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Will they return in the Next Saga?

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As we all know there are some Organization members that have not made a return in the KH games since KH2:
- Demyx
- Luxord
- Marluxia
- Larxene

I really find it strange that they never been mention in the other games. Not even in Dream Drop Distance when everyone became Somebody's again. If they are were one of the Black Coat guys in the End Game of Dream Drop Distance. Why not show the faces? Why being so mysterious about that?


This really makes me wonder if it's possible that they will be return in the Next Saga. Kingdom hearts IV  instead of Kingdom Hearts 3. 




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They might be complete people again.


I doubt any of them especially Larxene are the other true members of the 13 SoD. Marluxia perhaps might be one of them. But I just doubt because members like Marluxia and Larxene were trying to use Sora to overthrow the Organization, thus betrayal. Luxord and Demyx (especially Demyx) I guess they were inadequate as well of what Xenmas said to Sora. Of what they did caused them to not deemed worthy of being Norted.


Those other 6 are all guys. They were all sitting the same.


As for them coming back in the next saga, I don't really know.

Edited by RikuFangirl2008

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If not as actual villains, I think that these guys would have a small time appearance on original worlds that the main cast goes to. I personally would like to see all of them hanging out randomly in a shop with no real purpose except to be an Easter Egg to make a joke at how they've been "out of work" for years.

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I am first and  of all more interested in what overall idea is going to be for the next saga we had a villian who was seeking the darkness now what? were do you go from there? Maybe what they could do Is to create a character that is like riku someone who starts good and is best friends with the main character but than gets slowly corrupted and they go through with it meaning he stays evil and is the major villain for the rest of the saga. 


I also want to see a grown up sora, not right away but maybe in the second game something like donald and goofy or yen sid going "you still have to learn a lot but there is someone who can help. and than we visit an upgraded version of destiny island that looks and feels like the after credits scene in Uncharted 4 maybe sora also has a couple of kids which is the reason why he could not help during the first game ooooh so many awesome possibilities! :D

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Well in the grand scheme of things, they may not have been as significant as Ansem's original 6 apprentices were. Really the only new additions that were worth focusing on were Isa, Lea, and Sora/Roxas. Everyone else seemed to either be too weak or not trustworthy enough to be considered for the new Org. But then again, it's not like we never saw them. For all we know they might actually be some of the remaining members of the new Org who haven't revealed their faces yet. I mean in KH3, we already know we get to fight Nobodies again, and the one they showed off seemed to be very heavily flower-inspired, and there's really only one former Org member that fits that bill. But again, the indication seemed to be that Marluxia just wasn't trustworthy enough for the new Organization, he may even be able to resist Xehanort's influence with his own will like Terra can. But why else would there be a seemingly Marluxia-led Nobody to fight in this new adventure? I guess it could just be because Xemnas has command over all Nobodies and is just now deciding to use every force in his arsenal, but then why wouldn't Nomura just come out and say that straight away, it wouldn't really be giving away too much if he did.


Anyway, my point here is that since these guys were new recruits, who they were before becoming Nobodies may not have been that significant in the grand scheme of things when you compare against the original 6-8 members from Radiant Garden. There might be signs that point at them returning in some form or another in KH3, but even if they don't, I'm confident that we may end up seeing them again at some point in the series, since while they don't factor in that much story-wise, they still have a decent fan-following, and of course the end goal of any Organization XIII fan is to finally find out just what everyone's original name was anyway and what they were doing before getting thrown into Xehanort's mess. Answers will come, but how soon? Hard to say, guess we'll have to wait.

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i wouldn't want Nomura to try and force them into the game just for the sake of having them. he ought to just keep the ones who are relevant to the story.


KH4 ought to be completely stand alone from this current saga so any new fans can come in and not be blindsided by plot points they missed. 

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As we all know there are some Organization members that have not made a return in the KH games since KH2:

- Demyx

- Luxord

- Marluxia

- Larxene


I really find it strange that they never been mention in the other games. Not even in Dream Drop Distance when everyone became Somebody's again. If they are were one of the Black Coat guys in the End Game of Dream Drop Distance. Why not show the faces? Why being so mysterious about that?


This really makes me wonder if it's possible that they will be return in the Next Saga. Kingdom hearts IV  instead of Kingdom Hearts 3. 






Well, I think it's possible that they just wanted to keep their identities a surprise for III.  Or simply that there wasn't a place for them in 3D - everyone from Xehanort to Lea apparently lost their Hearts in Ansem's Lab (by the way, still want to here the story of what Lea and Isa were doing there), so I presume the others lost their Hearts elsewhere.


They might be complete people again.


