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Shouldn't Roxas look like Sora and Ventus?

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He does. The all look almost identical to each other. It's really Ventus who's the odd man out; why does some random kid from 10 years ago look almost exactly like Sora?

Edited by HeyMouseSayCheese

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Here's a handy guide for you in better understanding Roxas and Namine.


Nomura stated in the ultimatum that "Roxas and Ventus look alike because Ventus' heart entered Sora's body and Roxas' birth allowed Ventus' heart to reside in Roxas".


With that in consideration, Namine is technically Kairi's nobody made from elements of Sora and Ventus. That explains as to why her hair colour is the same as Roxas/Ventus. 

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Here's a handy guide for you in better understanding Roxas and Namine.


Nomura stated in the ultimatum that "Roxas and Ventus look alike because Ventus' heart entered Sora's body and Roxas' birth allowed Ventus' heart to reside in Roxas".


With that in consideration, Namine is technically Kairi's nobody made from elements of Sora and Ventus. That explains as to why her hair colour is the same as Roxas/Ventus.


Never gave much thought about Naminé, but that much about Roxas could be figured out without Nomura telling us

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Actually as of KH 2.5, Roxas' model has been updated to resemble Sora's face a bit better, so now any time someone says "you look just like him", he actually does, lol. So yeah, NOW he does have elements from both Sora and Ventus. But the fact is that his body is that way because when Sora lost his heart, Ven's heart stayed behind in his body, thus his body was shaped to look like Ventus it became Roxas. That's why Roxas looks and sounds mostly like Ventus, because the heart shapes the body. So even if they didn't add that facial detail to make him look a bit more like Sora, it would still make sense that he still resembles Ven more than Sora, since that's whose heart is in there anyway. But he is by no means Ven with amnesia, he's still Sora's Nobody and his own person as the result of being a separate entity from Sora, it just so happens that he has somebody else's heart within himself instead of a heart of his own that he maybe could have grown given enough time. But yeah, point is 2.5 fixed that problem, so now he looks like both Ven AND Sora. Go ahead, compare the 2.5 models yourself, they're pretty dead-on. Though even then, Ven and Sora still have pretty similar looking faces. Not the exact same, but similar enough for Aqua to call a younger Sora "the spitting image of Ven".


And yeah, somebody already brought up a good point that I've considered for a while about Namine, in that since she couldn't form from Kairi naturally, her appearance is based somewhat off of Kairi while having traits of Ven mixed in there, at least as far as hair color goes. The only bit of Sora I can see in her is her powers to affect his memories and also the fact that Sora's body was the catalyst for her formation. Though what's strange is that Sora's body became Roxas, and Kairi still kept her body because she was a Princess, so the fact that Namine has a body of her own despite there technically not being any left is rather unusual, but then again she was essentially born from 3 different people entirely while still being the Nobody of a Princess of Heart, so her circumstances are unique enough that I can buy her just magically getting a body of her own out of nowhere like that.

Edited by Hero of Light XIV

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There's something I'd like to point out...


If Sora had Ventus and Kairi's Hearts inside him... how come we have only two nobodies here? I mean Kairi's Heart formed the identity of Naminé whose body is uncertain from where it comes from, and Roxas was formed by Sora's body but the Ven's Heart explaining his looks. But what about Sora's Nobody then? I mean his Nobody Roxas took another heart not belonging to Sora, but to Ventus, then what happened to Sora's Heart in that process? He became a Heartless, then he regained his body back... it's almost as if Sora's and Kairi's body were split when Sora turned into a Heartless. One half of Kairi became Naminé. One half of Sora became Roxas. Then when Kairi recognized Sora in the Heartless she protected him with HER body, bringing that Half into the light and returning Sora's incomplete body. Then in KHII when they reunite each other (Kairi with Naminé and Sora with Roxas) they become whole again... It does sound logical now but I tangled myself so much that I'm not so sure now :v

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All three look the same except that Ven and Roxas has a different haircut


Except Ven and Roxas have exactly the same hairstyle so that's not an accurate distinction. 

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With that in consideration, Namine is technically Kairi's nobody made from elements of Sora and Ventus. That explains as to why her hair colour is the same as Roxas/Ventus. 


Namine is blonde.

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Except Ven and Roxas have exactly the same hairstyle so that's not an accurate distinction. 

By your definition Vanitas then would be Sora cuz he had the same exact hair cut as his future design except black


The reason Roxas got the haircut is because Ven's heart from within Sora affected his appearance when he was separated from him


If Ven wasn't there Roxas would've looked identical to Sora.


