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Hello mates, this is Sorage55 here to share with you something thats been a big part of my life:



Well, some of you already know this, but for about 10 years now I have been cursed....and mentally insane. I lived childhood in solitude away from others, no friends for I had no skills on how to make any. But this curse gave me a friend, I thought it was all a trick of my imagination and insanity at the time heheh BUT NO! It was a Demon! Straight from Hell to tempt me to sins as I grew through life, invading my body and constantly torturing me.


"I might as well give this guy a name, and picture what he looks like." I said to myself, I made it obvious: "Daemon" would be his name, and he would look just like me, but with pure black hair and black eyes. I was tortured for 10 years, literally my emotions were FADING AWAY! When something shocking happens in a story or a game I do not feel shocked, when a family member dies and I go to his funeral I am not sad, when I actually made friends and we were all laughing together I was not happy! All these years faking emotions and studying on when to use them! All these years of Daemon's constant taunts and tempts and tortures and beatings! Every night I twitched in pain and horror as Daemon controlled my body limbs to twist my head suddenly to the side, to twitch my hands clawed about my body and face! AND ALL I FELT WAS PAIN! No cries, no tears, nothing shocked me, everything was gray.


After a major spinal surgery the last day of 8th grade, 2 metal rods jammed up my spine, 23 metal screws jackhammered into them and me, gutted up like a dead pig's carcass! And I lied there in bed, in pain, arguing countlessly with Daemon to shut up, to be silenced, he only laughed and hurt me more.


In 9th grade, freshman year, I asked God in prayers, and found I had someone else inside me I never noticed, someone lighter, someone quieter, he never spoke. But he was surely Daemon's opposite. An angel, my angel. I named him and formed him: "Angeal" he looks like me, but with pure white hair and silver eyes. Sometimes takes the form of a white wolf while Daemon was a black wolf.


Angeal never spoke, but fought Daemon off with me, yet it still wasn't enough.


Then, a week ago being 10th grade, I met someone....someone...who helped me. S...she, had somewhat the same problem as me, but a bit differently. One night, a week ago, I told her about them, and her being the same religion as I, helped me by...excorcising Daemon out. Through an hour the fight lasted, till eventually I felt as if I had to throw up or hurl out something from inside me, after that I noticed what it was and kept on doing it, yelling him to STAY DOWN! Cast away to Hell for he shall never reach me nor the Heavens! In God's name he is gone from within me!


After that moment I felt very weak, and went to bed after thanking her. When I awoke...I felt different. A huge rush of many things came unto me! Emotions! I HAVE EMOTIONS! I went about 4 days with a blast of pure emotion! Nervousness! Shyness! Happiness! Sadness! I can laugh! I can laugh! And after 4 days or so, I forgot absolutely everything what happened in those 4 days, now I am controlling my emotions, Angeal roaming free within me, spreading light all around.


I have never felt the emotion....love, before. That girl, before she knew my curse, asked me out on a date...because of my curse I declined quickly. It was the first time anyone has ever asked me out on a date, I didn't really know what to say besides no. Now...I deeply regret that, I wish I could ask her and yet....I have no idea what people do on these "dates". It most likely requires money, and I am a poor boy. I have only my dreams, and my poetry.

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An inner demon. I know how you feel my friend, for I have suffered from this too. Except that I keep mine pinned up inside of me, and I try not to let it influence me. But, there are times where I am influenced, and that's when I just become evil, mean, and an asshole.


Anyways, thats enough of my story, I'm glad your story had somewhat of a happy ending.

If the girl really loves you, she should understand that you can't afford dates. So maybe you guys rent a movie, buy some pizza, and just sit and watch the movie, and that's a date!

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I too am shy and nervous, but just remember that this girl is probably as nervous as you when it to a date, since from what I read, you guys just met. Just talk about your interests, and see if you guys are like hobby and/or personality wise, and move on from there. You can actually have dates that are based off of your hobbies! Maybe you guys could take a trip to Barnes and Noble, or Borders, once a week, looking at new novels, and if you have some spare money, possibly buy her one.

