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Weird Crap you thought as a child

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Does the title need explanation?



I have many, most of which I probably won't have down yet.



-I thought the world used to be in black and white, then all of a sudden someone set off a paint bomb or something that gave everything color. I don't know.


-After 9/11 whenever I saw a plane, I ran into a building. Which is like the "DUCK AND COVER" thing where they thought hiding under a desk would protect you from 7,000 degree heat slamming into you.


-I thought adults never slept and instead just stayed up all night drinking beer and watching Nick@Nite


-I thought pro wrestlers were monkeys at some point


-Apparently when I was like 3 I was taking some kind of test where some person showed me a picture and asked me what it was. Supposedly, I was shown a picture of Jesus and said it was Santa, then shown a church and said it was a castle. I didn't know jack shit about that stuff back then.


-Until 2nd Grade I thought humans only lived in Europe, Australia, and North America. I thought Africa and Asia were only inhabited by animals. Dunno about South America.


-I thought babies were formed by lip-kissing and they were born out of the anus. Hell, I was really close.



This one isn't really something I thought, but I attempted voodoo in Kindergarten. With Ice Cream.

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I have thought many stupid things as a child. x3


Five years ago (I'd just turned eight, I think) my mom came up to me and said, "Sweetie, you're in third grade now and your daddy wants to 'talk' to you about it..." You can imagine the Talk. Even after that, I still thought Santa delivered babies as presents on Christmas. xDdunno where I thought Santa got them

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I thought tampons were something you peed in. :'D And that I would slip down the drain in the bathtub if I wasn't careful.

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I was under the strange belief that a video game where a kid with hair thats impossible to maintain wielded a giant PVC pipe with a key on the end would make for a good premise.



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When I was little, I thought you got pregnant by drinking a guy's urine.


I also thought big boobies were filled with basketballs 8D

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When I was 6,my mom read and told me the story 'Narnia'.So I thought that my closet had a new world in it.So I would go and try to find it every night.Since then.Mom hasn't read me anymore bedtimes stories.


I also thought that the Easter Bunny helped santa deliver presents.

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I thought I was the only gay person in my School.

I was right.


I can tell you that about 100% of the kids at my old school said they were not gay. (there were about 500 somethin')


I can also tell you about 99% of them were.

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I thought that the pokemon Haunter and Gastly were waiting for me in my bedroom so I didn't want to go to bed unless someone else was in the room. (I was sharing a room with my sisters)

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Once i thought peeves, the poltergeist from harry potter, was hiding in my toilet.

i ended up sometimes either going in really quickly then running away, or whispering to the toilet telling him i know he's there and to leave me alone.

my parents thought i was having tummy troubles. lol.

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As a child i thought Sora was female until....a about an hour or two into the game.......I was 9...(honest mistake)....of course then i thought of him as "pretty"


I had a fear that whenever i looked into this mirror in my bedroom that it wasnt me staring back but that it was some demonic thing that looks just like me and I thought all of the countries of the world were squished together and not across seas.

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When I was a child, my mom put hot sauce on my finger when I was asleep to stop suckking my thumb. For 2 months, my cousin convinced me the devil pissed on my finger.


I thought chickens can grow in your yard if you bury their bones.


I believed the boogeyman was formed when kids hid their boogers in their closets. From then on I hid them under the couch.


I thought Jesus died in 9/11.


I thought babies were born when men put their penises in a woman's anus and the next day the baby would slide out their belly buttons.


I also thought the last dinosaur died in 9/11 while Jesus was protecting it.


I thought 9/11 was the beginning of Armaggaedon.










I thought my parents were brother and sister til I was 6.


I thought Candlejack could really kidna

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I thought if I flushed the toilet after 9pm ghosts would come up from the basment to devour my soul.


I thought Barney and the Teletubies were teamed up to destroy the world.


There's more but I can't think of them right now

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When it rained, I thought the sky was peeing.


Thought it was God crying everytime a girl got hit by a truck.

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