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New member from the Netherlands

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Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay here.


As for your theory, you can always use Google Translate if for whatever reason you can't find anybody. Just be sure proof read it to make sure it makes sense as these computer translators aren't that great.

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Hello there friend, and welcome to the wonderful world of KH13! I hope that you enjoy yourself being a member of this amazing community, and I hope you'll enjoy your stay! Wow, the Netherlands, huh? You know, I've always liked the name of that country! It sounds so mystical, like something out of a fantasy novel! :D


And well, as for your theory, I hope you can be able to get it translated! I don't speak or know how to read Dutch, so I wouldn't be of much help translating. X3


But anyways, as with all newcomers, my pet bunny shall devour your soul! :3





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Hey guys, 


Thanks for the warm welcome! Nice to meet you all. My theory is ready. I've posted it in the KH3 forumsection (I hope I did it right, hahaha). I've tried to translate the theory myself, So I hope it is understandable. It is a really really really really long one, but a good one I think. 


Please check it out if you like!



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Welcome! I hope you enjoy it here- it's pretty laid back if I do say so myself. And your English is extremely good! I would have never guessed. 
I'm also excited for your theory ;)

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