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Well, we have been chatting for about a week now online, apparently, she is as nervous and shy as I am. Why, just like me, she has horrible memory. Theres seems to be more coincidence between us as well, strange indeed.

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Well, we have been chatting for about a week now online, apparently, she is as nervous and shy as I am. Why, just like me, she has horrible memory. Theres seems to be more coincidence between us as well, strange indeed.


It's a 30 year old man.


If it's not, hurry up and claim her man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, we have been chatting for about a week now online, apparently, she is as nervous and shy as I am. Why, just like me, she has horrible memory. Theres seems to be more coincidence between us as well, strange indeed.


It's a 30 year old man.


If it's not, hurry up and claim her man!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Uhhh...I see her at school, I think I can tell the difference.

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Well, we have been chatting for about a week now online, apparently, she is as nervous and shy as I am. Why, just like me, she has horrible memory. Theres seems to be more coincidence between us as well, strange indeed.


It's a 30 year old man.


If it's not, hurry up and claim her man!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Uhhh...I see her at school, I think I can tell the difference.


You would be amazed at what a little Blush can do.


But really ask her out, if she is as shy as you then she wont say no.

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Well, we have been chatting for about a week now online, apparently, she is as nervous and shy as I am. Why, just like me, she has horrible memory. Theres seems to be more coincidence between us as well, strange indeed.


It's a 30 year old man.


If it's not, hurry up and claim her man!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Uhhh...I see her at school, I think I can tell the difference.


You would be amazed at what a little Blush can do.


But really ask her out, if she is as shy as you then she wont say no.


And yet I have no idea what people do on dates! What is a date these days? What do we do? What do I do? Where to go? How long does it last? It's all about money!

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Well, we have been chatting for about a week now online, apparently, she is as nervous and shy as I am. Why, just like me, she has horrible memory. Theres seems to be more coincidence between us as well, strange indeed.


It's a 30 year old man.


If it's not, hurry up and claim her man!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Uhhh...I see her at school, I think I can tell the difference.


You would be amazed at what a little Blush can do.


But really ask her out, if she is as shy as you then she wont say no.


And yet I have no idea what people do on dates! What is a date these days? What do we do? What do I do? Where to go? How long does it last? It's all about money!


Take her to dinner and ask about her interests, see if you ahve anything in common and then go from there.

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joke.....well...she somewhat has kinda the same...."condition" I had, the one she helped me with, but with her's it would take time. It appears though that she still has emotions, idk. She says I should smile more in public...its a habit from 10 years of not smiling, now introduced to happiness and laughter again, I gotta learn how to smile. Maybe that would be nice.

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Dude so happy you have emotions and all! And about this "Friend" lol, I say ask her out to a simple... picnic maybe, ya know, easy food you normally have in your fridge like, Sandwiches, maceroni salad, crap like that. You will find it cheap and very enjoyable. I know what you mean by poor boy, so am I but I find ways to entertain my girl.

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Nah, i'll bet she doesn't even like me. Couldn't be.



Don't be silly, Touch up you're hair and put on some nice clothes and I'd do you; theres no way she could resist.

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Idk, women resist me quite easily.


THE IDEA FOR US IS TO NOT LET YOU KNOW THAT WE LIKE YOU! That's why, haha. There are some people everyone dies for, so people don't pretend there, but people hide their crushes. I'm sure she probably really likes you.

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Well like me, she says she puts on a "mask" when going to school or when in public, to not be ourselves. I do that too, putting up a set of fake emotions is what i've been doing for 10 years now. But now it gets easier since I have real emotions to fake with.

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Well like me, she says she puts on a "mask" when going to school or when in public, to not be ourselves. I do that too, putting up a set of fake emotions is what i've been doing for 10 years now. But now it gets easier since I have real emotions to fake with.


When I was growing up there was a point in my Life when I was so angry.

I pushed away my friends, my family and everyone else who cared for me.


But then I met someone who made me feel complete. He made me realize that my anger was not genuine, and behind that anger was someone who was Hurt and lost. With time he saved me, and he made me happy.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you just reach out to someone maybe you wont have to hide behind a mask, and you can be you.


Take a jump, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

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