I doubt any of them especially Larxene are the other true members of the 13 SoD. Marluxia perhaps might be one of them. But I just doubt because members like Marluxia and Larxene were trying to use Sora to overthrow the Organization, thus betrayal. Luxord and Demyx (especially Demyx) I guess they were inadequate as well of what Xenmas said to Sora. Of what they did caused them to not deemed worthy of being Norted.


Those other 6 are all guys. They were all sitting the same.


As for them coming back in the next saga, I don't really know.


Honestly, I think Luxord has the best chance - he was one of the last members standing, after all.  Also, I believe the trailer from E3 2015 had one of the chess pieces Xehanort was using decorated with a pair of dice?  That might be indicative of something.  Plus, I think Nomura said that he was his favorite Organization member.


Marluxia might be in too - Nobodies that bare a pretty strong resemblance to him also appear in that same trailer.  Now, he was ​a traitor, so one might think that he wouldn't be up for consideration...but he was undeniably powerful, and it's not like Sora was a willing candidate either.  Maybe he'd join if they, ah...broke him in a little.


I think the appearance of those Nobodies makes it likely that he'll show up, though, or at least be referenced somehow.


Ikr. Probably Emyd.


Luxord would be Lurdo

Larxene > Arlene

Marluxia > Lumaria


Eh, personally, I'd hope for something a little more...creative for Larxene?  Like Relena, maybe?  Or Ernela?  Something that didn't just move the "L" around, I guess.


My personal guesses:


Demyx > Myde (though Emyd's good too)

Luxord > Rolud (although it's worth noting that "ludo" is apparently Latin for "I play".  Maybe "Ludor", then?)

Marluxia > Imalar (I don't think I've heard this one before)

Larxene > Relena or Ernela


Anyway, I would actually if they did ​make an effort to find some way to include these guys.  Not to the detriment of the story, mind you, but I'd like them to be included, if only to fill in the blanks in regards to them.  I at least want to know what their names were.

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Well, I think it's possible that they just wanted to keep their identities a surprise for III.  Or simply that there wasn't a place for them in 3D - everyone from Xehanort to Lea apparently lost their Hearts in Ansem's Lab (by the way, still want to here the story of what Lea and Isa were doing there), so I presume the others lost their Hearts elsewhere.



Honestly, I think Luxord has the best chance - he was one of the last members standing, after all.  Also, I believe the trailer from E3 2015 had one of the chess pieces Xehanort was using decorated with a pair of dice?  That might be indicative of something.  Plus, I think Nomura said that he was his favorite Organization member.


Marluxia might be in too - Nobodies that bare a pretty strong resemblance to him also appear in that same trailer.  Now, he was ​a traitor, so one might think that he wouldn't be up for consideration...but he was undeniably powerful, and it's not like Sora was a willing candidate either.  Maybe he'd join if they, ah...broke him in a little.


I think the appearance of those Nobodies makes it likely that he'll show up, though, or at least be referenced somehow.



Eh, personally, I'd hope for something a little more...creative for Larxene?  Like Relena, maybe?  Or Ernela?  Something that didn't just move the "L" around, I guess.


My personal guesses:


Demyx > Myde (though Emyd's good too)

Luxord > Rolud (although it's worth noting that "ludo" is apparently Latin for "I play".  Maybe "Ludor", then?)

Marluxia > Imalar (I don't think I've heard this one before)

Larxene > Relena or Ernela


Anyway, I would actually if they did ​make an effort to find some way to include these guys.  Not to the detriment of the story, mind you, but I'd like them to be included, if only to fill in the blanks in regards to them.  I at least want to know what their names were.

I was think this:

Marluxia -> Lumaria

Larxene -> Larena

Demyx -> Yemd possibly

Luxord -> Lorud?


Anyways to answer the question, I think we probably will see these four as humans in KH3, but not in the next saga.

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Well, I think that it depends on what the next "saga" is.  We have no idea what that could possibly entail.  What - and who - would still appear, and what wouldn't?  And if those things didn't reappear...well, I suppose the question would be where exactly they went.


Also, I'm afraid "Larena" doesn't work - "Larxene" only has one A.  "Lerena" or "Lerane" work fine, though.

Edited by seerofmind

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Well, I'm with the mindset that we'll get to see the remaining Organization's Sombodies in Kingdom Hearts III, and I'd like to believe that there is where we'd see them! But realistically speaking, if they don't make it into the game, then sure, they could appear in the next saga, either as continuing to be villains, or perhaps even ending up as allies!  As for their names, I'd think of something along the lines of:

  • Demyx: Emyd
  • Larxene: Arlene
  • Luxord: Rould
  • Marluxia: Aruliam 

Whether or not we'll see them again still remains to be seen, but I'd love to believe that we'll come upon them again soon! :D

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