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Miku Hatsune

A Lesson In Romantics~OHSHC Roleplay SHOUNEN AI (1x1 w/ Zexion/Ienzo)

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Nekozawa blinked as he was put onto the floor, Yuuki lingering over him. He hesitated for a moment but took a hold of the teen's collar, pulling him down non-demandingly as there lips met, Nekozawa's moving against his carefully, almost timidly. Which we all know he really isn't but, y'know.

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Kyouya sighed, pushing up his glasses gently. He clicked away on his laptop, working on the Host Club's finances. Tamaki really went overtime on his plan this time...

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(Lets do it!! >:U)


Tamaki was busy Flirting with one of his customers. His usual deal; calling them 'princess' and giving them roses and whatnot. All that great stuff. Yuuki watched, mildly uninterested as he sucked gently on a lollipop.

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Kyouya rolled his eyes before shutting his laptop. He'd have to do this later in a less stressful environment, without girls cooing over the Host. He stood next to Yuuki, a hand on his hips.

"So, what brings you here?"

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"I dunno. I just am." He shrugged, watching as girl after girl melted over Tamaki. Some would faint and others would swoon. And Yuuki chuckled. He'd never be able to do that.

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(Yeah Yuuki, that's why Jade is alwayys clinging to you >_> You're a blind man...xD)


Kyouya raised an eyebrow, chuckling as he watched Tamaki charm the ladies. What did he expect? He was their best seller.

"Really? I'm surprised your little friend isn't around. You two are rarely ever apart." Kyouya admitted nonchalantly, taking of his glasses to clean them.

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Kyouya paused turning to look coolly at Yuuki.

"No. I simply charm women into buying our franchise, nothing more." He stated putting on his glasses. "Didn't think she was a touchy subject. You really should control your temper a bit more."

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"Go have buttsex with Tamaki." He huffed, walking off to go get some sushi or something. He didn't really mean what he said, but whatever. He was angry and craving food.

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Kyouya was clearly shocked by the statement, but brushed it off. Looking at the time he sighed and clapped his hands.

"Ladies, its break time we'll be open after lunch later today. Do come back." He asked in fake kindness, putting on a charming smile. He had perfected it by now.

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Kyouya raised an eyebrow at the blond, frowning, as he tapped his foot impatiently.

"You." He shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Do you have any idea how much the expenses are for the ball you're planning tomorrow night?" He questioned, irritation showing.


(This is connected to The HikaruxKaoru one, just throwin' it out there.)

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Kyouya narrowed his eyes, hitting Tamaki lightly over the head.

"It's enough for me to buy your mansion." He said pointedly, taking a deep breath. "You're lucky I'm the finance advisor here." He admitted with a small smile. After examining Tamaki he turned. "C'mon, let's get some food."

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Kyouya shrugged, heading to the cafeteria reserved to the Host Club.

"I'm not sure. So," He turned to look at Tamaki. "Why is it you keep around that little dog Yuuki? He's not good for the guests."

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Kyouya was composed enough to hide his angry blush and push up his glasses.

"Of course not. I'm merely pointing it out that he doesn't do anything for the club. In fact, its a pain to pay him. We could easily get the school committee to do it for free." He stated, trying to get away from his jealousy and get onto the topic/excuse of money. Besides, he wasn't the only one jealous of Tamaki.

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