Roxas is a similar case to Xemnas cuz Xemnas while having Xehanort's haircut he has a similar body built and facial features to Terra

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By your definition Vanitas then would be Sora cuz he had the same exact hair cut as his future design except black


Why are you putting words in my mouth? All I literally said was that Ventus and Roxas have the exact same hairstyle. I never said anything about Sora or Vanitas.

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Why are you putting words in my mouth? All I literally said was that Ventus and Roxas have the exact same hairstyle. I never said anything about Sora or Vanitas.

You do know what an example is right?


You're just dodging the main argument by sidetracking into another

No. Ventus' heart is inside of Roxas which shaped him to look like Ventus. If Ventus' heart was not inside of Roxas, then Roxas would look like Sora.


Do you have any confirmation for that?


I don't recall a single interview,Ultimania segment or even the games saying Ventus's heart was inside Roxas


It's really still inside Sora which explains the dual wielding(Cuz by KH logic you gotta be a chthulu with multiple hearts to use a second sword)


The whole haircut thing is nonsense especially since most Organization members have different haircuts compared to their human counterpart like Xaldin who's haircut looks nothing like Dilan

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You do know what an example is right?


You're just dodging the main argument by sidetracking into another


No I'm not. Here's my original quote for the sake of convenience.


Except Ven and Roxas have exactly the same hairstyle so that's not an accurate distinction. 


And by the way, there's a distinction between you giving an example, and you assuming as to how I think (in which you participated in the latter).


By your definition Vanitas then would be Sora cuz he had the same exact hair cut as his future design except black


There's no argument, you just mis-interpreted my initial response to you.


The whole haircut thing is nonsense especially since most Organization members have different haircuts compared to their human counterpart like Xaldin who's haircut looks nothing like Dilan


Dilan doesn't have a different hairstyle, his dreadlocks are in a ponytail. They're exactly the same length.

Edited by Guest

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What? It's been posted here on this site 50000 times and I know I've posted this to you before many times. ok then: http://kh-info-block.tumblr.com/tagged/BBSNom1


1: Why do Roxas and Ventus look alike?

Because inside Sora, which is Roxas’ body, is Ventus’s heart. 

As was shown in the opening to BbS and the ending to Last Episode, Sora 
and Ventus’s hearts are linked. And so Roxas, who is a part of
 Sora, was affected by that link and looks just like Ventus.

 When Sora was born into the world, he linked with Ventus and filled in his 
fractured heart. Many years later, when Ventus was on the verge of
 disappearing after his fight with Vanitas, Sora took him into his own

2: Why did Roxas faint in Castle Oblivion on Day 297?

Because he had gotten too close to both Sora and Ventus, his “real self”.

 Before Day 297 in Days Sora had been to Castle Oblivion, as well as the
 fact that Ventus is asleep somewhere in the Chamber of Waking. Both
 Sora and Ventus can be called Roxas’s “real selves”, and when he felt 
their presence it made him faint.

3: Is it possible that Roxas has a heart?

It is thought that it could be Ventus’s heart.

 In KHIIFM there were clues to him having a heart, and in Days we saw
 Roxas crying–proof that he could have a heart. As was said in Q1, he 
has taken a lot of himself from Ventus. But perhaps when Sora and Roxas
 were separated, Ventus’s heart stayed in Roxas?

4: Why can Roxas dual-wield?

Because he can use both Sora’s and Ventus’s Keyblades.

 Sora can wield two Keyblades at once because he has Ventus’s as well as
 his own. As Roxas is a part of Sora, he also can use two. In Days, Roxas
 awakened his ability to dual-wield after fighting Xion. In KHII, once
 Sora absorbed Roxas, he could also dual-wield. Roxas awoke his ability to dual-wield through his will to not forget Xion, who also wielded a Keyblade.

Question 3: But Sora wasn't in Castle Oblivion at the time.

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Question 3: But Sora wasn't in Castle Oblivion at the time.


Sora was at Castle Oblivion at the time. Him being there was half the reason Roxas fainted on Day 297; as the quote from Tetsuya Nomura states.


Sora was later moved to Twilight Town in an identical room within the mansion.




—Was the Mansion in Twilight Town a property of the XIII Organization?

Nomura: No, they have nothing to do with it. It’s just a place DiZ used as his hideout. You saw a lot of pods like the one Sora was in but DiZ just transfered Sora and the others along with their pods from Castle Oblivion. In other words, DiZ just copied the pods that were created by the Organization and lined them up (in the Mansion). The reason there’s a room in the Mansion that looks exactly like Castle Oblivion’s was just prepared for Namine, not because that space is connected to Castle Oblivion.


