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Epic Wins in Fights (real life)

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Despite what people try to say, violence sometimes has to be the answer.



In 8th Grade, me and this short asian-white kid who thought he was a mexican gangster (I don't know why I hung out with him. He was half Chinese and half German yet he kept claiming to be Mexican.) were just hanging out and he accidentally bumped his shoe into this one obnoxious kid I knew and unfortunately still know (Talked about him in the Epic Win thread), and he went up to us trying to act all tough, and pushed me, then swung a punch (trust me - this kids punches are pathetic) and asked why we kicked him. We try to explain we didn't, he has a little pissy fit, so I push him over, he almost loses his balance and I spit on his face, then the other kid kicks him for real.


Later in the principals office, we were dragged in there. We told our story, and he began crying like crazy since he was the only one getting in trouble, then claimed that he was "sick". The only punishment me and the other kid got was not being able to be on that part of the school at break for like a week, and her sternly telling me "Don't spit, it's gross." Other kid got suspended IIRC.

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Lol, I remember when I used to get into fights all of the time in middle school. I actually broke a kids jaw during a fight, since I took karate. The kid tried to punch me, I dodged, and gave him a roundhouse kick to the face. Good times, good times.


Lol, you're scuffle is hilarious though. A spit to the face, a real slap to a persons pride. At least that kid got what was coming to him.

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I'm not exactly the tallest or biggest person you'll find, so I'm not really in that many fights, haha. x3


I take Tae-Kwon-Do with my brothers, and I will be getting my black belt third degree soon. (or I'm testing for it, at least)


We were sparring when I was practicing for red, so I was about eight. The geniuses paired me with a ten-year-old black belt. Gee, thanks. I got kicked really hard in the stomach, and started bawling. My dad finished the spar for me and kicked his butt. <8D

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Hmph, my memory is bad, but back in 6th grade I was dragged into the worst middle school imaginable for my city. I spent most of the year alone there, then made some friends, but I was also slowly being corrupted, I did not know my own strength (I was pretty strong for those amongst me), and so to make fights fair, I only used my two thumbs to attack. I threw precise hits on people with my thumbs that could make them bleed, bruise or crawl in agony. But then I found out I was turning into a bully and snapped out of it, now I am Geek once more. The school was filled with Gangsta wannabes and drugs.


Oh, and yesterday in high school, two mexicans got into a fight, one of them tossed a water bottle into the air and it landed plump on the other guy's head, knocking him to his back. Hilarious.

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I haven't been in many fights outside of Karate. Usually nothing gets dirty. The fights I have been in ended quickly because they were with asses who thought they were cool but really just wimps.


In 5th grade this one guy (who I have been enemies with since about 2nd grade) tried to steal my lunch box and it's contents. When I attempted to wrestle it out of his arms he pulled a wimpy move and kneed me in the balls. That was the first time I was ever hit there and it FREAKING HURT. I managed to get the lunchbox with what little strength I had left and I then pushed him into a wall. Not much of a fight but close enough.


In 8th grade another person always literally pushes me around and calls me some rather unkind things. I had enough of his crap so when he pushed me again I pushed him back much harder and he fell to the ground. As he got back up he tried to punch me in the face. I didn't panic, I simply pushed his arm out of the way right before it hit me and then I kicked him very hard in the chest which sent him flying into a locker. I was about to finish him off by demonstrating how to properly punch someone in the face but he looked very pathetic down there so I spared him. Needless to say he never pushed me again. He didn't even talk to me again.


That's it, surprisingly I never got caught with these things. Mostly because they happened so quickly and there weren't any adults around nearby.

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I take Martial Arts and I am a black belt. Anyways, one time, (this happened about 2-3 weeks ago) I was in this after school day care center, this dude was trashtalking me how much I sucked at basketball and how much my basketball team sucked. I got really pissed off and started kicking him and pushing him. The counseler pulled the kid aside and started to scold him. They never talked to me lol.

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I have a story, a year ago back in 8th grade this tub of lard jack ass was making fun of me in the locker room,

We have a history cause he pretty much ruined my 7th grade year, with his insults and i came from a catholic school before the public school so I wouldn't be prepared, oh and I have asspergers so that might be a factor...

So anyways

He was making fun of me calling me a girl or something like he always does, and he pissed me off enough that I pushed him five feet into the lockers. Everyone watched, and then our gym teacher broke it up, and later talked about how 8th grade football(Which I hated) helped me out a little.

Some of my buddies were talking about it from weeks on end, on how awesome it was cause the dude I pushed was like 300lb and could lift like 200lb while I benched maybe 140lb. Not to mention it felt freakin awesome.

And I didn't get into any trouble whatsoever.

And thats the story I wanted to share.

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Happened yesterday. <8D


Me and this other girl in my grade, Hailey, are very competative. Everything between us is a race or competition of some sort. Not in a friendly way, either--we hate each other.


Gym was over and we were supposed to go back inside, but we decided to race each other across the street and back. We were running and were pretty much even, when she shoved me. I fell over and twisted my ankle, and couldn't get back up. When she started running back, she made a face at me, and I threw out my arm and tripped her. We started flailing until the gym teacher came over to pull us apart. My ankle isn't broken, but it's badly sprained, according to the doctor. Because of that, she was suspended. 8)

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