'america is the best country ever. we have given the world everything important that it has, like the internet and the telephone! what has canada done'


So apparantly, the telephone is an American invention. The more you know.


Anyway, I know this goes to both sides, with people in my country stereotyping and hating Americans, and that's equally wrong. It's just something that annoys me.


And there's my opinion.


^^^ THIS. :D

ilu bro.


yeah, the only problem i have is when you get the american that will say "WHAT HAS CANADA DONE HUHUH WHENS THE LAST TIME YOU WERE IN A WAR" and you get really, really upset. except, i have bumped into two americans in my memory that actually thanked me & my country for helping them so much throughout history. and really, those two versus the thirty idiots outweighs the idiots, because that really made me proud, and i remember them more than the ignorant ones.


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