Edited by Master Eraqus

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Question 3: But Sora wasn't in Castle Oblivion at the time.


Sora was at Castle Oblivion at the time. Him being there was half the reason Roxas fainted on Day 297; as the quote from Tetsuya Nomura states.


Sora was later moved to Twilight Town in the an identical room within the mansion.




—Was the Mansion in Twilight Town a property of the XIII Organization?

Nomura: No, they have nothing to do with it. It’s just a place DiZ used as his hideout. You saw a lot of pods like the one Sora was in but DiZ just transfered Sora and the others along with their pods from Castle Oblivion. In other words, DiZ just copied the pods that were created by the Organization and lined them up (in the Mansion). The reason there’s a room in the Mansion that looks exactly like Castle Oblivion’s was just prepared for Namine, not because that space is connected to Castle Oblivion.



Yep Master Eraqus and to add to that here's another Ultimania Interview talking about this:


 Roxas and Xion collapse several times in the story, is this because of Sora’s influence?

Nomura: Roxas has been existing closely with Sora from the start, and directly feels the influence of Sora’s present conditions. Afterwards that tendency appears in Xion too. The two of them are sharing Sora’s power, so if on the one hand one of them gains a lot of power, the other’s body weakens and they collapse. It’s a relationship that is only practical if kept perfectly in balance. (See list below.)

Roxas and Xion’s incidents

Day 26: Roxas faints

– In order for the changes in Sora’s memories to progress.

Day 74: Xion becomes unable to use the Keyblade

– As a counterbalance to the power absorbed when Roxas awakens.

Day 193: Xion, having been defeated by Heartless and gone to sleep, wakes up, then during a mission collapses, but soon gets up again.

– While she was asleep Sora’s memories continued to flow into Roxas. Due to the memories being reconnected.

Day 297: Roxas faints

– A result of going to Castle Oblivion, where Sora is sleeping, and getting too close to his “true form”.

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Sora was at Castle Oblivion at the time. Him being there was half the reason Roxas fainted on Day 297; as the quote from Tetsuya Nomura states.


Sora was later moved to Twilight Town in the an identical room within the mansion.




—Was the Mansion in Twilight Town a property of the XIII Organization?

Nomura: No, they have nothing to do with it. It’s just a place DiZ used as his hideout. You saw a lot of pods like the one Sora was in but DiZ just transfered Sora and the others along with their pods from Castle Oblivion. In other words, DiZ just copied the pods that were created by the Organization and lined them up (in the Mansion). The reason there’s a room in the Mansion that looks exactly like Castle Oblivion’s was just prepared for Namine, not because that space is connected to Castle Oblivion.


That makes no sense! I'm pretty sure that Sora, Donald, and Goofy were moved to the mansion by the time Roxas arrived at Castle Oblivion. Remember, there was a short cutscene of DiZ and Namine approaching the mansion.

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That makes no sense! I'm pretty sure that Sora, Donald, and Goofy were moved to the mansion by the time Roxas arrived at Castle Oblivion. Remember, there was a short cutscene of DiZ and Namine approaching the mansion.


These interviews are Nomura's words himself=canon.



If Roxas had the heart of Ventus, it turned out that he could not "grow" his heart? This allows you to return to new parts of the KH (if, of course, he never returns)


Roxas can harbor Ven's sleeping/inactive heart and still grow his own heart- after all, his heart ( Sora walking heart form) was still separated from him therefore allowing his body to grow another heart. Ven's heart was just seeking refuge but did not belong there.

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That makes no sense! I'm pretty sure that Sora, Donald, and Goofy were moved to the mansion by the time Roxas arrived at Castle Oblivion. Remember, there was a short cutscene of DiZ and Namine approaching the mansion.

That cutscene shows that DiZ and Namine moved to the mansion on Day 95, but had yet to transfer Sora, Donald and Goofy.


These are quotes from Tetsuya Nomura, the director and writer of the series. His words are, as HarLea said, canon.

Edited by Master Eraqus

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That cutscene shows that DiZ and Namine moved to the mansion on Day 95, but had yet to transfer Sora, Donald and Goofy.


These are quotes from Tetsuya Nomura, the director and writer of the series. His words are, as HarLea said, canon.

Oh yeah? What about when he said Ansem SoD is the one who sent Kairi to Destiny Islands, but then it turned out that it was because of a charm Aqua cast on her?

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