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Green Sparrow

KH 15th Anniversary 1st Quarter Report Card

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Based on Square's comments regarding Final Fantasy's anniversary, they seem to prefer a yearlong celebration, as opposed to a single day. Since it seems the Kingdom Hearts series will be following a similar pattern, this is what I think of it so far. The time period covers the months of January, February, and March.

1st Quarter: B+

I think we've had a great beginning! With the release of 1.5 + 2.5, and 2.8, the entire series is now on one platform (PS4). The world tour has started and everyone seems to really be enjoying them. Unchained X updates and the Union Cross announcement were nice as well. There has also been a lot of new merchandise announced. The absence of KH3 winter announcements (and a general lack of communication), as well as there being little fanfare on the actual anniversary day itself are the only things that weigh down the grade for me.

What do you guys think? If you had to grade Square on how they've managed the KH 15th anniversary so far, what would you give them?

Edited by James Lutz

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I'd go 6.5/10. This because of the KHIII announcements were not made. If you announce something you gotta be sure to do it. On the other hand the release of practically all the games and a bit more on the PS4 is absolutely great! Also the new story developing with the recently announced KH Union X (cross) seems really interesting and also seems to connect that era with the current era so... yeah pretty exciting.


It has been a good first quarter but it could've been better.


Zaz! :P

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Yeah, I'd give it a B as well! Like you said, James, we've had a great start to the 15th Anniversary year of the Kingdom Hearts series! We now have access to all of the Xehanort Saga on the PS4, and we've gotten a healthy stream of information frequently regarding various things about the series, ranging from the TV show plans to the merchandise, to the KH III screenshot and concert exclusive backstories, and so on! Even though we didn't get anything Kingdom Hearts III related on the Anniversary day of the series, I'm not too upset about it, because there's been enough happening that I'm not disappointed, ya know? With 1.5+2.5 here now, and with Union X coming closely behind, the road is clear for Kingdom Hearts III, and I can't wait to see what awaits us ahead! I hope we'll get more info in the coming months! Here's to hoping! <3


I'm getting the feeling E3 is going to be like it was in 2015: an explosive reveal of Kingdom Hearts III news! :D

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