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Neon Sunset

A possible interaction between Ventus and Vanitas?

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Background info: The first thing that comes to mind is Naruto, where he "knocks some sense" into many of the villains he faces.


Given that, this might sound like a cliche, and it probably really is, but do you guys think it would be possible that in KH III we might to see a cutscene with Ventus attempting to knock some sense into Vanitas, to return to his heart or something along those lines? Maybe that is how he will wake up in the end?

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It would be kind of awesome but i doubt it Everything that vanitas is is pure evil from someones heart than again it is a universe full of magic and wonder so a small fraction of light mayd be enough to ignite a fire to make him human

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I know he is pure darkness/evil, but what if he is possession of the x-blade again?


Remember when Aqua was fighting Vanitas/Ven, and he said, "His heart has become a part of mine now", couldn't the same work the other way around?


I am saying that because I assume Vanitas might be in possession of the x-blade again, in which Ventus will have his heart destroyed AGAIN if he is defeated, so I'm not sure if defeating Vanitas will solve anything.

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Considering how it seems much more likely that they would just pull Vanitas from time before he re-fuses with Ven, I don't think there would be much need for an awakened Ventus to "knock some sense" into Vanitas to get him to return to his heart as this Ventus would already have a complete heart. Unless they were seriously willing to separate him into two people again, but I feel like that would just be contrived and a big waste of that time travel gimmick you just came up with. I mean, the idea of an anti-hero Vanitas does sound pretty cool, but I don't think we would get it through that direct of a method, if at all.

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Well, since Vanitas is a part of Ventus's heart, after all, it's not out of the realm of possibility that we might see Ventus trying to reason with Vanitas, trying to bring him over to the side of the light! I mean, obviously, I'm sure Vanitas would refuse Ventus outright and call him a weakling, but during the course of the game, I could see Vanitas starting to see things differently, and maybe near the end of the game, Vanitas gets all anti-hero on Xehanort and goes against him! That'd be badass! :D

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You know, in a way Vanitas reminds me of Red X (from Teen Titans). I don't know why...


Anyway, I think it would be cool if SE decided to pull a Red X on Vanitas. Vanitas is the perfect character for a "villain to anti-hero" story arc. I could see him serving whichever side he benefits from more. Heck, if the novels were actually fully canon, they could easily use his backstory help flesh this out.


Just a thought...

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You know, in a way Vanitas reminds me of Red X (from Teen Titans). I don't know why...


Anyway, I think it would be cool if SE decided to pull a Red X on Vanitas. Vanitas is the perfect character for a "villain to anti-hero" story arc. I could see him serving whichever side he benefits from more. Heck, if the novels were actually fully canon, they could easily use his backstory help flesh this out.


Just a thought...

Probably the outfit.



Also, listen to this my good sirs and madams




There are no coincidences in Kingdom Hearts. There is some rather obvious foreshadowing putting 'THAT' into a song called Heroes and Heroine Melodies.


Vanitas is probably gonna be an Anti-Hero he realizes he's nothing but a pawn to Xehanort and goes against him and that means working with the Guardians of Light.

Edited by TheKeyofRose

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Probably the outfit.



Also, listen to this my good sirs and madams




There are no coincidences in Kingdom Hearts. There is some rather obvious foreshadowing putting 'THAT' into a song called Heroes and Heroine Melodies.


Vanitas is probably gonna be an Anti-Hero he realizes he's nothing but a pawn to Xehanort and goes against him and that means working with the Guardians of Light.

Haha, that's neat! I didn't even hear this one yet. I guess I was onto something :)

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Ventus's heart has already been made whole again by Sora so I don't believe it's possible for Vanitas to be fused back into it.

What Vanitas did in the Keyblade graveyard, I believe was more of a possession much like Ansem/Riku than a fusion. 


I do find it a poetic prospect to have Ventus mirror image on Vanitas the very attempt which resulted in Vanitas's creation, to convince him to open himself to the light as Xehanort had attempted to convince Ventus to open himself to the darkness which was manifested as Vanitas.

It's entirely plausible particularly now that Ventus's heart is pure. 


Whether or not it's possible for the light to effect Vanitas is another story. He comes off as a sociopath to me, he seemed to have no reservation at all about leaving Ventus for dead on Destiny Islands or violating and destroying him from the inside to forge the x-blade.  


Question: I'm currently in Radiant Gardens in Ventus's chapter of BBS and so far he's seemed unaware of who Vanitas is. Which makes sense because he was sent into a coma when Vanitas was extracted from him but does he find out before being sent into his second coma? It did seem like it when he appeared in Aqua's POV of the Keyblade Graveyard but if he were to try to appeal to Vanitas without knowing who he is that would just be even more epic. 

Edited by FinalRest

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