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The good old days of KH YouTube

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Does anyone else have nostalgia for 2006-2009 YouTube where 99% of every KH video was Yaoi related? Ah, good times. Even serious videos like BBS theories had at least one gay joke in them.

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I miss when everyone uploads the KH secret movie as the trailer for KH3 because everyone thought somehow Aqua was Kairi, Terra was Riku and Ventus was Roxas.

People also thought Aqua was Kairi's mom and Terra was Sora's dad xD

pepperidge farm remembers :D yea the secret ending was a nice troll talk about playing with expectations. I also love how in 2006-2009 a video with "insert popular sad music here" counted as the high end of quality video making. 

Edited by Dustin Lübbers

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you said "good" old days right?



i only remember seeing the secret endings uploaded and being titled "KINGDOM HEARTS 3 TRAILER: THE KEYBLADE WAR"


also a theory video right before BBS was released that suggested Terra was Apprentice Xehanort. i watched it and was like "whup....hope i didn't just spoil anything."


other than that lots of AMVs. some good, some not so good. 

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Oh geez. Can't believe you dug up this ancient gem. I used to watch this all the time back in the day.  xP


Lol, yeah, it's a classic! And then there's those Kingdom Hearts Abridged videos too, those were pretty funny as well! :D

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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Does anyone else have nostalgia for 2006-2009 YouTube where 99% of every KH video was Yaoi related? Ah, good times. Even serious videos like BBS theories had at least one gay joke in them.

during 2006-2009 I was 6-9 years old and I never even heard of Kingdom Hearts or Youtube before



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