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YenPress and Kingdom Hearts Publications

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I noticed that YenPress is not really doing a good robin publishing the Kingdom Hearts manga and novel series.

While it is great that they do publish the books in the first place, I wish they would treat the series with more respect.


In the print versions they did not print any of the color pages that were supposed to come with the books.


They recently released electronic versions of the manga series in December.

However, these releases were full of editing errors, distorted images and wrong formatting.

Comixology is the only portal that allows a full read of all the books.

Amazon Kindle is still missing images in their versions and iBooks -to this day- is missing volume 2 of the Days series while all other books are available.


The first novel had a scheduled release this week but never appeared on any of the announced platforms or providers.


Future manga and novel releases are scheduled but with the current treatment YenPress is giving the series, I am concerned we might never see any more publication in the series.



I tried to contact Amazon, Comixology and iTunes on the matter but they say that it is up to YenPress to fix the issues and rerelease the missing volumes.


I sent countless emails to YenPress and their press count and contacted them through social media but have not received a single response.



Is there any way we could contact YenPress through a post on this site or a tweet or something to draw attention to the lack of respect and quality YenPress is delivering? I am sick paying full prize for half-hearted releases. I wish Disney could publish the series directly through their own publication media but Disney is still not sure how to treat Kingdom Hearts (as even a digital release of the original soundtracks is out of the question at this point, as I inquired through Walt Disney Records).



Any thoughts on this?

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